Re: Simple Choreography composition suggestion

Both are in the requirements spreadsheet.

On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 07:40  pm, Yaron Y. Goland wrote:

> I see two different requirements here, both of which I believe WS-Chor 
> must
> meet.
> The first requirement is to support hierarchy (awful word I know). This
> enables one to specify a choreography as being made up of other 
> choreography
> components. This requirement is critical for re-use and I expect the 
> ability
> to re-use choreography components will be one of the biggest value adds
> WS-Chor will provide as it will give choreography developers easy 
> access to
> ready made (and tested) libraries of choreographies to re-use.
> The second requirement is to support multi-party global view. The 
> classic
> example is the travel scenario where the traveler sends a request to 
> the
> travel agency who sends a request to the airline who sends a 
> confirmation to
> the traveler. In order to validate that the system will work properly
> end-to-end it is necessary to be able to model all the states of all 
> the
> participants and how they change due to externally visible behavior. 
> If we
> break the description up into three separate choreographies (Traveler 
> to
> Travel Agency, Travel Agency to Airline and Airline to Traveler) then 
> we
> lose the connection between the states and so cannot properly validate 
> that
> the system will work.
> This then leads to a third requirement, segmentation. Segmentation 
> allows us
> to take a multi-party global view and break it up into pieces which 
> only
> contain a sub-set of the parties. For example, at run time we probably 
> only
> want to feed the travelers software the choreography information for
> communications with the travel agency and from the airline. There is no
> point in programming it with information about the travel agencies
> communications with the airline as none of this will be visible at run 
> time
> to the traveler.
> Segmentation is also very important for validating choreographies who 
> have
> components that are not necessarily intended to be shared with all the
> involved parties. For example, the travel agency may explicitly not 
> want to
> share the choreography of how it communicates with the airline with the
> customer as this could reveal proprietary information. The travel 
> agency
> still needs a multi-party global view in order to validate its own 
> behavior
> but in the end it will use segmentation to 'break off' the pieces of 
> the
> choreography relevant to the traveler and just send those pieces to the
> traveler.
> 		Yaron
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> []On Behalf Of Fletcher, Tony
>> Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 4:38 AM
>> To: Cummins, Fred A;
>> Subject: RE: Simple Choreography composition suggestion
>> Dear Fred and others,
>> OK, I think we are probably agreed then actually.
>> I agree that this group should not be concerned with the internal
>> implementation of a 'node'.  I also agree that there will be many
>> occasions were one just wants to focus on an A - B relationship and 
>> any
>> other relationships that A and B might have are not of concern.  The
>> WS-Chor language should be applicable in that case.  But I also wanted
>> to make sure we were not limiting ourselves to that case and that the
>> language we produce will be able to express relationships between 
>> (sub-)
>> choreographies that can be viewed as an overall choreography.
>> Maybe somewhat heretically for this group, I am not sure that
>> concentration on Web Service is actually that helpful for us at 
>> present.
>> We will get to that when we come to answer the question 'How does this
>> message / interaction get sent?'  For the moment I think we should 
>> focus
>> on the sequencing of interactions between roles / parties (nodes) and
>> the triggering of one (sub-)choreography by another.
>> Best Regards     Tony
>> A M Fletcher
>> Cohesions  (TM)
>> Business transaction management software for application coordination
>> Choreology Ltd., 13 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2JX     UK
>> Tel: +44 (0) 20 76701787   Fax: +44 (0) 20 7670 1785  Mobile: +44 (0)
>> 7801 948219
>>     (Home:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Cummins, Fred A
>> Sent: 16 July 2003 17:24
>> To: Fletcher, Tony;
>> Subject: RE: Simple Choreography composition suggestion
>> Tony,
>> My assertion is based on a concern that the scope of
>> choreograpy not creep into the specification of implementation of
>> services but stop at the interfaces.  In the example, as I indicated,
>> incorporating the detail of B's use of C within the choreography 
>> between
>> B and A restricts the design options
>> of B, i.e., breaks encapsulation.
>> However, I can conceive of a situation where it might be necessary to
>> impose this restriction as where there is a requirement that B use C,
>> and that there be a specific ordering of messages so that C does not
>> receive a request that is misleading about the state of A.  This might
>> be a contractual obligation.  In such a circumstance, the choreography
>> might express the relationships between the A-B choreograpy and the 
