Re: Terminology - What is a process

Assaf said in response to JJ:

 >I know SQL and COBOL are severly limited and not quite useful in the 
business world.

Love it. LOL.

and he went on:

 >Still I would be willing to claim success if we get one choreography 
definition for every COBOL program or SQL statement used in an enterprise 
application. When we get to that >point, let's revisit the issue and ask 
where we've gone wrong ;-)

Indeed so. For the purpose of BPM is not to replace everything, but to 
include everything, and to describe everything, such that it can be 
and managed and integrated and customised and all the other BP management 
things we want to do ... and this emphasis lies at the heart of the matter 
for me.


Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2003 04:38:50 UTC