Re: Asynchronous calls

What you will get when using the WS-A implementations I'm aware of is an 
HTTP 202 indicating that the message was successfully received, and if 
there is a fault, the fault will be sent to the ReplyTo/FaultTo per WS-A 
Core. Anything over and above that in the direction you suggest isn't in 
any specification I'm aware of so you'd have to define that yourself and 
make your infrastructure support it (which isn't something I'd advise).

David Illsley
Web Services Development
MP211, IBM Hursley Park, SO21 2JN
+44 (0)1962 815049 (Int. 245049)

"GUILLON Benoit" <>
07/09/2007 01:58 PM
Asynchronous calls

I?m working on publishing long operations via WebServices: client sends a 
message via HTTP to my service which starts the long operation. Client 
gets the result later in a JMS queue or its own endpoint gets called with 
the response. To achieve this, I plan to use WS-Addressing for message 
correlation and reply-to endpoint definition. 
However, I want my service to return a first reply saying ?Ok I managed to 
start the long operation (or not and why)? in the HTTP response of 
client?s call whatever the ?reply-to? field was. 
I was wondering if this use-case was still compliant with WS-Addressing or 
if it was a bad use of ?reply-to?.
Best regards
Benoît Guillon * NTIC * SunGard * Asset Arena Investment Accounting * 7 
rue Royale, 173 Bureaux de la Colline, Bâtiment E, 92213 Saint-Cloud 
Cedex, France * Tel +33 1 49 11 31 87 * Fax +33 1 49 11 30 30 *
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