RE: Choreography Definition Language for Web Services [was: Re: T he specs we need (was, RE: Correlation Requirements] !***!

This is a technical definition which we should observe as a minimum
of our efforts.  However, I believe we need to comprehend a business
which should not be locked into SOAP and HTTP unless that is the only way to
achieve a practical solution

-----Original Message-----
From: Ugo Corda []
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 1:36 PM
To: Cummins, Fred A
Subject: RE: Choreography Definition Language for Web Services [was: Re: T
he specs we need (was, RE: Correlation Requirements] !***!

For your reference, you can find the latest definition of a Web service, as
specified by the Web Services Architecture WG, at
<>  .

-----Original Message-----
From: Cummins, Fred A []
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 7:13 AM
To: Burdett, David; ''; 'Nickolas Kavantzas'
Cc: Cummins, Fred A; 'Keith Swenson'; 'Monica Martin'; 'Martin Chapman';
'Yves Lafon';; Ugo Corda;
Subject: RE: Choreography Definition Language for Web Services [was: Re: T
he specs we need (was, RE: Correlation Requirements] !***!

I agree with David's approach. I personally believe we should develop a
solution that has broad
application--it will survive longer and be more robust.  However, if you
want to constrain the
solution to "web services," you need to define what "web services" is/are.
are current implementations.  I expect this to evolve, and I expect there
will be other
techniques that should fit under the choreography and business process
specifications.  I 
am also concerned that I should be able to develop applications and define
business processes
that are independent of how their messages are exchanged--so they may use
"web services" 
or MOM, transparently.

Received on Friday, 22 August 2003 22:43:06 UTC