JBoss-to-IBM log and problems

Attached is the log file for JBoss-to-IBM. However, we're getting errors 
at our side on the following tests: 1250, 1251 and 1252 answer on the 
same connection instead of a different one, 1260 doesn't return the 
fault. We also get assertion failures for 1145, 1245 and 1247 as well.

"soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultDetail/wsaroblemHeader/wsa:To = 
'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous'" against test1145 
message 2 failed.
= 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous'" against test1245 
message 2 failed.
= xs:QName('wsa:InvalidCardinality'))" against test1247 message 2 failed.

Anyone able to shine some light on these problems?


Received on Friday, 3 March 2006 10:44:12 UTC