[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 20 May 2020

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Michael Lagally!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -


20 May 2020


          Kaz_Ashmura, Dave_Raggett, Michael_Lagally,
          Michael_McCool, Kunihko_Toumura, Daniel_Peintner,
          David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Ryuichi_Matsukura,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima, dezell,


          McCool, Sebastian



     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]Joint discussion with ITU-T
         2. [4]Minutes of the last call
         3. [5]AC meeting
         4. [6]New Use Case Call
         5. [7]POC call
         6. [8]JSON-LD votes
         7. [9]F2F meeting
         8. [10]TPAC
         9. [11]F2F in Pune
        10. [12]TF reports
        11. [13]AOB
     * [14]Summary of Action Items
     * [15]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribenick: mlagally

Joint discussion with ITU-T

   McCool: new members / guests planned to attend

   Sebastian: do they know about it?

   Dave: will check and get back next week

Minutes of the last call

   <kaz> [16]May-13

     [16] https://www.w3.org/2020/05/13-wot-minutes.html

   McCool: some names are misspelled

   <kaz> [Samuael's last name, Simens, dezell's chat name]

   McCool: dezell, Simens, Singagogu
   ... minutes are approved and will be published

AC meeting

   McCool: legal entity change will be deerred a few years
   ... process and patent policy updates
   ... companies should review the patent policy changes, please
   forward to your lawyers for legal review

   Sebastian: provide feedback until end of May

New Use Case Call

   McCool: this is an IG call, next call is next week
   ... under discussion if use case publication should be
   separated from architecture
   ... clarification needed on informative content in normative
   ... will be discussed in use case and architecture call
   ... resolution in WG/IG in 3 weeks from now

POC call

   McCool: we had a call yesterday, discussed use cases
   ... no decision yet if this is an IG or WG call
   ... s/POC TF call/POC TF call/

   <McCool> proposal: The PoC TF call will be a WoT IG call.

   RESOLUTION: The PoC TF call will be a WoT IG call.

   McCool: next week we discuss retail use cases
   ... due to publich holiday (ascension day) tomorrow's arch and
   marketing calls are cancelled
   ... ASEAN: Smart City CIO Livechat, will post a presentation by
   end of next week

JSON-LD votes

   McCool: 2 AC votes are currently conducted
   ... this is important for WoT since we use the spec
   ... please ask your AC rep to vote yes

F2F meeting

   McCool: June 11th is a holiday in Germany, so current schedule
   won't work out
   ... We have two options on the table:
   ... delay only F2F for one week, or delay plugfest and F2F for
   2 weeks
   ... let's tentatively decide today, ask for objections via
   mailing list, and confirm next week
   ... I propose option 2, does anybody object?

   Koster: does this conflict with holiday season?

   Sebastian: +1 for option 2
   ... this gives us and the system team more time for preparation

   <McCool> proposal: Delay both Plugfest and F2F two weeks to
   June 15-19 (plugfest) and June 22-26 (F2F, extra day)
   (tentative until confirmed by email call for objections; final
   review next week)

   <Mizushima> +1

   RESOLUTION: Delay both Plugfest and F2F two weeks to June 15-19
   (plugfest) and June 22-26 (F2F, extra day) (tentative until
   confirmed by email call for objections; final review next week)


   McCool: physical meeting in Vancouver was cancelled
   ... we should also cancel our physical meeting

   <McCool> proposal: in-person October 2020 WoT plugfest and F2F
   in Vancouver to be cancelled, to be replaced with a virtual
   plugfest and F2F at about the same time

   RESOLUTION: in-person October 2020 WoT plugfest and F2F in
   Vancouver to be cancelled, to be replaced with a virtual
   plugfest and F2F at about the same time

F2F in Pune

   McCool: any updates?

   Sebastian: I will set up a Wiki page

   McCool: when do we have to decide?
   ... this is one year after Corona outbreak, so there might be a

   Sebastian: will check with team in Pune

   McCool: at Siemens facility?

   Sebastian: depens on nr. of participants, could also book
   facilities outside of Siemens

   McCool: decide around November

   Kaz: Sebastian, can you please provide the slides presented by
   Manjusha last week?

   Sebastian: will do

TF reports

   <kaz> [Scripting]

   Daniel: scripting: we discussed a recent Pullrequest, Oauth2
   code flow is not done yet

   <inserted> [Security]

   McCool: security: E2E security discussion, document is in
   progress. Oauth, need to review the original document, user
   agent flow. Device flow (new experimental flow) - need to
   decide if this is extension or deferred to version 2

   <inserted> [Discovery]

   McCool: discovery: was cancelled

   <inserted> [Testing]

   McCool: testing: need to fill out schedule

   <kaz> [Marketing]

   Sebastian: marketing: no news on the explainer video. New web
   page: Daniel volunteered to help with design

   Daniel: We will have an interview on Friday, 22nd with
   Studio24, please review issues in the marketing repo

   McCool: developer outreach, PoC call is an actual outreach call
   ... this has two parts: bringing users in, but need also work
   on outreach

   Sebastian: there's a video from Toumura-san about nodeRed and
   rapid app development

   McCool: I asked about similar material on node-WoT
   ... not sure about the status

   Ege: what needs to be changed?

   McCool: not sure

   <kaz> [Architecture]

   Lagally: architecture: we merged several PRs, including energy
   management UCs

   <kaz> [Use cases]

   Lagally: Use cases TF: first call took place, discussion of
   logistics, decided on a bi-weekly call, follow up next week

   <inserted> [TD]

   Sebastian: disucssed TD templates, oneDM, IOTSchema, plugfest


   <McCool> [17]https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/wotf2f-202010/

     [17] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/wotf2f-202010/

   McCool: TPAC, please answer the TPAC questionnaire part on
   meeting with other groups
   ... this will help to avoid conflicts

   meeting adjourned

   <kaz> [main call adjourned; PF/Testing call starts in 10 mins]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [18]The PoC TF call will be a WoT IG call.
    2. [19]Delay both Plugfest and F2F two weeks to June 15-19
       (plugfest) and June 22-26 (F2F, extra day) (tentative until
       confirmed by email call for objections; final review next
    3. [20]in-person October 2020 WoT plugfest and F2F in
       Vancouver to be cancelled, to be replaced with a virtual
       plugfest and F2F at about the same time

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [21]scribe.perl version ([22]CVS log)
    $Date: 2020/05/27 01:17:34 $

     [21] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [22] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Tuesday, 2 June 2020 07:01:43 UTC