2004/ws/addressing ws-addr-wsdl.xml,1.107,1.108

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In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv15667

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Log Message:
Changed the namespace and namespace prefix for this document
Corrected introduction and conformance section

Index: ws-addr-wsdl.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2004/ws/addressing/ws-addr-wsdl.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.107
retrieving revision 1.108
diff -C 2 -d -r1.107 -r1.108
*** ws-addr-wsdl.xml	5 Jan 2007 14:20:35 -0000	1.107
--- ws-addr-wsdl.xml	10 Jan 2007 11:26:32 -0000	1.108
*** 50,54 ****
              <p>Web Services Addressing provides transport-neutral mechanisms to address Web services
                  and messages. &wsa-wsdl.title; (this document) defines how the abstract
!                 properties defined in &wsa-core.title; are described using WSDL.</p>
              <p>The classes of products for which this specification is designed to be relevant
                  include WSDL and WS-Addressing EPR consumers.</p>
--- 50,55 ----
              <p>Web Services Addressing provides transport-neutral mechanisms to address Web services
                  and messages. &wsa-wsdl.title; (this document) defines how the abstract
!                 properties defined in &wsa-core.title; are described using WSDL, and how
!                 WS-Policy can be used to indicate the support of WS-Addressing by a Web service.</p>
              <p>The classes of products for which this specification is designed to be relevant
                  include WSDL and WS-Addressing EPR consumers.</p>
*** 114,118 ****
!                             <td>wsaw</td>
                              <td> &wsa-wsdl-nsuri; </td>
--- 115,119 ----
!                             <td>wsam</td>
                              <td> &wsa-wsdl-nsuri; </td>
*** 142,145 ****
--- 143,150 ----
+                         <tr>
+                             <td>wsp</td>
+                             <td>http://www.w3.org/2006/07/ws-policy</td>
+                         </tr>
*** 173,177 ****
!                         <label> wsaw:InterfaceName (0..1)</label>
                              <p>A QName identifying a description of the sequences of messages that a
--- 178,182 ----
!                         <label> wsam:InterfaceName (0..1)</label>
                              <p>A QName identifying a description of the sequences of messages that a
*** 183,187 ****
!                         <label> wsaw:ServiceName (0..1)</label>
                              <p>A QName that identifies the set of endpoints at which a particular
--- 188,192 ----
!                         <label> wsam:ServiceName (0..1)</label>
                              <p>A QName that identifies the set of endpoints at which a particular
*** 192,196 ****
!                         <label> wsaw:ServiceName/@EndpointName (0..1)</label>
                              <p>An NCName that identifies one endpoint amongst the set identified by
--- 197,201 ----
!                         <label> wsam:ServiceName/@EndpointName (0..1)</label>
                              <p>An NCName that identifies one endpoint amongst the set identified by
*** 217,221 ****
        wsdli:wsdlLocation="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc http://greath.example.com/2004/reservation.wsdl"&gt;
!     &lt;wsaw:InterfaceName&gt;ghns:reservationInterface&lt;/wsaw:InterfaceName&gt;
--- 222,226 ----
        wsdli:wsdlLocation="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc http://greath.example.com/2004/reservation.wsdl"&gt;
!     &lt;wsam:InterfaceName&gt;ghns:reservationInterface&lt;/wsam:InterfaceName&gt;
*** 304,308 ****
              <div2 id="uaee">
                  <head><el>UsingAddressing</el> Extension Element</head>
!                 <p> WS-Addressing defines an empty global element, wsaw:UsingAddressing, that can be
                      used to indicate that an endpoint conforms to the WS-Addressing specification.
                      The wsdl:required attribute MAY be used to indicate whether WS-Addressing
--- 309,313 ----
              <div2 id="uaee">
                  <head><el>UsingAddressing</el> Extension Element</head>
!                 <p> WS-Addressing defines an empty global element, wsam:UsingAddressing, that can be
                      used to indicate that an endpoint conforms to the WS-Addressing specification.
