[wot-architecture] minutes - 18 February 2021

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Michael Koster!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                            WoT Architecture

18 Feb 2021


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#Feb._18th.2C_2021


          Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Tomoaki_Mizushima,
          Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch,





     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]agenda bashing
         2. [5]reference devices
     * [6]Summary of Action Items
     * [7]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribenick: mjk

agenda bashing

   <kaz> [8]agenda

      [8] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#Feb._18th.2C_2021

   Lagally: discussion of issues and limitations with setting hard

   McCool: add the canonicalization requirement

reference devices

   <inserted> [9]wot-profile issue 68 - Reference Device
   Definition for the smallest possible platform for HTTP / TCP /

      [9] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/68

   <inserted> [10]Smart Coffee Machine Thing

     [10] http://plugfest.thingweb.io:8083/smart-coffee-machine

   Lagally: refer to the coffee machine example
   ... what is the size of the coffee machine TD? 9KB

   McCool: multiple languages could make it larger than 16K
   ... we had the idea of reducing the TD by shifting description
   to the TM

   Sebastian: there is a Vorto model that is 50KB
   ... there is a problem with the profile imposing limits on TD

   Lagally: we need to accommodate some minimum device

   Sebastian: but the minimum device will change a lot over time
   and there will be rich edge devices

   McCool: we can canonicalize TDs to make elements easy to find
   ... maybe we don't need to have a limitation
   ... we want to accommodate simple use cases like functional
   pairing of two devices

   Lagally: to explain further, this would not prohibit complex
   devices from being larger, but it would set an expectation for
   small devices
   ... a low level barrier to entry for small devices

   McCool: there will always be device types driven to economize
   ... we can set the minimum based on the capability of cheap
   current devices
   ... e.g. ESP devices

   Kaz: I agree with Sebastian, we should agree about minimum
   ... based on minimum or small use cases we need to define a
   minimum set of TD features
   ... that all devices are expected to be able to accommodate
   ... the point is to start with a minimum feature set and work
   from there

   Sebastian: I am worried that we are making choices that will
   limit use cases in the future
   ... we don't have the real use case
   ... TD in plaintext may not be appropriate for constrained
   devices, it will be compact binary


     [11] https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/main/events/2021.03.Online/reference/hw.md

   Kaz: this reminds me of HTML5 from 10 years ago, where all
   phones today are capable

   Lagally: but embedded devices have long service life times 7-10
   years for a device to be turned over

   <kaz> kaz: can understand your point

   <inserted> [12]WoT Reference Platforms (devices)

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/main/events/2021.03.Online/reference/hw.md

   McCool: shared the list of capabilities for a large device vs.
   small device
   ... we exclude any device that can't run TLS, what's the point
   but these days even (some of the) embedded devices have full
   HTML5 capability like TV sets and Ebook readers. so I think
   Sebastian's concern is related to that kind of evolution of
   device capabilities.?
   ... the small device would be able to host and consume TDs and
   has a fair amount of resources
   ... maybe we could accommodate these devices without limiting
   the size of consumed TDs by requiring streaming

   <mlagally> [13]https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/69

     [13] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/69

   Lagally: sharing the PR #69 wot-profile PR 69 - Reference
   device on reference device
   ... the methodology section proposed describes that a device
   can process TDs
   ... must be able to consume at least one TD
   ... the language probably needs to be improved

   <kaz> [14]Preview - 4.2 Reference Device

     [14] https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/wot-profile/69/594c374...e5c999c.html#reference-devices

   Lagally: includes a statement that a 16K TDB would leave space
   for other application data

   McCool: we could explicitly allow a CBOR TD
   ... are there any features that would break if they convert
   CBOR to JSON?