>> B-C
>> choreograpy.
>> This does further restrict the behavior of B, but does not define its
>> implementation, per se.  It reflects a
>> relationship between A and C that is not expressed in
>> the choreography in terms of an exchange of messages.  I
>> suppose such a restriction might also be used within the B
>> enterprise to define a business constraint on the
>> relationship between B's interactions with A and C.
>> Fred
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Fletcher, Tony []
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 9:12 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: FW: Simple Choreography composition suggestion
>>> Dear Fred, Mike and others,
>>> I feel that Fred has made a very important intervention /
>>> assertion here
>>> and this seems to be supported by Mike (Champion) who wrote:
>>> "+1 This is
>>> the differentiator between "the O-word" and Choreography,
>>> +IMHO.
>>> Or as David Burdett put it, "The common thread in all these
>>> choreographies is the idea of exchanging information which results in
>>> a changes of state of the roles involved." Only those  parties who
>>> communicate directly in a manner that could cause state changes are
>>> engaged in a "choreography" IMHO. "
>>> I currently strongly disagree, but if others agree with this position
>>> then it changes my perception of Choreography very significantly.
>>> I agree with David's statement above - and also basically with the
>>> hierarchal composition idea that David is developing (where perhaps a
>>> message is the basic form of interaction, but we talk about an
>>> 'interaction', or something, which can itself be a choreography of
>>> 'interactions').
>>> The point I disagree with is the notion that something is not a
>>> Choreography if somewhere, at some level it involves 'orchestration'
>>> within a single system.  If we accept this notion / restriction it
>>> means that you can only have Choreographies involving exactly two
>>> parties where each party only plays a single role - we will not be
>>> able to have
>>> Choreographies with more than two parties / roles at all.
>>> Consider Figure 1 in the attached slide.  The 'order' choreography is
>>> one choreography (1) and the stock level another (2).  It seems to me
>>> that we would want to be able to compose these two together to form
>>> the overall choreography (3).  At some level of detail does this
>>> involve 'orchestration' within system B - of course it does, but that
>>> should not
>>> prevent us expressing the overall choreography.  I might not
>>> quite agree
>>> with Yaron, but I am not far from his view, so I think we
>>> need a 'light
>>> touch' as to how we express the fact that the receipt of an 'order'
>>> message acts as a 'trigger' for choreography (2) within B.
>>> Similarly with Figure 2 which illustrates a possibility rather than 
>>> an
>>> actual 'use case'.  System or Party P interacts with 3 other parties
>>> (/roles) Q, R and S according to the individual
>>> choreographies (4), (5)
>>> and (6).  We should be able to compose these into and overall
>>> choreography involving all 4 parties (/roles) - also compose
>>> intermediate choreographies of (4) + (5), and so on.  Again this will
>>> involve 'orchestration' (at P in this case), but our language
>>> will just
>>> express the messages (more generally 'interactions' or some such 
>>> name)
>>> and the sequencing between them.
>>> Best Regards     Tony
>>> A M Fletcher
>>> Cohesions  (TM)
>>> Business transaction management software for application coordination
>>> Choreology Ltd., 13 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2JX     UK
>>> Tel: +44 (0) 20 76701787   Fax: +44 (0) 20 7670 1785  Mobile: +44 (0)
>>> 7801 948219
>>>     (Home:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Cummins, Fred A []
>>> Sent: 15 July 2003 18:00
>>> To: Tony Fletcher;
>>> Subject: RE: Simple Choreography composition suggestion
>>> Tony,
>>> I do not consider your order-stock-leve composition to be a
>>> choreography
>>> composition, but rather the expansion of detail of the
>>> implementation of
>>> a
>>> service.  There is no direct interaction defined between A and C, and
>>> thus
>>> the relationship between the exchanges is determined internally by B.
>>> While
>>> one might use choreography to describe the behavior of B,
>>> that should be
>>> internal to B, and the use of C, should be hidden from A
>>> since there is
>>> no need to expose this detail, and it restricts the design
>>> options of B.
>>> In an earlier message, attached, I described a composition in which
>>> there is a relationship between the composite choreographies and
>>> associated parties.
>>> I agree with your composition (2), but it is fundamentally the same 
>>> as
>>> the composition depicted in my example.
>>> Fred
>>>  <<RE: Revised: Mission Statement>>
>>>>  -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: 	Tony Fletcher []
>>>> Sent:	Monday, July 14, 2003 11:08 AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject:	Simple Choreography composition suggestion
>>>>  << Message:  >>  << File: 2003-07-14_Composition.ppt >>
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Received on Friday, 18 July 2003 04:28:47 UTC