Re: wsaw:Anonymous combinations

Very nice table!

Arun Gupta wrote:
> I've attached the table listing the combinations, and endpoint behavior, 
> using different ReplyTo/FaultTo and wsaw:Anonymous values.
> Thanks,
> -Arun
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   wsaw:Anonymous and ReplyTo/FaultTo Combinations
> *Purpose:*
> This document defines the behavior of an endpoint based upon the 
> combinations of ReplyTo/FaultTo EPRs in the message received and the 
> value of wsaw:Anonymous.
> *Rules:*
>    1. Columns A and B define a combination of ReplyTo and FaultTo
>       received at an endpoint.
>    2. Each cell in columns D, E and F define outbound message flow after
>       the inbound message is processed at the endpoint.   
>          1. Some cells have two possible outcomes. The first option
>             ignores the invalid EPR and a default value (ReplyTo if
>             FaultTo is ignored, anonymous if ReplyTo is ignored) is
>             used. The second option uses the intended EPR for the message.
>    3. "None" URI is a special address whose semantics are defined in
>       WS-Addressing Core
>       <>.
>    4. Grey cells indicate undefined behavior in the spec or a choice to
>       be made between the two options.
>   	*A* 	*B* 	*C* 	*D* 	*E*
> *ReplyTo* 	*FaultTo* 	*Anonymous=Optional* 	*Anonymous=Required* 
> *Anonymous=Prohibited*
> *1* 	Anon 	Not Specified 	Normal or Fault response on transport back 
> channel 	Normal or Fault response on transport back channel 	Generates a 
> fault, uses ReplyTo but does not honor anonymous semantics and so is 
> unable to deliver it.
> *2* 	Anon 	Anon 	Normal or Fault response on transport back channel 
> Normal or Fault response on transport back channel 	Generates a fault, 
> uses FaultTo but does not honor anonymous semantics and so is unable to 
> deliver it.
> *3* 	Anon 	Non-Anon 	Normal response on transport back channel, Fault 
> response to FaultTo address 	
>    1. Generates a fault, ignores FaultTo, defaults to ReplyTo and send
>       Fault response on transport back channel.
>    2. Generates a fault but does not honor non-anon semantics and so is
>       unable to deliver it.
> 	Generates a fault and send Fault response to FaultTo address.
> *4* 	Anon 	None 	Normal response on transport back channel, discards the 
> Fault response 	Normal on transport back channel, discards the Fault 
> response 	Generates a fault and discards it.
> *5* 	Non-Anon 	Not specified 	Normal and Fault response to ReplyTo address 	
>    1. Generates a fault, ignores ReplyTo, defaults to ReplyTo and send
>       Fault response on transport back channel.
>    2. Generates a fault, uses ReplyTo but does not honor non-anon
>       semantics and so is unable to deliver it.
> 	Normal and Fault response to ReplyTo address
> *6* 	Non-Anon 	Anon 	Normal response to ReplyTo address, Fault response 
> on transport back channel 	Generates a fault and send Fault response on 
> transport back channel.  	
>    1. Generates a fault, ignores FaultTo, defaults to ReplyTo and send
>       fault to ReplyTo address.
>    2. Generates a fault, uses FaultTo but does not honor anon semantics
>       and so is unable to deliver it.
> *7* 	Non-Anon 	Non-Anon 	Normal response to ReplyTo address, Fault 
> response to FaultTo address 	
>    1. Generates a fault, ignores FaultTo and ReplyTo, defaults to
>       FaultTo and send Fault response on transport back channel.
>    2. Generates a fault, uses FaultTo but does not honor non-anon
>       semantics and so is unable to deliver it.
> 	Normal response to ReplyTo address, Fault response to FaultTo address
> *8* 	Non-Anon 	None 	Normal response to ReplyTo address, discards the 
> Fault response  	Generates a fault and discards it. 	Normal response to 
> ReplyTo address, discards the Fault response
> *9* 	None 	Not specified 	Normal and Fault response are discarded 
> Normal and fault response are discarded 	Normal and fault response are 
> discarded
> *10* 	None 	Anon 	Normal response is discarded, Fault response sent on 
> transport back channel 	Normal response is discarded, Fault response 
> sent on transport back channel 	
>    1. Generates a fault, ignores FaultTo, defaults to ReplyTo and
>       discards it.
>    2. Generates a fault, uses FaultTo but does not honor anon semantics
>       and so is unable to deliver it.
> *11* 	None 	Non-Anon 	Normal response is discarded, Fault response sent 
> to FaultTo address 	
>    1. Generates a fault, ignores FaultTo, defaults to ReplyTo and
>       discards it.
>    2. Generates a fault, uses FaultTo but does not honor non-anon
>       semantics and so is unable to deliver it.
> 	Normal response is discarded, Fault response sent to FaultTo address
> *12* 	None 	None 	Normal and Fault response are discarded 	Normal and 
> Fault response are discarded 	Normal and Fault response are discarded
> Last Updated: /August 02, 2006 02:28 PM /

Received on Thursday, 3 August 2006 03:04:04 UTC