                      The wsdl:required attribute MAY be used to indicate whether WS-Addressing
*** 312,316 ****
                      how the use of addressing is indicated in the WSDL. </p>
                  <table border="1" id="mappresence">
!                     <caption>MAPs Present in output message when wsaw:UsingAddressing is present</caption>
--- 317,321 ----
                      how the use of addressing is indicated in the WSDL. </p>
                  <table border="1" id="mappresence">
!                     <caption>MAPs Present in output message when wsam:UsingAddressing is present</caption>
*** 340,361 ****
                          &wsa-soap.title;[<bibref ref="WSADDR-SOAP"/>]), and this specification,
                      and MUST follow all applicable WS-Addressing normative requirements. </p>
!                 <p>The wsaw:UsingAddressing element SHOULD appear as a child of the wsdl:binding
!                     element. Alternatively, the wsaw:UsingAddressing element MAY instead be included
                      as a child of the wsdl20:endpoint (or wsdl11:port) when an endpoint intends to
                      indicate compliance with WS-Addressing for a specific endpoint only.</p>
!                 <p>The inclusion of the wsaw:UsingAddressing element indicates that the applicable
                      WS-Addressing specifications are supported and allows use of anonymous or
                      non-anonymous URIs as addresses in an EPR. Specifically, when included in a SOAP
!                     binding, the wsaw:UsingAddressing marker identifies the use of Web Services
                      Addressing 1.0 bound to SOAP as defined by &wsa-soap.title;[<bibref
                          ref="WSADDR-SOAP"/>].The presence of this element can extend the semantics
                      of the endpoint's WSDL binding. </p>
!                     <head>Indicating use of WS-Addressing using wsaw:UsingAddressing in WSDL 2.0</head>
                      <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;binding name="reservationSOAPBinding" 
!   &lt;wsaw:UsingAddressing wsdl:required="true" /&gt;
    &lt;operation ref="tns:opCheckAvailability"
        wsoap:mep="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/mep/request-response" /&gt;
--- 345,366 ----
                          &wsa-soap.title;[<bibref ref="WSADDR-SOAP"/>]), and this specification,
                      and MUST follow all applicable WS-Addressing normative requirements. </p>
!                 <p>The wsam:UsingAddressing element SHOULD appear as a child of the wsdl:binding
!                     element. Alternatively, the wsam:UsingAddressing element MAY instead be included
                      as a child of the wsdl20:endpoint (or wsdl11:port) when an endpoint intends to
                      indicate compliance with WS-Addressing for a specific endpoint only.</p>
!                 <p>The inclusion of the wsam:UsingAddressing element indicates that the applicable
                      WS-Addressing specifications are supported and allows use of anonymous or
                      non-anonymous URIs as addresses in an EPR. Specifically, when included in a SOAP
!                     binding, the wsam:UsingAddressing marker identifies the use of Web Services
                      Addressing 1.0 bound to SOAP as defined by &wsa-soap.title;[<bibref
                          ref="WSADDR-SOAP"/>].The presence of this element can extend the semantics
                      of the endpoint's WSDL binding. </p>
!                     <head>Indicating use of WS-Addressing using wsam:UsingAddressing in WSDL 2.0</head>
                      <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;binding name="reservationSOAPBinding" 
!   &lt;wsam:UsingAddressing wsdl:required="true" /&gt;
    &lt;operation ref="tns:opCheckAvailability"
        wsoap:mep="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/mep/request-response" /&gt;
*** 364,372 ****
!                     <head>Indicating use of WS-Addressing using wsaw:UsingAddressing in WSDL 1.1</head>
                      <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;binding name="reservationSOAPBinding"
    &lt;soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" /&gt;
!   &lt;wsaw:UsingAddressing wsdl:required="true" /&gt;
    &lt;operation name="opCheckAvailability"&gt;
      &lt;soap:operation soapaction="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc/opCheckAvailability" /&gt;
--- 369,377 ----
!                     <head>Indicating use of WS-Addressing using wsam:UsingAddressing in WSDL 1.1</head>
                      <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;binding name="reservationSOAPBinding"
    &lt;soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" /&gt;
!   &lt;wsam:UsingAddressing wsdl:required="true" /&gt;
    &lt;operation name="opCheckAvailability"&gt;
      &lt;soap:operation soapaction="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc/opCheckAvailability" /&gt;
*** 404,408 ****
!                                 <td> If a <el>wsaw:UsingAddresing</el> extension element is present: <ulist>
                                              <p>if a <att>wsdl:required</att> &AII; is present
--- 409,413 ----
!                                 <td> If a <el>wsam:UsingAddresing</el> extension element is present: <ulist>
                                              <p>if a <att>wsdl:required</att> &AII; is present
