2004/ws/addressing ws-addr-wsdl.xml,1.93,1.94

Update of /sources/public/2004/ws/addressing
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv350

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Implemented LC124, adding Conformance section.

Index: ws-addr-wsdl.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2004/ws/addressing/ws-addr-wsdl.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.93
retrieving revision 1.94
diff -C2 -d -r1.93 -r1.94
*** ws-addr-wsdl.xml	26 Apr 2006 15:34:24 -0000	1.93
--- ws-addr-wsdl.xml	28 Apr 2006 13:09:30 -0000	1.94
*** 1530,1533 ****
--- 1530,1548 ----
+         <div1 id="conformance">
+             <head>Conformance</head>
+             <p>An endpoint reference whose wsa:Metadata element has among its children the elements
+                 defined in <specref ref="refmetadatfromepr"/> conforms to this specification if it
+                 obeys the structural constraints defined in that section.</p>
+             <p> A WSDL description conforms to this specification when it incorporates directly or
+                 indirectly one or more of the <specref ref="uaee"/> or the <specref
+                     ref="wsdlsoapmodule"/> markers, and obeys the structural constraints defined in
+                 section <specref ref="indicatinguse"/> appropriate to that marker, and those defined
+                 in section <specref ref="actioninwsdl"/>. </p>
+             <p> An endpoint conforms to this specification if it has a conformant WSDL description
+                 associated with it, and receives and emits messages in accordance with the
+                 constraints defined in sections <specref ref="mapvaluesinwsdl"/> and <specref
+                     ref="WSDLMEPS"/>. </p>
+         </div1>     
          <div1 id="references">
              <head> References</head>

Received on Friday, 28 April 2006 13:09:40 UTC