RE: Yet Another Choreography Specification

I never thought of it that way, but you are absolutely right!

You could say that a file stream or a datagram are processes that are passed
by name from one process (isolate) to another process (isolate). And of
course an isolate process could be passed by name to another isolate


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Miles Sabin
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 3:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Yet Another Choreography Specification
> Steve Ross-Talbot wrote,
> > I know Assaf has some experience of both pi and join calculus. I
> > could probably get Prof Robin Milner involved so that we can
> > understand more fully the relationship between the requirements that
> > we write down and the expressive power of pi-calculus. I am sure that
> > we would also be able to handle the blend of pi and PetriNets and
> > possibly show that one subsumes the other.
> Apologies in advance for the slightly off-topic content of the post.
> The Java Isolation API[1] currently being developed in the Java
> Community Process as JSR-121 and (hopefully) scheduled for inclusion in
> J2SE 1.5 has some distinctly Pi-ish aspects ... specifically the
> ability to pass communication channels across communication channels
> (ie. mobility).
> Whilst this isn't directly relevant to ws-chor, it's just possible that
> people could use it to get a flavour of Pi idioms without having to go
> through the learning curve that'd be needed to start working with one
> of the full-blown Pi-derived languages, eg. Pict[2] or Nomadic Pict[3].
> The motivation might also be of interest. We wanted to provide a high
> degree of communication flexibility between isolated computations with
> the minimum of API and supporting infrastructure. Mobility struck us as
> being close to ideal in that it allows for the construction of
> arbitrary communication topologies on the basis of a tiny number of
> very simple primitives.
> With any luck we'll have a reference implementation available for public
> download in the not too distant future (I've got to finish it first ;-)
> and if there's any interest, I'd be happy to post an announcement here.
> FWIW, Pete Soper (the EG lead) and I are hoping to present an informal
> paper on the relationships between JSR-121 and Pi to the workshop on
> "Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs" at ECOOP 2003.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Cheers,
> Miles

Received on Friday, 31 January 2003 13:23:10 UTC