Re: [WoT+NGSI-LD] minutes - 28 October 2024

Hi all,

Based on the action item from the previous meeting on Oct 28,
I've just created:
* GitHub repo:

* Wiki:

* IRC:



On Tue, 29 Oct 2024 00:18:23 +0900,
Kazuyuki Ashimura wrote:
> available at:

> also as text below.
> Thanks a lot for taking notes, Michael Koster!
> Kazuyuki
> ---
>    [1]W3C
>       [1]

>                              – DRAFT –
>                             WoT and NGSI-LD
> 28 October 2024
>    [2]IRC log.
>       [2]

> Attendees
>    Present
>           Ege_Korkan, Franck_Le_Gall, Juanjo_Hierro, Kaz_Ashimura,
>           Ken_Zangelin, Martin_Bauer, Michael_Koster,
>           Michael_McCool, Rigo_Wenning
>    Regrets
>           -
>    Chair
>           McCool, Kaz
>    Scribe
>           kaz, mjk
> Contents
>     1. [3]Logistics
>     2. [4]Minutes
>     3. [5]Liaison table
>     4. [6]Logistics - revisited
>     5. [7]TPAC
>          1. [8]WoT F2F
>          2. [9]Smart Cities
>     6. [10]WoT-ETSI liaison
>          1. [11]Date
>          2. [12]Deliverables
>     7. [13]Summary of action items
>     8. [14]Summary of resolutions
> Meeting minutes
>   Logistics
>    McCool: sorry we had to cancel the previous call 2 weeks ago
>    due to the overlapping WoT CG call
>    … we'll avoid this kind of confusion in the future
>    … let's confirm the daylight saving change for 2 weeks
>    [ European Summer Time started yesterday; US Daylight Saving
>    will start on Nov 3 ]
>    [15]Daylight Saving changes
>      [15]

>   Minutes
>    <kaz> [16]Sep-13
>      [16]

>    Kaz: any problems with the minutes?
>    McCool: there is a typo
>    Kaz: can we approve the minutes?
>   Liaison table
>    McCool: we would like to start with deliverables and logistics
>    <kaz> [17]Liaison table (ETSI)
>      [17]

>    Kaz: first liaison table
>   Logistics - revisited
>    Kaz: I'll send a reminder to Juanjo and ask him to create a W3C
>    account
>    McCool: how do we organize agendas and documents?
>    … a github repo allows us to organize information in markdown
>    files if people are OK with .md files
>    McCool: we can set up a process and permissions for merging
>    … any comments?:
>    Martin: OK with me
>    Kaz: for this discussion should we use the wiki or md files in
>    a directory on Github?
>    McCool: the wiki is good for agendas and such but storage is
>    limited, so Github is better for other content
>    Kaz: we can create the resources
>    McCool: we need a name
>    <McCool> suggestion for wiki name: "WoT/NGSI-LD Liaison"
>    McCool: is this OK?
>    Kaz: we usually include IG or WG in the title
>    McCool: it may not always be one WoT group involved
>    … is it a strict policy?
>    Kaz: not strict
>    <kaz> "WoT/NGSI-LD_Liaison"
>    <McCool> for github repo, propose wot-ngsi
>    McCool: ask Kaz to create the resources accordingly
>    McCool: we also need a name for the Github repo
>    <McCool> ok, then wot-ngsi-ld
>    <McCool>
>    <McCool> for irc channel, let's also use "wot-ngsi-ld"
>    <kaz> proposal: "WoT/NGSI-LD_Liaison" as the wiki name,
>    "w3c/wot-ngsi-ld" as the GitHub repo name, and "wot-ngsi-ld" as
>    the IRC name
>    McCool: any objections to these names?
>    (none)
>    RESOLUTION: "WoT/NGSI-LD_Liaison" as the wiki name,
>    "w3c/wot-ngsi-ld" as the GitHub repo name, and "wot-ngsi-ld" as
>    the IRC name
>    ACTION: Kaz to create a wiki, GitHub repo and IRC channel as
>    confirmed
>   TPAC
>     WoT F2F
>    <kaz> [18]WoT F2F Day 1 minutes
>      [18]

