Misc comments

1). There is a test for anonymous ReplyTo (test1131). The next SOAP 1.1 
test is test1133 which tests for FaultTo reference parameters. There 
seems to be a missing test for testing the ReplyTo reference parameters. 
Is that intentional ?

2). For test1133, wsa:isReferenceParameter needs to be 
wsa:IsReferenceParameter. This issue has been raised earlier as well [1].

3). Further, in test1133, I think we should be checking for the default 
fault action (http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/fault).

4). What functionality of WS-Addressing are we testing by setting the 
fault code to "echo:EmptyEchoString" ? I think it should one of the 
standard faultcodes, probably env:Client.

5). Also, the value of wsa:IsReferenceParameter attribute is "true". 
Should we restrict it to "0" and "1" following BP 1.1 requirement [2] on 
SOAP mustUnderstand attribute ?

6). Why a corresponding test1134 does not exist (checking for FaultTo 
defaulting for SOAP 1.1) ?

7). Why there is a disparity between the number of SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 
tests ? (for example test1101, test1102, test1103 etc. are missing).


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Received on Monday, 19 December 2005 15:15:08 UTC