[TD-TF] minutes - 29 May 2020

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Sebastian!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                             WoT-WG - TD-TF

29 May 2020


          Taki_Kamiya, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Kaz_Ashimura,
          Michael_Lagally, Daniel_Peintner, Klaus_Hartke,
          Tomoaki_Mizushima, Michael_Koster, Victor_Charpenay,





     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]Agenda
         2. [4]Prev minutes
         3. [5]Updates from iotschema.org (Michael Koster)
         4. [6]Samuel from Schneider Electric
         5. [7]Issue 905
         6. [8]Issue 902
         7. [9]Issue 903
         8. [10]PR 907
     * [11]Summary of Action Items
     * [12]Summary of Resolutions

   scribenick: sebastian


   start with agenda overview

   start to check the minutes from the last time

   scribenick: kaz

   Sebastian: Samuel Singapogu from Schneider Electroric is an
   invited guest today
   ... he is aware of the W3C Patent Policy

   <kaz> [13]W3C Patent Policy

     [13] https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20170801/

   Samuel: ok

   scribenick: sebastian

Prev minutes

   <kaz> [14]May-22

     [14] https://www.w3.org/2020/05/22-wot-td-minutes.html

   any objections to make the minutes public?

   no objections

Updates from iotschema.org (Michael Koster)

   <kaz> @@@slides tbd

   Michael Koster shows some slide from the iotschema.org meeting

   Koster: spend time on the ODM meta-model
   ... how to bring Thing class to iotschema.org

   Sebastian: its about ODM classes to thing class in

   Koster: yes, iotschema.org has only capabilities so far
   ... iotschema model and OneDM looks quite the same

   Lagally: if you have the IoTThing can you also build
   composition of Things?

   Koster: yes, you can do it. Explains an outlet example

   Lagally: how to handle name conflicts? Do you have namespces?

   Koster: ODM uses JSON Pointer
   ... for the outlet example can be diffrent
   ... you can use protocol bingings with different TDs

   Sebastian: there is also namespaces in the ODM, right?

   Koster: yes, namespaces are used to seperate the orign
   ... to identify a particular affordance we would use JSON
   ... that is the different from RDF
   ... there is a proposal how path can be constructed in RDF

   Victor: name conflicts are resolved by there URI
   ... in iotschema.org you can assign more then one class
   ... this would be my proposal what a user can do to use more
   then one class

   Koster: that would also work fine
   ... we can use this in the upcoming PlugFest

   Sebastian: there are some plans to introduce JSON Pointer in
   the TD as well

   Koster: what you want to do with it?

   Sebastian: point to global data model definition

   Koster: TDT is the RDF definition of OneDM
   ... device manufactor prefer JSON definition
   ... all the IoT platfomrs like Microsoft and Vorto using the
   properties, actions, event style
   ... we need one RDF representation of the ODM and TDT would be
   a good candidate

   Sebastian: so, the ODM is in JSON, TDT is the candidate to have
   ODM in RDF and will be managed by iotschema.org?

   Koster: yes, that is a way. we do not need different working
   groups to working on the same thing.

   Lagally: if want to create type annotation whould you use
   iotschema.org or something else?

   Koster: lets use iotschema.org

   Sebastian: support open capabilty definition such as
   iotschema.org to avoid multiple definitions
   ... what are the next steps in iotschema.org?

   Koster: we want to extend it and involved Dan
   ... clearify the hosting iot.schema.org or iotschema.org

   <mlagally_> McCool comments that in a scenario where different
   companies create types/templates the use of names is not
   sufficient to avoid conflicts. Unique ids are required for this
   purpose, one common way of solving this problem it is reverse
   domain names (as they are used in the Java classpath). Thing
   description templates and thing descriptions need to take this
   problem into account.

   samuel singapogu from schneider electrics gives an introduction

Samuel from Schneider Electric

   Samuel: works in R&D department in the area digital building
   ... works in data modelling
   ... is there more information about the presenation about
   ... and other question, what is the relation to SAREF?

   Koster: I will send you information about ODM
   ... we work with Maria Poveda to work on the onthologies
   ... SAREF brings a lot features that are related to ODM
   ... we should more discover this in the PlugFest

   <victor> here is a collection of TDs annotated with SAREF:

     [15] https://www.vcharpenay.link/talks/td-sem-interop.html

Issue 905

   check issue

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/905

   <victor> here is the paper describing what we've done with this
   dataset (written by Sebastian and
   myself): [17]https://www.vcharpenay.link/publications/2020-eswc

     [17] https://www.vcharpenay.link/publications/2020-eswc.pdf

Issue 902

   next issue:

     [18] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/902

   is a new issue

   Ege: its about the location of the TDs. how to share this
   information to the others (the clients)

   Sebastian: question about the format. is it TD or the link
   format directly?

   Ege: its the td

   Koster: we can use different rel types like host

   Victor: there is a URI to identify the TD and there is a ID to
   identify the physical object. that is a different

Issue 903

   next issue:

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/903

PR 907

   <Ege> [20]https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/907

     [20] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/907

   next: it's about the dynamic control of hypermedia


     [21] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/tree/master/proposals/hypermedia-control

   question: is it possible that a client can cancel an action
   which it not initated?

   Koster: yes , this is possbile


     [22] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/899#issuecomment-635642205

   Sebastian: Ben mentioned that we should not make TD that
   complicated as you can find for OpenAPI. He suggest to use an
   own subprotocol that implements the hypermedia control
   ... proposal to evaulate one of the hypermedia approaches from
   Victor and Ege in the PlugFest. Decide after if it make sense
   to include such a feature in the TD or not.

   Klaus: are both approaches static?

   Sebastian: ege's version is more static, Victor's dynamic

   Klaus: to get an overview of active actions you need dynamic
   ... we do a mini version of OpenAPI here
   ... would it make sense to take TDT and use OpenAPI for the

   <Zakim> kaz, you wanted to point out we're at the top of the

   <kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
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    $Date: 2020/06/02 08:45:44 $

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Received on Wednesday, 10 June 2020 11:58:05 UTC