>    McCool: suggest modeling the liaison after the OPC
>    collaboration
>    McCool: we can use the protocol binding registry
>     Smart Cities
>    McCool: can we review the Smart City IG minutes?
>    <kaz> [19]minutes
>      [19]

>    McCool: the expected deliverables and use case section is
>    interesting
>    Kaz: we use the definition of Digital Twin from ITU
>    … we expect to start regular monthly calls in November
>    … the participants in this NGSI liaison are invited
>    McCool: in the WoT group, we are developing use cases and
>    refining requirements based on user stories
>    … we could use a similar process for this work
>    Kaz: we might want to clarify the relationship between the WoT
>    group and the Smart City IG
>    McCool: we have a collaboration relationship and can get
>    requirements for new WoT features
>    … we had a long meeting with Rob Atkinson about the geospatial
>    location topic
>    Kaz: we will have shared discussions regarding use cases and
>    detailed requirements
>   WoT-ETSI liaison
>    <kaz> [20][DRAFT] WoT WG/ETSI ISG CIM Simple Liaison for
>    NGSI-LD
>      [20]

>    McCool: we need to update the liaison document to capture some
>    action items
>    … propose to copy the liaison document into the Github repo and
>    make PRs to the active document
>     Date
>    McCool: we should update the schedule to a 2025 date
>    Kaz: should we update the document in the WoT repository?
>    <kaz> [21]wot repo's official liaison area
>      [21]

>    McCool: I will make a PR to move the proposal over to the
>    active liaisons directory
>     Deliverables
>    McCool: we talk about publishers and consumers
>    … the Binding Document has considerations of vocabulary and
>    scope
>    … sometimes there are required extensions that require extra
>    work
>    Juanjo: do we have agreement on the first deliverable?
>    … if someone provides a ThingModel, we should be able to derive
>    a ThingDescription
>    McCool: we reviewed a ThingModel catalog from which tooling
>    derives instances of ThingDescriptions
>    … there are existing directory services, etc.
>    … what are the gaps and where do we need glue?
>    Martin: do we need more use cases?
>    McCool: we already have a Smart City use case, are there
>    reusable items from what we have?
>    Martin: I was thinking things of a more technical nature
>    … technical use cases, the first step of refinement
>    McCool: In our process, we connect use cases to features using
>    requirements as user stories
>    … there are also use case scenarios with detailed documentation
>    Kaz: everyone should bring existing resources around use cases
>    and requirements, then we can see what is missing
>    McCool: the first step is to get organized
>    … then we can do gap analysis
>    … need to break it down to organized topics
>    … collect links and put then in one place
>    … let me get the charter created and next time we can discuss
>    how to organize things
>    Kaz: we need action items
>    McCool: I will create an agenda for the next meeting
>    … November 11th
>    ACTION: McCool to put agenda on the wiki, and update the
> with proposals (and make a PR to move it from
>    "proposals" area to "liaisons" area"
>    Kaz: Juanjo, please create a W3C account so that you can access
>    the WoT resources like the wiki, the mail archive and the
>    GitHub repo
>    ACTION: Kaz to send a reminder to Juanjo about how to create a
>    W3C account
>    McCool: any final thoughts?
>    McCool: thanks everyone, sorry for the confusion
>    McCool: adjourned
> Summary of action items
>     1. [22]Kaz to create a wiki, GitHub repo and IRC channel as
>        confirmed
>     2. [23]McCool to put agenda on the wiki, and update the
> with proposals (and make a PR to move it from
>        "proposals" area to "liaisons" area"
>     3. [24]Kaz to send a reminder to Juanjo about how to create a
>        W3C account
> Summary of resolutions
>     1. [25]"WoT/NGSI-LD_Liaison" as the wiki name,
>        "w3c/wot-ngsi-ld" as the GitHub repo name, and
>        "wot-ngsi-ld" as the IRC name
>     Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
>     [26]scribe.perl version 238 (Fri Oct 18 20:51:13 2024 UTC).
>      [26]


Received on Friday, 1 November 2024 07:34:43 UTC