2004/ws/addressing/testsuitewsdl/testcases testcases.xml,1.7,1.8

Update of /sources/public/2004/ws/addressing/testsuitewsdl/testcases
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv756

Modified Files:
Log Message:
11150 thru 11211 are irrelevant since the abolition of the WSDL
Binding Doc.

11110, 11120, and 11134 were effectively superceded by tests in the
recent IBM-MSFT interop, so for clarity, those should probably also be

Index: testcases.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2004/ws/addressing/testsuitewsdl/testcases/testcases.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C 2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** testcases.xml	23 Jul 2007 12:42:11 -0000	1.7
--- testcases.xml	30 Jul 2007 15:07:00 -0000	1.8
*** 101,146 ****
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11110" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - action based dispatch -
- 			explicit action
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The wsdl:portType contain two request-response operations with same message body for the request message,
- 							different wsaw:Action values and different message bodies for the response message.
- 							assertion: confirm that the correct response body is returned based on the specified action value]]></description>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://example.org/action/echoIn'" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://example.org/action/echoOut'" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11120" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - action based dispatch - default
- 			action pattern
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[wsdl port type containing two req/resp operations the message body for the request is the same with default action and different response message bodies.
- 						  assertion: confirm that the correct response body is returned based on the specified action value]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAddressingRequired</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://example.org/wsaTestService2/wsaTestPortType/echoRequest'" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://example.org/wsaTestService2/wsaTestPortType/echoResponse'" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
  	<testcase xml:id="test11130" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
--- 101,104 ----
*** 236,264 ****
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11134" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - default action pattern using
- 			SOAPAction - fault if incorrect action received
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[Normal WSDL (same as we have been using) with no action value specified and SOAPAction specified in binding.
- 							assertion: client sends action incorrect action and server returns appropriate fault]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortSoapAction</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B" document="echo/soap11/message4.xml"
- 				name="message">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action != 'http://example.org/wsaTestService/echo'" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A" document="echo/soap11/message5.xml"
- 				name="message">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/fault'" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/faultcode/(resolve-QName(.,.) = xs:QName('wsa:ActionNotSupported'))" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
  	<testcase xml:id="test11135" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
--- 194,197 ----
*** 328,612 ****
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11150" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - anonymous=required in WSDL,
- 			wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address=anonymous
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The binding of a request-response operation specify wsaw:Anonymous=required.
- 						  The request message contains anonymous ReplyTo. A response message is returned on the HTTP response.]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousRequired</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous'" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<!--  simply prove that there is a non-fault message in the back channel -->
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://example.org/wsaTestService2/wsaTestPortType/echoResponse'" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11160" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - anonymous=required in WSDL,
- 			wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address=non-anonymous
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The binding of a request-response operation specify wsaw:Anonymous=required.
- 						  The request message contains non-anonymous ReplyTo.
- 						  A fault message is returned on the HTTP response with approrpiate fault code/subcode.]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousRequired</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out-Fault"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = '')" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous')" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/fault'" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/faultcode/(resolve-QName(.,.) = xs:QName('wsa:InvalidAddressingHeader'))
- 						or soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/faultcode/(resolve-QName(.,.) = xs:QName('wsa:OnlyAnonymousAddressSupported'))" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11161" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - anonymous=required in WSDL,
- 			wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address=non-anonymous
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The binding of a request-response operation specify wsaw:Anonymous=required.
- 							  The request message contains non-anonymous FaultTo.
- 							  A fault message is returned on the HTTP response with approrpiate fault code/subcode.]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousRequired</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out-Fault"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address = '')" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous')" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/fault'" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/faultcode/(resolve-QName(.,.) = xs:QName('wsa:InvalidAddressingHeader'))
-                             or soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/faultcode/(resolve-QName(.,.) = xs:QName('wsa:OnlyAnonymousAddressSupported'))" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11170" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - anonymous=prohibited in WSDL,
- 			wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address=non-anonymous
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The binding of a request-response operation specify wsaw:Anonymous=prohibited.
- 							  The request message contains non-anonymous ReplyTo. A response message is returned on the ReplyTo address.]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousProhibited</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out-Callback"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = '')" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous')" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A" />
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<!--  simply prove that there is a non-fault message in a non-backchannel message -->