*** 424,436 ****
              <div2 id="wspolicyassertions">
                  <head>WS-Policy Assertions</head>
!                 <p>Another mechanism for indicating that a binding or endpoint <ednote>
                          <edtext>open issue on policy attachment options</edtext>
!                     </ednote> conforms to the WS-Addressing specification is through the use of the
                      Web Services Policy - Framework [<bibref ref="WSPolicy"/>] and Web Services
                      Policy - Attachment [<bibref ref="WSPolicyAttachment"/>] specifications. This
!                     specification defines the following three policy assertions.</p>
                  <div3 id="wspolicyaddressing">
                      <head>Addressing Assertion</head>
!                     <p>The wsaw:Addressing policy assertion is a nested policy container assertion.
                          The meaning of this assertion when present in a policy alternative is that
                          WS-Addressing is required to communicate with the subject. In order to
--- 429,445 ----
              <div2 id="wspolicyassertions">
                  <head>WS-Policy Assertions</head>
!                 <ednote>
                          <edtext>open issue on policy attachment options</edtext>
!                 </ednote>
!                 <p>Another mechanism for indicating that a binding or endpoint  conforms to the WS-Addressing specification is through the use of the
                      Web Services Policy - Framework [<bibref ref="WSPolicy"/>] and Web Services
                      Policy - Attachment [<bibref ref="WSPolicyAttachment"/>] specifications. This
!                     specification defines three policy assertions.</p>
!                 <p>For WSDL 1.1, these assertions may be attached to <code>wsdl11:port</code> or
!                     <code>wsdl11:binding</code>. For WSDL 2.0, they may be attached to
!                     <code>wsdl20:endpoint</code> or <code>wsdl20:binding</code>.</p>                
                  <div3 id="wspolicyaddressing">
                      <head>Addressing Assertion</head>
!                     <p>The wsam:Addressing policy assertion is a nested policy container assertion.
                          The meaning of this assertion when present in a policy alternative is that
                          WS-Addressing is required to communicate with the subject. In order to
*** 442,452 ****
                  <div3 id="wspolicyanonresponses">
                      <head>AnonymousResponses Assertion</head>
!                     <p>The wsaw:AnonymousResponses element MAY be used as a policy assertion nested
!                         within the wsaw:Addressing assertion in accordance with the rules laid down
                          by WS-Policy Framework 1.5 section 4.3.2. The appearance of this element
                          within a policy alternative indicates that the endpoint will accept request
                          messages with response endpoint EPRs that contain the anonymous URI
                          ("http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous") as the value of
!                         [address]. The absence of the wsaw:AnonymousResponses policy assertion
                          within a policy alternative does <b>not</b> indicate that the endpoint will
                          not accept request messages with response endpoint EPRs that contain the
--- 451,461 ----
                  <div3 id="wspolicyanonresponses">
                      <head>AnonymousResponses Assertion</head>
!                     <p>The wsam:AnonymousResponses element MAY be used as a policy assertion nested
!                         within the wsam:Addressing assertion in accordance with the rules laid down
                          by WS-Policy Framework 1.5 section 4.3.2. The appearance of this element
                          within a policy alternative indicates that the endpoint will accept request
                          messages with response endpoint EPRs that contain the anonymous URI
                          ("http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous") as the value of
!                         [address]. The absence of the wsam:AnonymousResponses policy assertion
                          within a policy alternative does <b>not</b> indicate that the endpoint will
                          not accept request messages with response endpoint EPRs that contain the
*** 456,460 ****
                  <div3 id="wspolicynonanonresponses">
                      <head>NonAnonymousResponses Assertion</head>
!                     <p>The wsaw:NonAnonymousResponses element MAY be used as a policy assertion
                          nested within the Addressing assertion in accordance with the rules laid
                          down by WS-Policy Framework 1.5 section 4.3.2. The appearance of this
--- 465,469 ----
                  <div3 id="wspolicynonanonresponses">
                      <head>NonAnonymousResponses Assertion</head>
!                     <p>The wsam:NonAnonymousResponses element MAY be used as a policy assertion
                          nested within the Addressing assertion in accordance with the rules laid
                          down by WS-Policy Framework 1.5 section 4.3.2. The appearance of this
*** 466,482 ****
                          like. A receiver can still reject a request that contains an address that it
