[TD-TF] minutes - 22 July 2020

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Sebastian!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                             WoT-WG - TD-TF

22 Jul 2020


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf#July_22.2C_2020


          Kaz_Ashimura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Cristiano_Aguzzi,
          Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Taki_Kamiya,
          Tomoaki_Mizushima, Daniel_Peintner



          sebastian, kaz


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Agenda
         2. [5]FPWD
         3. [6]Bug fixes
         4. [7]OAuth2 flow
         5. [8]New terms in Data Schema
         6. [9]TD Template
         7. [10]CoAP RDF update
     * [11]Summary of Action Items
     * [12]Summary of Resolutions


   <inserted> scribenick: sebastian

   McCool: we should decide if the new version is backwards
   compatible or not


   <kaz> [13]proposed schedule

     [13] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Proposed_Updated_Schedule

   proposing to release the FPWD TD 1.1 in September

   what does the group think about this?

   McCool: depends on the content of the features we want to

   <kaz> [note: our Charter
   [14]https://www.w3.org/2020/01/wot-wg-charter.html is available
   until 31 Jan 2022]

     [14] https://www.w3.org/2020/01/wot-wg-charter.html

   Sebastian: regarding backwards compatibility there was already
   a decision that TD 1.1 should be backwards compatible to TD 1.0

   McCool: there may tools relying on 1.0 and may confuse
   developer if TD 1.1 is not compatible with the tool anymore

   Kaz: agree with that

   Taki: also agree with that

   Daniel: agree with that, deprecated features should be
   addressed in TD 2.0 version
   ... in API there was problem with readmultipleproperties, we
   should clarify how to handle this in TD 1.1. Maybe remove it

   McCool: not sure yet if we should remove it. for sure, it is
   ... there was an idea from Ben to mark readmultipleproperties
   as at risk and maybe remove it if there no complains

   Kaz: there are examples in HTML standardizations, e.g.,
   differences between HTML 4 and HTML 5. for the moment, we can
   keep the deprecated features and mark them "obsolete" or

   McCool: we can also declare as "MAY"

   Cristiano: the idea is to deprecate for now, right?

   Daniel: we should discuss this in next API call on Monday

   Kaz: we should generate a document on the differences between
   TD 1.0 and TD 1.1 first, and we need to do that if we remove
   deprecated features.

   Sebastian: so far agreement about backwards compatibility to
   1.0. There may some exceptions like for the

Bug fixes

   FPWD TD 1.1 should cover the fixes of the bugs mentioned here

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/920

OAuth2 flow

   proposal to include the new OAuth2 flow usage as described
   here: [16]https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/927

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/927

   this PR is still in wip

   McCool: in OAuth2 spec it is not recommended to use the
   password mode
   ... we have to update this in Security Best Practices document

   the PR will ready for the FPWD

New terms in Data Schema

   next PR which may included:

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/896

   Sebastian: do not see any issues here. Will be discussed for

   Cristiano: there is a related issue

     [18] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/912

   scribenick: kaz

   Cristiano: typo for cotentType and contentCoding
   ... should be contentMediaType and contentEncoding respectively

   <kaz> [19]Sebastian's comment on that

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/912#issuecomment-662497394

   scribenick: sebastian

   Sebastian: is there any objection to introduce contentMediaType
   and contentEncoding in data schema definition?

   McCool: we should support as much possible from JSON Schema

   JSON Schema spec:

     [20] https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/non_json_data.html#id2

   Sebastian: will introduce this both json schema terms in the
   existing PR

TD Template

   <inserted> scribenick: kaz

   Sebastian: would like to move the TD Template section which is
   currently Appendix C to the main body

   McCool: we should be open for this change

   Sebastian: would copy the Appendix C content to the main
   ... also would put the examples

   McCool: the issue of mine is whether we have a concrete use
   case or not
   ... so that we can understand the mechanism
   ... copying the current content as a starting point is fine

   Sebastian: ok

   <McCool> actually, what I meant is that I would like to be able
   to include URI templates for forms and security schemes in
   templates, but this would be a modification of the current

   <McCool> ... but we can start with this and propose and discuss
   such extensions separately

   Kaz: yeah, sounds reasonable

   Sebastian: btw, maybe we might want to have an additional Media
   Type for TD Template registered with IANA

   Kaz: at the moment, personally think it might be an overkill
   ... would like to have wider discussion with related

   McCool: maybe we could have some quick way to identify the
   ... anyway, let's create a GH issue to capture the point

   <sebastian> issue were created for record

     [21] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/931

   Sebastian: we should clarify which features are realistic for

   Kaz: btw, we should think about our schedule in August since
   it's summer vacation season

   Sebastian: yes, good topic for the next week
   ... if you have any other ideas to be included in the FPWD,
   please let me know

CoAP RDF update

   Sebastian: talked with Carsten
   ... discussion during the next WISHI call on July 30

   McCool: is that part of the IETF 108 meeting?

   Koster: separate one

   McCool: we need to send an expert to the WISHI discussion
   ... e.g., Ege

   <sebastian> WISHI wiki page:

     [22] https://github.com/t2trg/wishi/wiki/Agenda-items

   Kaz: so the meeting on July 30 is only WISHI. right?

   McCool: yes
   ... let's discuss the schedule for the next week during the
   marketing call tomorrow

   Kaz: ok


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
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    $Date: 2020/07/27 03:30:15 $

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Received on Friday, 31 July 2020 10:43:14 UTC