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://example.org/wsaTestService2/wsaTestPortType/echoResponse'" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11180" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - anonymous=prohibited in WSDL,
- 			wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address=anon,
- 			wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address=non-anon
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The binding of a request-response operation specify wsaw:Anonymous=prohibited.
- 						  The request message contains an anonymous ReplyTo and non-anonymous FaultTo. A fault message is returned on the FaultTo address.]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousProhibited</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out-Callback"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address) or (soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous')" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address = '')" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous')" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A" />
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/fault'" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/faultcode/(resolve-QName(.,.) = xs:QName('wsa:InvalidAddressingHeader'))
- 						or soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/faultcode/(resolve-QName(.,.) = xs:QName('wsa:OnlyNonAnonymousAddressSupported'))" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11190" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - anonymous=prohibited in WSDL,
- 			wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address=anonymous,
- 			wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address=anon
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The binding of a request-response operation specify wsaw:Anonymous=prohibited.
- 							The request message contains anonymous ReplyTo and FaultTo. A fault message is returned on the TBD.]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousProhibited</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out-Callback"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test=" not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address)
- 						or soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = ''
- 						or soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous'" />
- 				<assert
- 					test=" not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address)
- 						or soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address = ''
- 						or soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous'" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A" />
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/fault'" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/faultcode/(resolve-QName(.,.) = xs:QName('wsa:InvalidAddressingHeader'))
- 						or soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/faultcode/(resolve-QName(.,.) = xs:QName('wsa:OnlyAnonymousAddressSupported'))" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11191" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - anonymous=prohibited in WSDL,
- 			wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address=anonymous
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The binding of a request-response operation specify wsaw:Anonymous=prohibited. The request message contains anonymous ReplyTo.]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousProhibited</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out-Callback"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous'" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/fault'" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11200" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - anonymous=optional in WSDL,
- 			wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address=nonanonymous
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The binding of a request-response operation specify wsaw:Anonymous=optional.
- 							  The request message contains non-anonymous ReplyTo. A response message is returned on the ReplyTo address.]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousOptional</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = '')" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous')" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A" />
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<!--  simply prove that there is a non-fault message in a callback -->
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://example.org/wsaTestService2/wsaTestPortType/echoResponse'" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11201" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - anonymous=optional in WSDL,
- 			wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address=nonanonymous
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The binding of a request-response operation specify wsaw:Anonymous=optional. The request message contains non-anonymous FaultTo.
- 							  Application fault message is returned on the FaultTo address.]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousOptional</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address = '')" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="not(soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous')" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A" />
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://example.org/wsaTestService2/wsaTestPortType/echo/Fault/echoFaultName'" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/detail/echo:echoFault" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11210" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - anonymous=optional in WSDL,
- 			wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address=anonymous
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The binding of a request-response operation specify wsaw:Anonymous=optional. The request message contains anonymous ReplyTo.
- 							A response message is returned on the HTTP response.]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousOptional</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:ReplyTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous'" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<!--  simply prove that there is a non-fault message in the backchannel -->
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://example.org/wsaTestService2/wsaTestPortType/echoResponse'" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
- 	<testcase xml:id="test11211" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
- 		<title>
- 			request-response operation - anonymous=optional in WSDL,
- 			wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address=anonymous
- 		</title>
- 		<description><![CDATA[The binding of a request-response operation specify wsaw:Anonymous=optional. The request message contains anonymous FaultTo.
- 							Application fault message is returned on the HTTP response.]]></description>
- 		<port>wsaTestPortTypePortAnonymousOptional</port>
- 		<message-exchange type="SOAP11-HTTP-In-Out"
- 			addr-binding="soap11">
- 			<message from="A" to="B">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:FaultTo/wsa:Address = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous'" />
- 			</message>
- 			<message from="B" to="A">
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Header/wsa:Action = 'http://example.org/wsaTestService2/wsaTestPortType/echo/Fault/echoFaultName'" />
- 				<assert
- 					test="soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/soap11:Fault/detail/echo:echoFault" />
- 			</message>
- 		</message-exchange>
- 	</testcase>
  	<testcase xml:id="test11300" origin="" cr="REQUIRED">
--- 261,264 ----

Received on Monday, 30 July 2007 15:07:28 UTC