                          doesn't understand or that requires a binding it doesn't support. As with
!                         the other assertions, the absence of the wsaw:NonAnonymousResponses policy
                          assertion within a policy alternative does <b>not</b> indicate that the
                          endpoint will not accept request messages with response endpoint EPRs that
                          contain something other than the anonymous URI address. </p>
!                 <p>NOTE: If both AnonymousResponses and NonAnonymousResponses are supported and the
!                     intention is to allow either to be used care should be taken to ensure there is
!                     an alternative which includes just AnonymousResponses as a nested assertion and
!                     an alternative with just NonAnonymousResponses as a nested assertion so that a
!                     subject which supports only one will have a compatible policy [<bibref
!                         ref="WSPolicyPrimer"/> section 3.4].</p>
!                 <p> Also, given that the lack of either of these assertions (AnonymousResponses and
!                     NonAnonymousResponses) does not indicate lack of support, it is suggested that a
                      subject that does not have a strict compatibility requirement that an
                      interacting subject understands or is concerned with these assertions provides
--- 475,494 ----
                          like. A receiver can still reject a request that contains an address that it
                          doesn't understand or that requires a binding it doesn't support. As with
!                         the other assertions, the absence of the wsam:NonAnonymousResponses policy
                          assertion within a policy alternative does <b>not</b> indicate that the
                          endpoint will not accept request messages with response endpoint EPRs that
                          contain something other than the anonymous URI address. </p>
!                 </div3>
!                 <div3>
!                     <head>Using both AnonymousResponses and NonAnonymousResponses</head>
!                     <p>If both AnonymousResponses and NonAnonymousResponses are supported, and the
!                         intention is to allow either to be used, care should be taken to ensure that
!                         there are alternatives such that a subject which supports only one will have
!                         a compatible policy [<bibref ref="WSPolicyPrimer"/> section 3.4]. There
!                         should be at least an alternative which includes just AnonymousResponses as
!                         a nested assertion and an alternative with just NonAnonymousResponses as a
!                         nested assertion.</p>
!                 <p>Note also that the lack of either of these assertions (AnonymousResponses and
!                     NonAnonymousResponses) does not indicate lack of support. So it is suggested that a
                      subject that does not have a strict compatibility requirement that an
                      interacting subject understands or is concerned with these assertions provides
*** 488,494 ****
                          <head>Subject supports WS-Addressing, no statement on supported response EPRs</head>
                          <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;wsaw:Addressing wsp:Optional="true"&gt;
!         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;&lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 500,506 ----
                          <head>Subject supports WS-Addressing, no statement on supported response EPRs</head>
                          <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;wsam:Addressing wsp:Optional="true"&gt;
!         &lt;wsp:Policy/&gt;
!     &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 496,502 ****
                          <head>Subject requires WS-Addressing, no statement on supported response EPRs</head>
                          <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;&lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 508,514 ----
                          <head>Subject requires WS-Addressing, no statement on supported response EPRs</head>
                          <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
!         &lt;wsp:Policy/&gt;
!     &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 504,513 ****
                          <head>Subject supports WS-Addressing, explicitly (and optionally) supports anonymous and non-anonymous response EPRs</head>
                          <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;wsaw:Addressing wsp:Optional="true"&gt;
!             &lt;wsaw:AnonymousResponses wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
!             &lt;wsaw:NonAnonymousResponses wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
!     &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 516,525 ----
                          <head>Subject supports WS-Addressing, explicitly (and optionally) supports anonymous and non-anonymous response EPRs</head>
                          <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;wsam:Addressing wsp:Optional="true"&gt;
!             &lt;wsam:AnonymousResponses wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
