[wot-usecases] minutes - 3 August 2021

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Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Ege!



      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             WoT Use Cases

3 August 2021


          David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Fady_Salama, Jack_Dickinson,
          Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Tetsushi_Matsuda,

          McCool, Sebastian


          Ege, kaz


    1. [2]Agenda
    2. [3]Connexxus IoT WG Update
    3. [4]ECHONET Contribution
    4. [5]Minutes

Meeting minutes


   <kaz> [6]Agenda for today

      [6] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_UseCase_WebConf#Agenda_3.8.

  Connexxus IoT WG Update

   David: TDs are useful in retail domain to describe devices for
   requirements and also commonality
   … also allows to address devices with many interfaces
   … we cannot push our wishes on the device manufactureres
   … TDs should make their lives easier

   Jack: we have slidedeck which we can share later
   … it is about the updates from 2021 from WG
   … use cases, user stories

   Lagally: are you aware of IPR

   Kaz: jack is member so I'd assume he knows about IPR

   Jack: I am in a volunteer. I help with the IoT efforts

   Jack: we are trying to promote iot concepts to our industry
   through different events, like connexxus 365
   … we have NACS event where many convenience store
   representatives attend most of the time
   … the main goal is developing an API and also an IoT platform
   … it was difficult to find use cases
   … but we have taken a step back now we have user stories
   … they also talk about stakeholders
   … like security access, asset management, also facility people
   who care about maintenance as well
   … these user stories can be handed out to customers to
   understand common problems and benefits
   … we also see that there is a segmentation between indoor and
   outdoor (this should be before the previous message)

   Jack: user story helps us
   … develop use cases
   … focused on door sensors, temperature sensors, ...
   … base use case is targeted at on/off or specific temperature

   Jack: we have started with basic concepts like on/off and

   David: we are in a market where the retailers want to sell
   something, they don't want us to explain how it works
   … finding specific sensors: leave it to the retailers

   Jack: we picked 3 use cases from indoor and outdoor
   … (actual picked use cases are on slide 11)


   <kaz> * indoor focus on temp and doors

   <kaz> * outdoor focus on safety, security, customer facing

   <kaz> * building basic properties, actions and events

   <kaz> ]]

   David: also it is really nice that you have a dedicated
   marketing call, we should have one too

   <kaz> [7]use case template

      [7] https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/USE-CASES/use-case-template.md

   Kaz: It would be better to discuss this after putting at least
   an initial version on the use case template

  ECHONET Contribution

   <kaz> [8]PR 139 - use case proposal by ECHONET Consortium

      [8] https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/139

   <kaz> [9]Rendered Markdown

      [9] https://github.com/matsu200722/wot-usecases/blob/patch-1/USE-CASES/wot-usecase-echonet.md

   Matsuda: (presenting use case leaving and coming home)

   Matsuda: devices are connected to the manufacturer's server
   through a home gateway
   … user can use a service provider that is connected to the
   manufacturer server
   … the user can change the operating modes of devices
   … (slide (3) has steps of exactly what happens in a sequence)

   Lagally: so you have a server at home as a gateway

   Matsuda: the device manufacturer's server is on the Internet.
   the blackbox on the left side within the home is a home

   Lagally: the devices have an ECHONET description?

   Matsuda: ECHONET description is not machine readable

   Lagally: so device manufacturer does bridging of ECHONET lite
   to ECHONET lite web API

   Matsuda: controlling a group of devices seems to be a gap

   Kaz: we should understand what kind of data is transferred,
   e.g., which part uses which data model and protocol (probably,
   the device user's home and device manufacturer's server are
   included in the Echonet world, and the service provider's
   server A and the smartphone are included in the WoT world).
   Regarding this PR 139 itself, let's merge it and continue
   further discussion based on it, e.g., the scenario and data

   Lagally: that is indeed a good idea
   … a reference device for ECHONET

   Ege: we need information on the arrow as what protocol is used

   Ege: I think it is a gap in WoT, not in TD, a way to describe
   how interactions from a bunch of Things can be done

   Matsuda: btw, I had problem with uploading the figure.

   Kaz: should be able to add it using pullrequest but please send
   it via email. I'll add it to the repo directly.


   <kaz> [10]July-27

     [10] https://www.w3.org/2021/07/27-wot-uc-minutes.html

   Lagally: approved


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Received on Monday, 27 September 2021 12:42:35 UTC