[wot-marketing] minutes - 30 April 2020

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      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                             WoT Marketing

30 Apr 2020


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf#Agenda


          Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Sebastian_Kaebisch,
          Tomoaki_Mizushima, Michael_McCool, David_Ezell





     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Agenda
         2. [5]WoT logo
         3. [6]Michael's slides for Conexxus conf
     * [7]Summary of Action Items
     * [8]Summary of Resolutions


   Sebastian: (goes through the agenda)
   ... not sure about Ege's updates on the wikipedia article
   ... can show you some update on the explainer video
   ... should take care of accessibility requirements
   ... wondering about which video producers would be good
   ... one of them gets good rating but their providing videos are
   based on some specific template
   ... depending on some tooling
   ... some others are kind of expensive but look more

   McCool: right

   Sebastian: talking with my boss about the budget

   <McCool> mm: suggest we look into the person Coralie mentioned,
   at least get a quote and look at their work

   Sebastian: we prefer professional guys

   Kaz: would agree with McCool

   Sebastian: but the guy doesn't handle animation videos. right?

   McCool: ok
   ... maybe we could ask Coralie about that point as well
   ... anyway, would agree we should choose better/professional

   Sebastian: McCool, maybe you can ask Coralie about this as

   McCool: you can directly contact her

   Sebastian: ok, will ask her

WoT logo

   McCool: got response from Dave
   ... about the policy of the original author of the logo
   ... and forwarded it to Coralie
   ... fyi, it seems the original design also had blue color
   ... need some text about usage on the wiki too
   ... (types in)

   <McCool> I think we should add the following text to the logo
   wiki: "The Web of Things (WoT) logo is only to be used for
   officially communications from the W3C WoT WG. If you want to
   use it for other purposes, please contact us."

   Daniel: generated a PR for using the updated logo

   <McCool> ... this is temporary; we should get a legal opinion.
   We may also want to add a copyright notice, for example.

   Daniel: provided PR with changing logo from website (green to
   blue) dp here

   McCool: (explains the text above)

   <dape> ... [9]https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/57

      [9] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/57

   Sebastian: (adds the note to the logo wiki)
   ... (and shows the proposed wot page with the blue logo)
   ... much better than the old green one
   ... any objections to merge Daniel's PR?

   <inserted> [10]PR 57

     [10] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/57



     [11] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Web_of_Things_Logos

   Sebastian: fixes typo within the note on the logo wiki above

   [12]https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/ is updated now

     [12] https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/

Michael's slides for Conexxus conf

   McCool: this friday, there will be an online conf with Conexxus
   ... talking about overlapping functionality, etc.
   ... would go through some of the graphics, etc.
   ... [outline]
   ... introduction of Intel's work, edgeX and WoT
   ... [Retail modernization use cases]
   ... (goes through several pages)
   ... silos by proprietary systems
   ... [Bringing a use case to life buying an ice cream?]
   ... the idea here is a customer getting an ice cream
   ... (explains the scenario)
   ... maybe we can provide self checkout option
   ... [High level diagram of implementation]
   ... (goes through some more slides)
   ... ideas with many devices
   ... local rule engine and cloud services
   ... [Dual transformation engine]
   ... need to look into how WoT would work with this
   ... 2 situations
   ... adaptation to existing devices
   ... and mashup for new applications
   ... those are kind of related with each other
   ... enhance EdgeX for rapid development
   ... [W3C Web of Things]
   ... this graphic came from Sebastian's slides
   ... the WoT logo still has wrong color (green) and to be fixed
   ... idea of having a metadata which describes what the devices
   ... [WoT orchestration options]
   ... [EdgeX/WoT integration]
   ... devices have WoT TDs as metadata
   ... WoT scripts/node-red orchestration for scripting
   ... support rapid orchestration development

   Sebastian: pain points?

   McCool: people do system integration
   ... not necessarily expert programmers
   ... pretty high-level
   ... would clarify pain points of Conexxus
   ... [Orchestration example]
   ... using, e.g., node-red

   Sebastian: ice cream can be detected at the exit and could
   cause alarm (if it's not properly checked out)

   McCool: might be able to lock the door, etc.
   ... the other thing is virtual sensor
   ... might have a camera to detect the door is open
   ... rather than an actual door sensor
   ... bunch of things to be done here

   David: tx for all your work, McCool
   ... this is really good
   ... my question is what the pain point is
   ... what people should do
   ... to develop IoT systems
   ... focusing on thing definitions
   ... your example has 2 paths, scripting and metadata (TD)
   ... shows the power of the standardization
   ... need to focus on TD

   McCool: the point is where the node comes from
   ... your point is well taken here
   ... [WoT orchestration options]

   Sebastian: good point to mention how to generate TDs
   ... also what to do based on that
   ... standard way to get knowledge what the system can do

   McCool: (adds a page on "TODO")
   ... add a slide to show autopopulation of Node-RED nodes
   ... motivate need for TDs to enable that
   ... virtual device
   ... note that there are multiple purposes here
   ... both for Intel and Conexxus sides

   Kaz: the main point I think is making the IoT development
   ... also the scenario includes the point that integration of
   multiple devices from various vendors
   ... and also reusing some specific device, e.g., video camera,
   as an intelligent sensor
   ... those points could be explicitly mentioned as the merit

   McCool: ok
   ... (updates the [Conclusion and summary] a bit)
   ... any other comments?
   ... this is tomorrow
   ... can work on small fixes
   ... you can contact me if you have comments
   ... can put the slides on the wot-marketing repo
   ... wondering if this node-wot code is up-to-date

   Sebastian: maybe you should fix part of it
   ... please give us feedback from the call


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2020 08:21:07 UTC