- From: Kazuyuki Ashimura <ashimura@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 00:53:37 +0900
- To: group-wot-ngsi-ld@w3.org
- Cc: public-wot-ig@w3.org, public-wot-wg@w3.org
available at: https://www.w3.org/2025/01/13-wot-ngsi-ld-minutes.html also as text below. Thanks a lot for taking notes, Michael Koster! Kazuyuki --- [1]W3C [1] https://www.w3.org/ ¡V DRAFT ¡V WoT and NGSI-LD 13 January 2025 [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log. [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WoT-NGSI-LD#January_13,_2025 [3] https://www.w3.org/2025/01/13-wot-ngsi-ld-irc Attendees Present Charith_Perera, Dave_Raggett, Frederic_LE, Kaz_Ashimura, Ken_Zangelin, Martin_Bauer, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, rigo, Rigo_Wenning Regrets - Chair McCool Scribe mjk Contents 1. [4]Minutes review 2. [5]Agenda 1. [6]Liaison document 2. [7]Examples of use cases Meeting minutes Minutes review <kaz> [8]Dec-9 [8] https://www.w3.org/2024/12/09-wot-ngsi-ld-minutes.html McCool: any objections to approving the minutes? ¡K no objections, approved Agenda <kaz> [9]Agenda for today [9] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WoT-NGSI-LD#January_13,_2025 McCool: we are having meetings weekly to get started ¡K asking people to add documents to the github repository ¡K would like to clean up the repo as part of the agenda ¡K we can gather resources ¡K there is a PR to merge the liaison charter document into the reop Martin: we need to decide how to proceed and develop some simple and concrete initial examples McCool: I think it will be helpful ¡K we could work toward a use case Kaz: agree with mccool, thank you Martin ¡K maybe we could use the W3C WoT's use case template Rigo: discussing use cases would be a really nice idea ¡K how does the application layer of WoT relate to NGSI-LD? <rigo> especially for robotics, the StandICT landscape analysis for digital twins just came out: [10]https://www.standict.eu/ landscape-analysis-report/landscape-robotics-standards [10] https://www.standict.eu/landscape-analysis-report/landscape-robotics-standards McCool: can we add Martin's initial presentation to the repo? Martin: will go look for it McCool: if you think of something to add, please make a PR to add it Liaison document McCool: the only update is changing language from binding specific to a more general "document" Martin: we could add the NGSI-LD spec but it's large <kaz> [11]wot-ngsi-ld PR 1 - Create liaison.md [11] https://github.com/w3c/wot-ngsi-ld/pull/1 McCool: merged PR #1 <Charith> I guess, this project used NGSI [12]https:// cordis.europa.eu/project/id/732240/reporting (perhaps as a associated project or usecase, if helpful) [12] https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/732240/reporting <Charith> [13]https://oascities.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/ SynchroniCity_D2.10.pdf [13] https://oascities.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/SynchroniCity_D2.10.pdf Examples of use cases McCool: makes sense logistically to put them in the repo ¡K creates "examples" directory in the repo McCool: we can also link to external documents McCool: it would be useful to brainstorm some topics ¡K functional clustering of resources? Rigo: it describes how to cluster things in a complex system ¡K for WoT there is a consistent interface, then how do you cluster for example hundreds of sensors ¡K it's a simplification of workflows McCool: in a WoT TD, there can be multiple devices and separate functions ¡K TDs are linked data McCool: are there any other thoughts on categories of examples Martin: let's check the use case in the primer for a starting place McCool: this could become a to-do action item Kaz: agree, we could start with a brainstorm around use cases possibly including smart city use cases rather than strict description according to the WoT template McCool: at a previous meeting, we discussed using WoT to model digital twins McCool: another use case is using TD to onboard devices ¡K another case is describing a northbound interface for digital twins Rigo: there is a landscape analyzer as a negative example, it is only a list of specifications and doesn't explain how the standards relate to another Martin: agree, we don't want a list and would rather keep things small and compact McCool: what are the subcategories of digital twin, i.e. location, device shadow, etc Rigo: we should clearly define our boundaries ¡K from a legal perspective ¡K there is no upper bound on what can be done McCool: safety and privacy are not unique to smart cities ¡K not a data model problem in general ¡K not sure also what WoT brings to the table Kaz: part of the brainstorming is noting which topics fall under WoT/NGSI-LD Rigo: an example is a sensor that has built-in security logic that can interoperate with a smart data management system ¡K for example, a block in the TD containing this metadata can allow smarter data management by pushing it down to a lower level Martin: what is the functional part of this interface? McCool: it reminds me of functional items for safety we discussed in WoT some time back McCool: there are policies and rules that have metadata support Rigo: this is precisely what I am talking about Koster: another item is what is the scope of things that can be modeled using TD that may not have digital interfaces McCool: OK, I will commit this now, please create separate .md files for things that are added McCool: that is all I had for the agenda ¡K next meeting is January 20th McCool: are there any other items for the agenda today? ¡K ideally we will have some PRs to review next week ¡K is there any other discussion or business for today? ¡K OK, let's adjourn for today <kaz> [adjourned] Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by [14]scribe.perl version 242 (Fri Dec 20 18:32:17 2024 UTC). [14] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html
Received on Monday, 13 January 2025 15:53:41 UTC