[TD-TF] minutes - 26 May 2021

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Ege!



      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             – DRAFT –
                             WoT-WG - TD-TF

26 May 2021

   [2]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2021/05/26-wot-td-irc


          Andrea_Cimmino, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner,
          Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Victor_Charpenay





    1. [3]Minutes Review
    2. [4]Publication
    3. [5]JSON-LD and roundtrip
    4. [6]Modbus Binding
    5. [7]PR 1129
    6. [8]PR 1151

Meeting minutes

  Minutes Review

   <kaz-brb> [9]May-19

      [9] https://www.w3.org/2021/05/19-wot-td-minutes.html

   Sebastian: (adds roundtripping to agenda)


   Sebastian: 1st of June is still on track for WD publication
   … probably july for the CR

   <mjk> (koster regrets, I have a conflicting meeting this

   McCool: testing will be focused on the WD version

   <sebastian> [10]https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/514

     [10] https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/514

   Sebastian: an issue was found in the jsonld specification

   McCool: we need to workaround this in directories

   Andrea: the only technology agnostic way of doing it would be
   by defining frames
   … so it is hard to do it in a generic way
   … kehio, another library of us, parses java models into rdf
   … rdf is a graph and json is tree, so when you have cycles in
   json, you cannot tell where in rdf
   … so it took me a couple of months but the Java library is open

   McCool: how do we validate extensions?

   Daniel: victor has validation SHACL generated from ttl

   McCool: that is for the core document

   McCool: we need a way to get more information on the extension
   just by using its context

   McCool: we should ask this the JSON-LD guys

   <dape> s/dp: victor has validation shacl generated from ttl/dp:
   victor uses shacl shabe for generating the others

   <cris> +1

   Sebastian: so you want to put it in the context?

   McCool: yes, maybe some context negotiation?

   Andrea: so you want shacl in the context?

   McCool: that or computing another url for finding the shacl

   Sebastian: we can invite someone from json-ld group to a call?

   McCool: an issue would be good

   Sebastian: (writing issue in json-ld-api repository)

   Cristiano: it is clear if there is a way to state or if there
   is a repository with the validation file

   <sebastian> [11]https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/530

     [11] https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/530

  JSON-LD and roundtrip

   Sebastian: (created issue is [12]https://github.com/w3c/

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/530)

   Sebastian: something more about this topic?

  Modbus Binding

   <kaz> [13]wot-binding-templates PR 109 - Refining Modbus
   protocol binding

     [13] https://github.com/w3c/wot-binding-templates/pull/109

   Cristiano: we discussed about how to map sub types of integers
   in json schema

   <McCool> s/shabe/shapes/

   Andrea: you can use xsd: (something) to allow that


     [14] https://github.com/ajv-validator/ajv-formats

   cris look at this link :)

   Andrea: @type is not the right place for this

   Ege: json schema min/max or the new vocabulary extensions can
   be used

   Cristiano: I see, that makes sense

   <victor> ack

   Victor: I agree with ege

   Cristiano: I will check

   Cristiano: I have a question about the ontology
   … we are defining these ontology for mapping but we are not
   experts. How to be prefix independent

   McCool: prefixes are sometimes cached

   Andrea: for schema.org people find it too long and use other
   … it is not a good idea to rely on the prefix

   Cristiano: so also we have the idea to have an ontology for the
   protocol and another document for how to use it in wot

   Cristiano: also another ontology about binding would be nice

   Victor: but that is already in the TD ?

   <victor> SHACL

   Sebastian: another annoying point is the byte sequence

   Cristiano: yes I have seen that for the first time

   Sebastian: Now I want to move the work to work on some PRs

   McCool: it is difficult to refer to data schema for properties
   … it complicates canonicalizationn

   <kaz> [15]wot-thing-description PR 1130 - Update
   AdditionalExpectedResponses with named data schemas

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1130

   Victor: canonical form should be direct serialization of the
   information model?

   McCool: yes
   … I have to update my PR

   Victor: this should be moved to section 6?

   Ege: why not use $ref and then allow referring to

   McCool: why not creating an example about it?

   Sebastian: then let's merge this and vc and ege will work on
   the proposal

  PR 1129

   <kaz> [16]PR 1129 - More fixes to canonicalization

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1129

   Daniel: but you should not care about such details in

  PR 1151

   McCool: now I want to talk about signatures

   <kaz> [17]PR 1151 - WIP: TD Signatures

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1151

   McCool: I think we should use xml signatures

   McCool: this signature is based on .XML Signature

   McCool: this is not done yet

   McCool: I don´t have all the keys yet

   Cristiano: why is sparql there, you are working with JSON?

   McCool: sure, I can get rid of sparql

   Sebastian: is the signature part also signed?

   McCool: it is added only at the end

   Sebastian: thank you very much for your work mm

   Sebastian: adjourned

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [18]scribe.perl version 131 (Sat Apr 24 15:23:43 2021 UTC).

     [18] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Received on Monday, 12 July 2021 08:04:41 UTC