- From: David Illsley <david.illsley@uk.ibm.com>
- Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 21:26:46 +0100
- To: public-ws-addressing-tests@w3.org
I've been thinking about what we need in the WSDL files and what I've come up with so far... I really hope this is comprehensive ;-) Probably isn't though. Thoughts? David Requirements (WSDL doc) WSDL - targetnamespace = urn:example.org:wsaTestService portType = wsaTestPortType operation: echo - 2-way no wsaw:Action or soapAction specified WSDL - targetnamespace = http://example.org/wsaTestService portType = wsaTestPortType operation: notify- 1-way no wsaw:Action or name on input element specified operation: echo - 2-way no wsaw:Action or name on input/output elements specified portType = wsaTestPortTypeWithName operation: notify- 1-way no wsaw:Action specified but with name on input element=notify operation: echo - 2-way no wsaw:Action specified but with name on input/output elements=echoIn/echoOut portType = wsaTestPortTypeExplicitAction operation: notify- 1-way w/wsaw:Action=" http://example.org/action/notify" operation echo - 2-way w/wsaw:Action=" http://example.org/action/echoIn " on Input w/wsaw:Action=" http://example.org/action/echoOut" on Output binding = wsaTestPortTypeBinding - portType=wsaTestPortType - no soapAction binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingSoapAction - portType=wsaTestPortType - soapAction specified for operations binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingWithName - portType=wsaTestPortTypeWithName - no soapAction binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingExplicitAction - portType=wsaTestPortTypeExplicitAction - no soapAction binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingAddressingRequired - portType=wsaTestPortType - no soapAction - wsaw:UsingAddressing required=true binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingAnonymousRequired - portType=wsaTestPortType - no soapAction - wsaw:UsingAddressing - wsaw:Anonymous = required binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingAnonymousProhibited - portType=wsaTestPortType - no soapAction - wsaw:UsingAddressing - wsaw:Anonymous = prohibited binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingAnonymousOptional - portType=wsaTestPortType - no soapAction - wsaw:UsingAddressing - wsaw:Anonymous = optional port = wsaTestPortTypePort - binding = wsaTestPortTypeBinding port = wsaTestPortTypePortSoapAction - binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingSoapAction port = wsaTestPortTypePortWithName - binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingWithName port = wsaTestPortTypePortExplicitAction - binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingExplicitAction port = wsaTestPortTypePortAddressingRequired - binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingAddressingRequired port = wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousRequired - binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingAnonymousRequired port = wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousProhibited - binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingAnonymousProhibited port = wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousOptional - binding = wsaTestPortTypeBindingAnonymousOptional port = wsaTestPortTypePortAddressingRequiredOnPort - binding = wsaTestPortTypeBinding wsaw:UsingAddressing required=true port = wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousRequiredOnPort - binding = wsaTestPortTypeBinding wsaw:UsingAddressing - wsaw:Anonymous = required port = wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousProhibitedOnPort - binding = wsaTestPortTypeBinding wsaw:UsingAddressing - wsaw:Anonymous = prohibited
Received on Monday, 26 June 2006 20:25:22 UTC