!             &lt;wsam:NonAnonymousResponses wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
!     &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 515,526 ****
                          <head>Subject requires WS-Addressing, requires explicit support of anonymous or non-anonymous response EPRs</head>
                          <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!                 &lt;wsaw:AnonymousResponses wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
!                 &lt;wsaw:NonAnonymousResponses wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
!     &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 527,538 ----
                          <head>Subject requires WS-Addressing, requires explicit support of anonymous or non-anonymous response EPRs</head>
                          <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
!                 &lt;wsam:AnonymousResponses wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
!                 &lt;wsam:NonAnonymousResponses wsp:Optional="true"/&gt;
!     &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 528,536 ****
                          <head>Subject requires WS-Addressing and use of non-anonymous response EPRs</head>
                          <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!             &lt;wsaw:NonAnonymousResponses/&gt;
!     &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 540,548 ----
                          <head>Subject requires WS-Addressing and use of non-anonymous response EPRs</head>
                          <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
!     &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
!             &lt;wsam:NonAnonymousResponses/&gt;
!     &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 544,548 ****
!             &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 556,560 ----
!             &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 550,554 ****
!             &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 562,566 ----
!             &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 560,564 ****
!             &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 572,576 ----
!             &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 566,570 ****
!             &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 578,582 ----
!             &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 577,581 ****
!             &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 589,593 ----
!             &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 583,621 ****
!             &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!             &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsaw:AnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!             &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsaw:NonAnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!             &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsaw:AnonymousResponses/&gt;
!                             &lt;wsaw:NonAnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 595,633 ----
!             &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
!             &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsam:AnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
!             &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsam:NonAnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
!             &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsam:AnonymousResponses/&gt;
!                             &lt;wsam:NonAnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 627,650 ****
!             &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsaw:AnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!             &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsaw:NonAnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 639,662 ----
!             &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsam:AnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
!             &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsam:NonAnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 656,668 ****
!             &lt;wsaw:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsaw:NonAnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsaw:Addressing&gt;
--- 668,680 ----
!             &lt;wsam:Addressing&gt;
!                             &lt;wsam:NonAnonymousResponses/&gt;
!             &lt;/wsam:Addressing&gt;
*** 692,696 ****
    &lt;operation ref="tns:opCheckAvailability"
-     &lt;wsaw:Anonymous&gt;required&lt;/wsaw:Anonymous&gt;
    &lt;fault ref="tns:invalidDataFault" wsoap:code="soap:Sender" /&gt;
--- 704,707 ----
*** 767,795 ****
                  <div3 id="explicitaction">
                      <head>Explicit Association</head>
!                     <p>WS-Addressing defines a global attribute, wsaw:Action, that can be used to
                          explicitly define the value of the [action] property for messages in a WSDL
                          description. The type of the attribute is xs:anyURI and it is used as an
                          extension on the WSDL input, output and fault elements. A SOAP binding can
                          specify SOAPAction values for the input messages of operations. In the
!                         absence of a wsaw:Action attribute on a WSDL input element where a non-empty
