Issue: Language model

Dear Colleagues,

It seems to me that the  WS Choreography Model Overview published as a W3C
Working Draft dated 24 March 2004 contains material that is valuable for the
specification of the Choreography description language and I would therefore
like to raise an issue to permit the transference of this material into the
language specification.

Issue:  The specification should contain the basic underlying model of the
language.  The full model from section 3 of WS Choreography Model Overview
published as a W3C Working Draft dated 24 March 2004 should be added to the
Language specification.  I would suggest section 2.1 of the 3 April 04
editors draft or as a normative appendix.  The model should be in the form
of a UML class diagram (with possibly a set of more detailed ones).
Sufficient text should be added to describe each class and its relationship
with other classes.

As a separate issue it is suggested that the same full UML diagram is added
to the primer, but it is described with text of a more tutorial nature.  The
primer may be able to draw on more of the Model overview text.

Best Regards     Tony
A M Fletcher
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Received on Thursday, 8 April 2004 06:17:03 UTC