[wot-marketing] minutes - 8 December 2020

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Cristiano!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                             WoT Marketing

08 Dec 2020


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf#Dec_8.2C_2020


          Coralie_Mercier, Kaz_Ashimura, Sebastian_Kaebisch,
          Kunihiko_Toumura, Coralie, Cristiano_Aguzzi,
          Daniel_Peintner, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima,



          cris, kaz


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]previous minutes
         2. [5]web page
         3. [6]Animation video
     * [7]Summary of Action Items
     * [8]Summary of Resolutions

previous minutes

   <inserted> [9]Nov-24

      [9] https://www.w3.org/2020/11/24-wot-marketing-minutes.html

   <inserted> scribenick: cris

   Sebastian: we'll talk about website, video, and media strategy
   proposed by Philiph Blum
   ... I will join the opc-ua meeting next week, probably we might
   skip the marketing meeting

   Sebastian: we had a separate call with Coralie

   Kaz: are previous minutes approved?

   Sebastian: yes

web page

   Sebastian: we would like to have more control over the website
   and give newcomers a nice starting point

   seb shows the possible new entry page for WoT WG

   Sebastian: we discussed a couple of options with Coralie
   ... the first idea was to update the w3c WoT page and link to
   the new page

   <kaz> [10]WoT Landing page

     [10] https://www.w3.org/WoT/

   Sebastian: however now we have a new solution, basically
   Coralie will add a sub page called business

   Coralie: it is important to update the current landing page
   with fresh content

   Sebastian: ok, so we'll work on the WoT landing page

   <kaz> [Kaz's note: There are two types of pages: 1. current
   w3.org/WoT and 2. newly created WoT Landing page under business
   after redesign.]

   Sebastian: we would like to have also sub web pages

   Coralie: I tought about that... a first solution could be to
   link github pages that you already have

   Sebastian: what about using WoT group main page? there's a link
   to a possible home page. Could we use that one?

   <kaz> automatically generated [11]group info page for WoT WG

     [11] https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/wot

   Coralie: this page is suppose to replace the old one, so you
   could update the homepage link to your main page

   Kaz: as I've been repeatedly mentioning, the current official
   WG page ([12]https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/) is already a
   redirection from the www.w3.org server to the GitHub content

     [12] https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/

   i.e.: [13]https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/ =>

     [13] https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/
     [14] https://w3c.github.io/wotwg/

   <koalie> [15]https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/,source

     [15] https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/,source

   <koalie> /WoT/WG/ is proxied to
   [16]https://w3c.github.io/wotwg/ [see the wotwg repository on

     [16] https://w3c.github.io/wotwg/

   Kaz: so we can easily switch the redirection to configure
   another setting

   i.e: [17]https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/ =>

     [17] https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/
     [18] https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/wg/

   Kaz: therefore my question has been just that we need to
   determine which URL should lead to which page, and also we
   should keep all the content within the current pages/wikis in
   the new pages

   Sebastian: what is your proposal for the homepage?

   Kaz: basically homepage link is already managed by us, we could
   change the redirection setting
   ... I agree to redirect to marketing page as long as it
   contains all the previous information

   Sebastian: it would be ok

   Kaz: what about the blog then?

   Sebastian: added to agenda, we'll discuss it in a moment
   ... I'd like to update also interest group hompage link to
   redirect to wot marketing

   Kaz: changing the redirection from IG to the marketing IG page
   is ok. But how to manage all the blog entries?
   ... may we archive all the entries?

   Sebastian: I want to focus to url redirection

   Ege: for me would be nice to have this

   Sebastian: we can later discuss about the content since
   everything is on github

   Kaz: it is ok, but my suggestion is to think about design first
   and than to redirection after

   Daniel: the only content that we are going to lack is the blog
   posts. however they are quite outdated
   ... no real harm in loosing blog content from my side

   Kaz: if the whole group is ok, we can go down this route. plus
   blog post is not the only content that we'll lose

   Daniel: I see, however I still think we could have a fast
   iteration design process. starting small and grow later

   Sebastian: my proposal is trying to not lose blog information.
   ... it contains the history of our process, it might be
   ... however, I would prefer to have twitter than a blog, we do
   not have time to polish and manage a blog

   Kaz: in that case, do we all want to concentrate on twitter?

   Ege: I agree to use twitter. Blog posts are used mostly for
   tutorials or documentation

   McCool: I also wander if blog post could be published as
   article somewhere

   Sebastian: json-ld group seem to not use blog post too much

   <Zakim> koalie, you wanted to comment on WoT blog

   Coralie: historically the interest group was set up as blog. We
   could archive it or we could keep it.
   ... some w3c groups use blogs but not all of them do
   ... an option is to use the main w3c blog

   <koalie> the Payments Wroking Group at W3C uses the same blog,
   for example: [19]https://www.w3.org/Payments/WG/

     [19] https://www.w3.org/Payments/WG/

   Sebastian: I am not really against blogs. The problem is that
   we don't have man power to mataining it.
   ... my proposal, is to keep the content as it is (archive it).
   How to express this?

   Coralie: I feel that people in wot group have interest to have
   the blog. so we could leave it and we can just change homepage
   ... in the short time we just need to know how to update link

   Sebastian: so w3c has also a blog. It might be a good idea to
   use directly that one for future articles

   <kaz> [20]W3C main blog

     [20] https://www.w3.org/blog/

   Coralie: In my point of view it could be the best option

   Ege: I wasn't really defending blogs. I'd like to have a place
   to post tutorials or documentation

   Sebastian: are you worried that old contents might well

   Ege: I'd like to have a place to post tutorials and they don't
   need to be dated

   Sebastian: could we transfer the old post to the main blog?

   Coralie: sure

   Kaz: let's create a resolution in the Marketing TF and present
   it in the main call

   Sebastian: it would be nice to ask to Dave, since he made blog
   ... we can wait tomorrow

   <inserted> scribenick: kaz

   Kaz: another question of mine (maybe for Coralie) is about CG
   ... would it OK to have a CG page also under this wot-marketing

   Coralie: yes

   Kaz: that's nice :)

   <McCool> (note use case call is starting in 7 minutes)

   Kaz: if so, we should still have a link from wot/marketing/cg
   back to [21]https://www.w3.org/community/wot/

     [21] https://www.w3.org/community/wot/

   <koalie> that cg has a charter but for some reason it's not
   displayed on the CG site


     [22] https://www.w3.org/community/wot/wp-admin/post.php?post=4&action=edit

   <sebastian> proposal: in the future the url
   [23]https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/ will point / forward to the
   content of [24]https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/wg/

     [23] https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/
     [24] https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/wg/

   RESOLUTION: in the future the url
   [25]https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/ will show the content of

     [25] https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/
     [26] https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/wg/

   Sebastian: the remaining question is the CG content

   Kaz: given Coralie says it's OK to have some description on CG
   under wot-marketing, my only suggestion is simply fixing the
   link for "CG Scope", which is currently broken, to be

     [27] https://www.w3.org/community/wot/

   Sebastian: would have some more discussion

Animation video

   Sebastian: waiting for the updates by the animator
   ... will forward the current content to you, Coralie

   Coralie: ok


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [28]in the future the url https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/ will
       show the content of https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/wg/

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Monday, 25 January 2021 03:51:09 UTC