RE: New issue do we still need wsaw:UsingAddressing?

Also per today's call, I'd consider a. as ruled out. b. is pretty much the status quo, and c. is the possibility that we're canvassing.
As Mr Goodner suggested, everyone whose organisation has implemented Addressing - please ask about the impact of removing UsingAddressing, especially in light of our having already removed wsaw:Anonymous.
Tony Rogers


From: on behalf of Anish Karmarkar
Sent: Tue 12-Dec-06 9:31
Subject: New issue do we still need wsaw:UsingAddressing?

Per Bob's request on today's call, I'm raising a new issue that came out
of the resolution of CR33:

Since we have decided to add wsm:Addressing as a policy assertion and
rev the namespace and decided that ws-p is the way forward rather than
WSDL extensibility, what do we do with UsingAddressing?

I see three options: a) keep it as wsdl marker and policy assertion, b)
keep it only as a wsdl marker, c) remove it completely


Received on Monday, 11 December 2006 22:51:45 UTC