[Scripting] minutes - 28 September 2020

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Zoltan!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                           WoT Scripting API

28 Sep 2020


          Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Tomoaki_Mizushima,
          Zoltan_Kis, Cristiano_Aguzzi





     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]Past minutes
         2. [4]PR 247
         3. [5]Issue# 256
         4. [6]Versioning
         5. [7]Next call
     * [8]Summary of Action Items
     * [9]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribe: zkis

Past minutes

   <kaz> [10]Sep-21

     [10] https://www.w3.org/2020/09/21-wot-minutes.html

   Minutes approved.

PR 247 [11]https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/247

     [11] https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/247

   Daniel: we could point him to the latest spec to check again.

   DP commented to ask re-review

Issue# 256 [12]https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/256

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/256

   Daniel: similarly, we could ask Jakob if he's happy with the

   Cristiano: looks like we didn't handle the problem.

   ... the problem is that specific error handling is specific to
   the protocols
   ... the spec leaves it open to the implementations

     [13] https://w3c.github.io/wot-scripting-api/#the-emitevent-method

   Daniel: we could create one notification that opens up info
   about error conditions

   Kaz: I wonder if we defined enough set of possible errors
   ... if not, we might want to extend that set

   Zoltan: I wonder about 3 solutions: handle it on TD level, or
   as implementation detail, or can we define a generic enough
   mechanism to include an algorithm in the spec.

   Kaz: right, also thought about two possible directions, (1)
   defining abstract level of errors within the Scripting API
   and/or (2) deferring error handling to the Binding Template. I
   don't think we can resolve this issue at the moment and would
   suggest we work with the Binding Template TF collaboratively.

   Daniel: inclining to leave it to the implementation
   ... it is up to the TD to define the errors
   ... might go beyond Scripting spec scope to define those errors
   ... we can ask Jakob if this is fine

   Cristiano: that reasoning could apply to other interactions as

   Zoltan: we used to have this same problem when starting to
   discuss error handling in general, and either we don't have a
   good error mapping or it's problem because fingerprinting

   Cristiano: we could handle it on the ExposedThing
   implementation side
   ... only there
   ... we could add algorithmic steps for handling internal
   errors, reported to the impl script, like with invokeAction()

   Zoltan: yes, that would be a first step
   ... let's take a look on the emitEvent algorithm

   Cristiano: emitEvent should throw, and we could also convey the
   error through the protocols if supported
   ... but that is tricky
   ... kind of agree it's implementation detail

   Zoltan: if we throw an error, it has to be in the spec

   Cristiano: the split error handling is a bit of a mess

   Kaz: this discussion reminds me of the relational database
   engines. If we want to handle detailed errors, we could have 2
   ... one level handled by the Scripting API, the other by

   Zoltan: we do it like that now, some errors are mapped and some
   others left generic

   Kaz: we could have a specific API for the details

   Zoltan: not clear if supported by the TD, or the TD spec

   Kaz: which is why I'd like to defer this discussion to a
   broader group

   Daniel: we could open an issue on the TD side

   Zoltan: we already did file an issue

   Cristiano: also for discovery

   Kaz: and for security
   ... we need to provide capability of rolling back sessions on
   fatal errors

   Zoltan: then we need a transaction oriented API

   Daniel: this puts a lot of pressure on the runtime impl

   Kaz: we cannot get a nice and easy solution

   Cristiano: I agree

   Zoltan: anyway we could do a PR to make the algorithms more
   exact and note about the open issues

   Cristiano: we should also solve the promise vs error callback

   Zoltan: we could follow the design of the discovery API:
   constructor and start() method

   Daniel: personally I would not touch that now
   ... first let's implement and experiment with it

   Zoltan: Cristiano has a point and we should not leave it like
   ... this needs to be fixed at the TD spec level

   Daniel: we could keep the terms close to the TD spec, but if we
   have a better solution in Scripting, I am open

   Zoltan: what dependencies we have beyond node-wot?


   Zoltan: what about automatic ticking of the versions for PRs

   Daniel: the only time we need a version is when we publish

   Zoltan: then we can do it manually

   Cristiano: I see the point to use the 3rd number to increase
   every time, since we can reference the snapshot right away

   Zoltan: we could automate the 3rd number and we could use only
   the major and minor for releases

   Daniel: we would also want to see the spec for each version

   Zoltan: we could include links too, to commit id and to
   rendered version

   Daniel: what about the TS definitions, they are done manually

   Zoltan: IMHO we should mandate the TD definition update from
   the PRs

   Cristiano: I would do that automatically, too

   Daniel: we need tooling for that
   ... node-wot doesn't fetch it, it's a manual process now

Next call

   Daniel: F2F starts after the call

   Zoltan: then let's have the call next week
   ... we will create a shared presentation and anyone could


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2020 11:14:55 UTC