Tests of wsa:From

The WG decided to keep wsa:From in the spec.  


We added OPTIONAL tests 1170 and 1270 sending wsa:From
soap:mustUnderstand="1" to each client, to make sure this optional
feature can be consumed.  We really just need one implementation that
can produce these messages, as the test is about whether a service can
accept this header without barfing.   As the WG are needs two
implementations that are complete including all optional features, I
hope we can add tests for this test case to make it's status
unambiguous.  If we add wsa:From to other messages as well (not
necessarily marked mU), that would help ensure that the feature doesn't
block progression.


 [  Jonathan Marsh  ][  jmarsh@microsoft.com
<mailto:jmarsh@microsoft.com>   ][  http://spaces.msn.com/auburnmarshes
<http://spaces.msn.com/auburnmarshes>   ]


Received on Friday, 3 March 2006 14:19:52 UTC