RE: Comments on CR test cases

Hi Arun, 

thanks for the detailed review - some comments in-line:

> 1). test1200, the message does not have any namespace declarations. 
> Actually looking through the various messages in the 
> document, it seems they are all lacking namespace declarations. 

Er, all of the documents have namespace declarations! 
Did you use Firefox to view the XML?

Maybe the testcases document could include a copy
of the example messages.. i'll have a think ..

> Are you working on generating valid SOAP messages 
> or would you like me to send them to you ?

I'd like to fix up any errors in my hand-crafted minimalist versions, 
but if you different serialisations which demonstrate the Infoset being 
tested, I'm sure we could accomodate holding multiple example documents 
against a given test case.

I'm currently working on a demo 'observer' to verify the testcase documents
against the testcase XPath expressions. 

I documented the expressions on the Overview page:

I'll also build a Zip-file release, which should help others
without CVS access.

> 2). test1203: There is a mismatch between the title and the test 
> description. The title has "SOAP 1.2 one-way message with a ReplyTo 
> address of none". It should instead be "SOAP 1.2 one-way 
> message with a 
> FaultTo address of none".

thx, done:

> 3). test1204: There is a mismatch between the title and the test 
> description. The title has "SOAP 1.2 one-way message with a ReplyTo 
> address of none". It should instead be "SOAP 1.2 one-way 
> message with a 
> ReplyTo and FaultTo address of none".

thx, done:

i'm starting to wonder about the value of the descriptions in many
of these tests .. maybe we should keep the description blank, except
where it adds value, thoughts?

> 4). test1205: There is a mismatch between the title and the test 
> description. The title has "SOAP 1.2 one-way message" where 
> as the test description has "B sends a fault to A".

Well it's a 'one-way' message in that it follows the In-Only WSDL MEP, 
but with 'message triggers fault', maybe we need to review the 
terminology used in the titles. OK, at this point I'm ready to consider
auto-generating them from the messages!

> When A sends a message to B, I think there can be an XPath 
> check whether the mustUnderstand header is actually existing or not. 
> We can leave it for each individual implementation to use their own 
> header and get the fault back appropriately. Accordingly the XPath 
> check when B sends a fault to A needs to be modified.

Agreed. Ideally I'd like to add as many XPaths as practicable.
I've therefore added:

<value xpath="/soap12:Envelope/soap12:Header/alertcontrol:alertcontrol/@soap12:mustUnderstand" oper="bool">true</value>


> 5). test1208 can be cloned to include EPR extensions for 
> ReferenceParameters. For example A send the same message to B 
> but with 
> the following ReferenceParameters:
> <wsa:ReferenceParameters customer:level="premium">
>    <customer:CustomerKey>Key#123456789</customer:CustomerKey>
> </wsa:ReferenceParameters>

I think attribute extensibility could well fall within
the purpose of 1208, so i've added the customer:level to 1208.
We can split it into two cases if we feel that the granularity
is too coarse:

> 6). test1231: There is a mismatch between the description and XPath 
> check. The title requires wsa:ReplyTo to be anonymous where as XPath 
> checks for wsa:To to be anonymous. The correct XPath is
> /soap12:Envelope/soap12:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address
> instead of
> /soap12:Envelope/soap12:Header/wsa:To/wsa:Address

thx, done:

> 7). test1232: The second XPath match in the reply message 
> seems to be a copy/paste error. The correct XPath should be
> /soap12:Envelope/soap12:Header/customer:CustomerKey

copy/paste? never :-)

thx, done:

> 8). There should be a table, preferably at the beginning of the 
> document, listing the namespace and prefix mappings. 

There's one on the Overview page:

> 9). All of these tests can be duplicated for SOAP 1.1. I'm 
> offering my help to do the same.

I've a quick sed one-liner which I can use to blank out SOAP 1.1
messages, but again, alternative serialisations could be useful. 

Thanks again, Arun!

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2005 14:57:51 UTC