RE: Visitors Guide to Vancouver

All kidding aside, though, this is an impressive piece of work - must have taken a fair bit of time to put together. Very kind of you, DaveO, to go to the trouble.


From: on behalf of David Hull
Sent: Mon 09-Jan-06 17:08
To: David Orchard
Subject: Re: Visitors Guide to Vancouver


Thanks for the writeup, and particularly the native's perspective.  A few questions come to mind:

*	Do people speak mainly Canadian there, or will they understand English? 
*	I notice that public parks are measured in hectares and speed limits in km/h, but seawalls are measured in miles.  Are there any other interesting non-metric measurements in use? 
*	Will my CDs still play in Canada, or will they have to be converted to metric? 
*	Do Canadians consider themselves American, and if not, what continent do they claim to live on? 

Seriously though, I still remember an incident from fifteen years or so ago at a service counter somewhere in the bowels of YYZ.  I was coming back from the Netherlands and had plenty of time to make my connection.  The gentleman ahead of me, also from the US, was not so fortunate.  Growing ever more irate, he told the clerk that he had been at the gate N minutes before departure (I forget what value of N).  The clerk informed him that he had need to be there N+k minutes before departure.  "No," the gentleman said, "the FAA regulations say N minutes."   "Sir," the clerk said, "it's N+k minutes," and then, with a perfectly timed pause and icy politeness, "You're in a different country, sir."

David Orchard wrote: 

	I've written up a Visitor's Guide to Vancouver at  
	Hopefully this will provide some useful information for visitors.  Let
	me know if you have any comments, criticisms, suggestions.  Bear in mind
	I've been somewhat time constrained of late :-)
	Huge, Mark, can we get this linked to from the w3c wsa registration

Received on Monday, 9 January 2006 06:22:49 UTC