[Scripting] minutes - 15 June 2020

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Zoltan!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                             WoT Scripting

15 Jun 2020


          Kaz_Ashimura, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner,
          Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis





     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]Prev minutes
         2. [4]Wiki
         3. [5]Issue# 218
     * [6]Summary of Action Items
     * [7]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribe:zkis

Prev minutes

   <kaz> [8]June-8 minutes

      [8] https://www.w3.org/2020/06/08-wot-minutes.html



   Zoltan: discussed with Daniel to start using the wiki
   ... how could we put past minutes there

   Kaz: there is a way

   Daniel: we could also put only the last couple of links

   Kaz: tentatively, I can get the links based on the resources on
   my PC :) and at some point in the future, we could use the
   automatic tools

   Zoltan: I could volunteer to put the scripting repo in order
   (rationale.md, agendas, etc)

   Daniel: the other topic is pre-shared agendas

   Zoltan: other TFs and groups do that, so let's do it

   Daniel: after the virtual F2F will have 2 weeks vacation,
   missing 29 June and 6 July.

   Zoltan: on 29 June I will be away as well

Issue# 218


      [9] https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/218

   Zoltan: considered using uniformly InteractionData with an easy
   constructor, but I thought it's not worth creating a full
   stream when it's not used 99% of the time

   Daniel: the use of 'any' does not seem consistent

   Zoltan: 'any' stands for the value represented by DataSchema
   ... but we needed InteractionData to be able to represent also
   ... and provided value() as a convenience function for
   developers so that they don't have to read a stream every time
   ... most of the use cases are not streams

   Daniel: that makes sense
   ... my only comment was about Actions
   ... we could make it more clear

   Zoltan: I should add a picture to explain in the spec

   Cristiano: yes, that would help

   Zoltan: will create a separate section, then we can ask
   feedback from other developers as well

   Daniel: maybe just misinterpreted

   Zoltan: indeed it needs clarification and we will do it

   Daniel: when looking in Web IDL, it is not clear what `any`

   Zoltan: when `any` is used, people should look at the
   ... but the use of `any` is discouraged for security and
   obfuscation reasons
   ... TypeScript is more defined, WebIDL syntax limits us
   ... we could explain the use of `any` in text, if not in WebIDL

   Cristiano: it's pity we cannot express that in WebIDL, but this
   would be a way out

   Zoltan: in web specs, it is the algorithms that define
   behaviour, we cannot replace it with declarative syntax in
   ... we could also make a practice to use same variable names
   with corresponding types
   ... the API is designed for developer convenience, both on
   ConsumedThing and ExposedThing

   Daniel: from the same servient the use for ConsumedThing could
   be low

   Zoltan: it could be used when you federate or proxy other

   Daniel: question about failures in ExposedThing handlers

   Zoltan: the handler algorithms report a JS Error and the
   impl/bindings use that for generating the protocol specific

   Cristiano: makes sense

   Daniel: will read again the spec and will also reach out to
   developers, e.g. Christian Glomb

   Zoltan: I will make improvements and then I propose to merge it
   in a draft branch

   Daniel: we use the latest published version; the current
   version is always the draft

   Zoltan: ok, will publish it maybe on my github pages, so that
   it's convenient to see/check it
   ... will send the link later
   ... we have the agenda set for the F2F, let's try to merge this
   PR before that


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [10]scribe.perl version ([11]CVS log)
    $Date: 2020/06/16 13:00:16 $

     [10] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [11] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Monday, 20 July 2020 14:16:46 UTC