RE: Response to your counter-proposal in response to our prior action on WS-Addressing lc141


Yes, as long as the WSDL working group does not substantially change my 
proposal, I am satisfied.  Thank you.  My compliments to you and the WG for 
your efforts.

>From: "Bob Freund" <>
>To: "Cindy McNally" <>
>CC: <>
>Subject: Response to your counter-proposal in response to our prior action 
>on WS-Addressing lc141
>Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 17:42:12 -0400
>We are delighted to report that the WG has reconsidered its decision to
>close your issue with no action and, due to your explanation and
>proposal offered in[1], have agreed to adopt your text as proposed.  Our
>decision is recorded in our issues list and minutes[2]
>We do intend to also check this conclusion with the WSDL working group
>to gain their concurrence.
>We hope that you find this resolution satisfactory.  Please respond
>accordingly to this message.
>Bob Freund
>Chair, W3C WS-Addressing WG

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