Initial thoughts on wire level messages (and bindings)

I had taken the todo of putting together some thoughts on the 3 forms of 
wire level messages:

1) one-way 
2) bindings for req/resp (async)
3) bindings for req/resp (async w/different transports).

I put it in the form of a presentation (to make it easier to walk 
through).  There are speaker notes (and/or clouds w/text), to try and get 
various points across.

We can use this as fodder, for futher discussion prior to Wednesday's call 
(or during Wednesday's call).

Regards... Greg

Greg Truty
WebSphere Architecture/Development,  IBM Austin
Phone:   (ext)  (512) 838-2828
                (Tie) 678-2828

Received on Friday, 28 January 2005 17:46:08 UTC