                          SOAPAction value is specified, the value of the [action] property for the
!                         input message is the value of the SOAPAction specified. If the wsaw:Action
                          attribute is absent, and SOAPAction is not specified, or is empty, then the
                          default pattern is used. Note that the SOAPAction value is not required to
                          be an absolute IRI, but the [action] property is required to be an absolute
!                         IRI; if wsaw:UsingAddressing is present, wsaw:Action is not specified, and
                          the SOAPAction value is not empty or an absolute IRI, then the document MUST
                          be considered invalid. &wsa-soap.title;[<bibref ref="WSADDR-SOAP"/>]
                          specifies restrictions on the relationship between the values of [action]
                          and SOAPAction for SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2.</p>
!                     <p>The inclusion of wsaw:Action without inclusion of wsaw:UsingAddressing has no
                          normative intent and is only informational. In other words, the inclusion of
!                         wsaw:Action attributes in WSDL alone does not imply a requirement on clients
                          to use Message Addressing Properties in messages it sends to the service. A
                          client, however, MAY include Message Addressing Properties in the messages
                          it sends, either on its own initiative or as described by other elements of
                          the service contract, regardless of the presence or absence of
!                         wsaw:UsingAddressing. Other specifications defining the value of [action]
!                         are under no constraint to be consistent with wsaw:Action.</p>
                      <p>For example consider the following WSDL excerpt:</p>
--- 778,806 ----
                  <div3 id="explicitaction">
                      <head>Explicit Association</head>
!                     <p>WS-Addressing defines a global attribute, wsam:Action, that can be used to
                          explicitly define the value of the [action] property for messages in a WSDL
                          description. The type of the attribute is xs:anyURI and it is used as an
                          extension on the WSDL input, output and fault elements. A SOAP binding can
                          specify SOAPAction values for the input messages of operations. In the
!                         absence of a wsam:Action attribute on a WSDL input element where a non-empty
                          SOAPAction value is specified, the value of the [action] property for the
!                         input message is the value of the SOAPAction specified. If the wsam:Action
                          attribute is absent, and SOAPAction is not specified, or is empty, then the
                          default pattern is used. Note that the SOAPAction value is not required to
                          be an absolute IRI, but the [action] property is required to be an absolute
!                         IRI; if wsam:UsingAddressing is present, wsam:Action is not specified, and
                          the SOAPAction value is not empty or an absolute IRI, then the document MUST
                          be considered invalid. &wsa-soap.title;[<bibref ref="WSADDR-SOAP"/>]
                          specifies restrictions on the relationship between the values of [action]
                          and SOAPAction for SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2.</p>
!                     <p>The inclusion of wsam:Action without inclusion of wsam:UsingAddressing has no
                          normative intent and is only informational. In other words, the inclusion of
!                         wsam:Action attributes in WSDL alone does not imply a requirement on clients
                          to use Message Addressing Properties in messages it sends to the service. A
                          client, however, MAY include Message Addressing Properties in the messages
                          it sends, either on its own initiative or as described by other elements of
                          the service contract, regardless of the presence or absence of
!                         wsam:UsingAddressing. Other specifications defining the value of [action]
!                         are under no constraint to be consistent with wsam:Action.</p>
                      <p>For example consider the following WSDL excerpt:</p>
*** 801,807 ****
      &lt;operation name="opCheckAvailability" pattern="&wsdl20nsuri;/in-out"&gt;
        &lt;input element="tns:checkAvailability" messageLabel="In"
!             wsaw:Action="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc/opCheckAvailability"/&gt;
        &lt;output element="tns:checkAvailabilityResponse" messageLabel="Out"
!             wsaw:Action="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc/opCheckAvailabilityResponse"/&gt;
--- 812,818 ----
      &lt;operation name="opCheckAvailability" pattern="&wsdl20nsuri;/in-out"&gt;
        &lt;input element="tns:checkAvailability" messageLabel="In"
!             wsam:Action="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc/opCheckAvailability"/&gt;
