W3C Choreography working group publishes requirements document


as promised (a little late due to holiday's in the sun) here is the uri 
for the W3C Web Services Choreography working groups Requirements 

I would like to point out that this is very much a heart beat 
publication. It is a *working draft* and so is in a continual state of 
change. Furthermore it is a living document that serves to guide the 
work of the working group so that we remain relevant to the business 
needs of the community that we serve.

Despite the caveats we are very much looking forward to comments from 
the Technical Committee in particular as it relates to the ways in 
which we can be complementary to the workings of both groups.

Best regards and thank you for your continued support.

Steve Ross-Talbot
co-chair W3C Web Services Choreography Working Group

pp Martin Chapman
co-chair W3C Web Services Choreography Working Group

Web Services Choreography Requirements             1.0

Received on Friday, 29 August 2003 06:56:48 UTC