   Sebastian: CBOR makes sense for the constrained profile

   McCool: constrained profile devices are expected to
   ... profile means constrained profile

   Lagally: the goal is to make it easy for implementers to set

   Sebastian: what is the market? if it is embedded, we wouldn't
   use HTTP and JSON

   Lagally: we used a lot of HTTP and JSON in the plugfest

   Sebastian: OCF devices would require CBOR

   McCool: we would also need to allow CoAP in the profile
   ... a lot of embedded devices can use HTTP

   <Zakim> kaz, you wanted to mention it would be betterto use
   "Minimum target device" instead of "Reference device" here

   Kaz: also it might be better to align the data models with
   profiles, e.g. CoAP or CBOR, as the name or class of the
   profiles rather than "Core"

   Sebastian: not sure the plugfest TDs are representative of
   production TDs or representative of the market

   Koster: +1


     [15] https://vorto.eclipseprojects.io/api/v1/models/com.bosch.iot.suite.example.octopussuiteedition:OctopusSuiteEdition:1.1.0/content

   Sebastian: we are in experiment mode in plugfests and don't
   bother to represent everything that a product will have
   ... maybe someone will make a new chip next year

   Lagally: again, the profile doesn't forbid larger TDs
   ... it would not be compliant with the embedded profile

   McCool: very small devices don't need to handle TDs in a system

   Lagally: not sure that more hardware RAM will always be
   available for large TDs
   ... we could also add edge or gateway profiles for richer

   scribenick: kaz

   Koster: what would be the use cases here?
   ... trying to compete with project CHIP?
   ... could be HTTP/JSON
   ... we really need to be careful

   Lagally: good point
   ... Sebastian, do you think you could provide some examples?

   Sebastian: no...

   scribenick: mjk

   Koster: will provide the Modbus PID controller TD

   <Zakim> kaz, you wanted to wonder about actual embedded devices
   maybe like Modbus sensors :)

   McCool: let's categorize things more and try to propose some
   reasonable constraints

   Lagally: can we bring these more realistic TDs into the
   ... bring TDs to the plugfest even if they are a soft

   McCool: we need some limits for some categories and use cases
   ... we could exclude very small devices and leave the issues up
   to implementers

   Sebastian: the Vorto model and DTDL language models would be
   good references
   ... this would be a good guess
   ... the Vorto example is 45KB

   <sebastian> [16]Vorto

     [16] https://vorto.eclipseprojects.io/#/details/com.bosch.iot.suite.example.octopussuiteedition:OctopusSuiteEdition:1.1.0

   Sebastian: TD should be self contained and not require external
   references to process

   Lagally: using base concepts should also not be required

   Sebastian: there will be some normalization/canonicalization

   Lagally: is there anything significantly larger?

   Sebastian: there are use cases for TD exchanging 9000 data

   <Zakim> kaz, you wanted to mention probably we could think
   about some kind of proxy or intermediary which can handle TDs
   appropriately for small devices (and thought that was our basic

   Kaz: we can think of typical devices and require them to handle
   TD (and clarify our expectation for WoT-ready devices), and
   even smaller devices (which can't handle TD by themselves)
   still can use a TD proxy

   Lagally: suggest the term "native WoT device" vs one that needs
   a helper
   ... what about larger sizes? can we look at more examples and
   decide on a reasonable size?

   McCool: we need to categorize the examples by use cases
   ... we don't want to require devices that are too large and
   drive our solution out of the market

   Sebastian: what is the use case behind an embedded device
   consuming TD

   Lagally: devices that don't have UI features

   Sebastian: what is the realistic scenario? does the switch
   really know enough?

   Lagally: time check, 10 minutes left
   ... new information from DTDL and Vorto
   ... we also have already defined the scope as small and
   ... concerned that we are limiting progress
   ... can we go forward with the reference device?

   Sebastian: can we make a weaker statement about the

   Lagally: it still needs to be a hard number to prevent DOS

   McCool: propose a limit but large, like 64K, or multiple
   categories with limits

   Kaz: suggest that we publish a reference device capability and
   recommend intermediaries for devices that are significantly

   McCool: we could also base the profile on TD size

   Kaz: both concepts are similar but we need to be careful about
   how to describe the concepts

   Sebastian: consuming is not required in the same way vs.

   McCool: producing is not aproblem

   Koster: capture the points of DOS mitigation and realistic TD
   consumer expectations

   Lagally: please put in comments and PRs to evolve a solution
   ... need to discuss vf2f and canonical TD
   ... please write issues and PRs

   Sebastian: need more discussion of DOS attacks

   Koster: DOS attack is a system issue

   Kaz: maybe there is a dynamic way to size the system using
   APIs. I think I should bring that point back to the Scripting
   API TF.

   Lagally: AOB?
   ... please follow up on the discussion; adjourn

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Monday, 8 March 2021 03:45:31 UTC