Re: NEW ISSUE: What is a logical address?


Sigh...  I thought we had finally agreed not to spend more time in the
identifier rat hole. If what you want is to remove loose ends, there are
many other ways to do it without throwing us back to square 1 of the
identifier debate. How about striking out the offending sentence


                      Anish Karmarkar                                                                                                          
                      <Anish.Karmarkar@oracle.        To:                                                    
                      com>                            cc:                                                                                      
                      Sent by:                        Subject:  NEW ISSUE: What is a logical address?                                          
                      02/21/2005 02:29 PM                                                                                                      

What is a logical address?

In the core spec [1], it is stated that the [address] property and the
wsa:Address EII may be a logical address for the service endpoint.
The last published WD [2] described wsa:Address as a 'logical address or
identifier'. The word 'identifier' was removed in the current ed. draft.
I'm not sure if this was an oversight or an effect of resolving issue 1.

The core spec uses the term "logical address" without explaining what it
means. I have been getting some questions from our implementation team
as to what a logical address means and how it is used. AFAIK, this is a
new term that is being introduced without any explanation or definition
of the term.


I understand this term to mean that the URI in the [address] property
identifies the service endpoint. I know this WG has been a little shy
with the term "identifier", but I don't think there is an issue with
using URIs as identifiers -- thats what they are meant for. In resolving
issue 1 we have already stated that EPRs are not identifiers, so the
next question that comes to mind is -- what is it that identifies a
service endpoint? In calling the [address] property the service endpoint
identifier, both the questions of "what is a logical endpoint?" and "how
do I identify a service endpoint?" are answered. Using my interpretation
of 'logical address', I would like to put forward the following strawman

In section 2.1 --

  [address] : URI (mandatory)
     An address URI for the endpoint. This may be a network address or a
     logical address.

  [address] : URI (mandatory)
     An address URI that identifies the service endpoint and may be

In section 2.2 --

     This REQUIRED element (of type xs:anyURI) specifies the [address]
     property of the endpoint reference. This address may be a logical
     address for the service endpoint.

     This REQUIRED element (of type xs:anyURI) specifies the [address]
     property of the endpoint reference. This address identifies the
     service endpoint and may be dereferenceable.

This is only a strawman, so please do send suggestion for changes.



Received on Thursday, 24 February 2005 12:24:55 UTC