        &lt;output element="tns:checkAvailabilityResponse" messageLabel="Out"
!             wsam:Action="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc/opCheckAvailabilityResponse"/&gt;
*** 822,828 ****
      &lt;operation name="opCheckAvailability"&gt;
        &lt;input message="tns:checkAvailability"
!             wsaw:Action="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc/opCheckAvailability"/&gt;
        &lt;output message="tns:checkAvailabilityResponse"
!             wsaw:Action="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc/opCheckAvailabilityResponse"/&gt;
--- 833,839 ----
      &lt;operation name="opCheckAvailability"&gt;
        &lt;input message="tns:checkAvailability"
!             wsam:Action="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc/opCheckAvailability"/&gt;
        &lt;output message="tns:checkAvailabilityResponse"
!             wsam:Action="http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc/opCheckAvailabilityResponse"/&gt;
*** 1636,1640 ****
                  obeys the structural constraints defined in that section.</p>
              <p> A WSDL description conforms to this specification when it incorporates directly or
!                 indirectly one or more of the <specref ref="uaee"/> or the <specref
                      ref="wsdlsoapmodule"/> markers, and obeys the structural constraints defined in
                  section <specref ref="indicatinguse"/> appropriate to that marker, and those defined
--- 1647,1651 ----
                  obeys the structural constraints defined in that section.</p>
              <p> A WSDL description conforms to this specification when it incorporates directly or
!                 indirectly one or more of the <specref ref="wspolicyassertions"/> or the <specref
                      ref="wsdlsoapmodule"/> markers, and obeys the structural constraints defined in
                  section <specref ref="indicatinguse"/> appropriate to that marker, and those defined
*** 1706,1718 ****
                              href="http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-attach">latest version of WS Policy
                              Attachment</loc> is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-attach </bibl>
-                     <bibl key="WS Policy 1.5 - Primer" id="WSPolicyPrimer"
-                         href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-ws-policy-primer-20061018/">
-                         <titleref>Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment</titleref>, Asir S Vedamuthu,
-                         David Orchard, Maryann Hondo, Toufic Boubez, Prasad Yendluri, Editors. World
-                         Wide Web Consortium, 18 November 2006. This version of the WS-Policy Primer
-                         is http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-ws-policy-primer-20061018. The <loc
-                             href="http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-primer">latest version of WS Policy
-                             Primer</loc> is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-primer
-                     </bibl>
                      <bibl key="IETF RFC 2119" href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt"
--- 1717,1720 ----
*** 1786,1789 ****
--- 1788,1800 ----
+                     <bibl key="WS Policy 1.5 - Primer" id="WSPolicyPrimer"
+                         href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-ws-policy-primer-20061018/">
+                         <titleref>Web Services Policy 1.5 - Primer</titleref>, Asir S Vedamuthu,
+                         David Orchard, Maryann Hondo, Toufic Boubez, Prasad Yendluri, Editors. World
+                         Wide Web Consortium, 18 November 2006. This version of the WS-Policy Primer
+                         is http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-ws-policy-primer-20061018. The <loc
+                             href="http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-primer">latest version of WS Policy
+                             Primer</loc> is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-primer
+                     </bibl>
                      <bibl id="WS-Security" key="WS-Security"
*** 1806,1810 ****
                  for 1.0 [action] and 2004-08 [action]. </p>
              <p>However, when describing services in WSDL, the namespace of the Action attribute used
!                 to associate values with WSDL operations differs in the two versions (wsaw:Action
                  versus wsa200408:Action), and the default action pattern in WS-Addressing 1.0
                  differs in two respects from that in the 2004-08 version: the [delimiter] can be
--- 1817,1821 ----
                  for 1.0 [action] and 2004-08 [action]. </p>
              <p>However, when describing services in WSDL, the namespace of the Action attribute used
!                 to associate values with WSDL operations differs in the two versions (wsam:Action
                  versus wsa200408:Action), and the default action pattern in WS-Addressing 1.0
                  differs in two respects from that in the 2004-08 version: the [delimiter] can be
*** 1828,1832 ****
!                     <p>specifying wsaw:Action explicitly when the message is a fault.</p>
--- 1839,1843 ----
!                     <p>specifying wsam:Action explicitly when the message is a fault.</p>

Received on Wednesday, 10 January 2007 11:29:07 UTC