[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 12 August 2020

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Cristiano!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -


12 Aug 2020


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#12_August_2020


          Kaz_Ashimura, Jennifer_Lin, Kunihiko_Toumura,
          Michael_McCool, Daniel_Peintner, Cristiano_Aguzzi,
          Michael_Koster, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tetsushi_Matsuda,
          Tomoaki_Mizushima, David_Ezell, Zoltan_Kis


          McCool, Sebastian



     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Previous minutes
         2. [5]IETF108
         3. [6]Conexxus strategy meeting
         4. [7]New marketing schedule
         5. [8]ITU-T liason
         6. [9]Publication schedule update
         7. [10]TPAC organization
         8. [11]Pune meeting
         9. [12]TF reports
               o [13]Scripting
               o [14]Security
               o [15]Discovery
               o [16]PoC
               o [17]PlugFest
               o [18]Thing Description
               o [19]Use cases
               o [20]Marketing
               o [21]Architecture
     * [22]Summary of Action Items
     * [23]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribenick: cris

Previous minutes

   <kaz> [24]Aug-5

     [24] https://www.w3.org/2020/08/05-wot-minutes.html

   McCool: saw few minor issues, mostly typos
   ... any other comments?
   ... ok any objections?

   Kaz: I fixed all the typos meanwhile

   <kaz> (no objections and approved)

   McCool: ok minutes published


   <kaz> [25]agenda

     [25] https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/108/agenda/

   McCool: Koster any updates from IETF?

   Koster: didn't attend

Conexxus strategy meeting

   <kaz> [26]agenda

     [26] https://www.conexxus.org/events/asc-2020

   McCool: there is a wot presentation tomorrow

   10 pm pacific time

New marketing schedule

   McCool: architecture tomorrow is cancelled
   ... we could do marketing in that slot

   <kaz> [27]Doodle results

     [27] https://doodle.com/poll/kbrnwpxcukmhgexc

   McCool: we start the new schedule the next week

   Sebastian: it might be appropriate to change marketing schedule
   having a bi-weekly call

   McCool: does anyone have problem with the proposed timeslot?

   <kaz> [28]timeanddate

     [28] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20200818T110000&p1=137&p2=43&p3=tz_at&p4=1440&p5=136&p6=195&p7=101&p8=236&p9=33&p10=248

   McCool: ok let's move the call to that time, we can decide
   later to have it bi-weekly

   Kaz: Mizushima-san, would it be possible for you to join the
   call at least from time to time?

   Mizushima: ok

   McCool: kaz can you update wiki and allocate webex?

   Kaz: ok

   <kaz> [Tuesday 11UTC]

   <McCool> next meeting will be Tues Aug 18, 8am Atlantic (see
   above for other timezones)

   <kaz> ACTION: kaz to allocate a webex for marketing at 11UTC on

   McCool: any other upcoming event?
   ... we have API specification conference in September, none in

ITU-T liason

   McCool: it is postponed
   ... it is usually scheduled during UC meetings
   ... however UC meeting is not happening on August 27. So
   probably it is postponed to the 3rd of September

Publication schedule update

   McCool: I did some clean up
   ... we should focus on FPWD
   ... we have one year for now to finish things up

TPAC organization

   McCool: we added a line in the group wiki
   ... we scheduled two calls
   ... with the group
   ... is anybody have any objection to confirm the scheduled

   <McCool> proposal: confirm schedule for plugfest and face to

   <McCool> proposal: confirm schedule for plugfest (Sept 28-Oct 2
   at 9am-10am ET) and face to face (Oct 5, 7, 20, 21, 22 at
   8am-11am ET)

   RESOLUTION: confirm schedule for plugfest (Sept 28-Oct 2 at
   9am-10am ET) and face to face (Oct 5, 7, 20, 21, 22 at 8am-11am

   McCool: we also have some joint meetings

   <kaz> [29]joint meeting candidates

     [29] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_October_2020#Collaborations

   McCool: we have defined an organizer for each joint meeting
   ... we keep the wiki updated with the status of each meeting
   ... there is a couple of meetings that need an organizer
   ... please check them, volunteers are welcomed
   ... it is useful to have an agenda
   ... for each meeting

Pune meeting

   McCool: we are still trying to figure out how to deal with
   ... so is it still on hold

TF reports

* Scripting

   Daniel: we are reviewing the published documents to have it
   ready for FPWD
   ... we are still looking in versioning and other minor issues

* Security

   McCool: we are looking in adding add and or security schemas
   ... we also briefly discussed about ld-proofs
   ... people also is asking to have a simplified security field
   ... we are going to discuss it in the TD call

* Discovery

   McCool: we had Christian from MongoDB
   ... we need two implementation; one is the linksmart and the
   other it might be with MongoDB
   ... we may hire an intern to have the second implementation

* PoC

   McCool: it was cancelled

* PlugFest

   McCool: we move logistics to github
   ... now there is a readme with the allocated webex
   ... now we have to do the internal organization

* Thing Description

   Sebastian: last week we worked on some issues, related to the
   First Draft 1.1


     [30] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/938

   Sebastian: I also proposed some PR like move TDT to another
   ... there is also a PR about the introduction of a new term in


     [31] https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/869

   Sebastian: today we will discuss about the PRs
   ... next week will not have the TD call
   ... maybe also the next one will be cancelled

* Use cases

   McCool: do we have an updated index.html in master?

   Kaz: yes I had updated it

   McCool: please review it and create PR if you see any issues

* Marketing

   Sebastian: no call last week
   ... we previously review the web page
   ... daniel did a little update, please check it and comment
   ... we will discuss it in the next week marketing call

   <dape> [32]https://danielpeintner.github.io/wot-marketing/

     [32] https://danielpeintner.github.io/wot-marketing/

   Sebastian: however I am on vacation michael can you please
   chair ?

   McCool: sure, I'd like also to discuss about tutorials

* Architecture

   McCool: any updates?
   ... there is no call for the next two weeks

   Kaz: we did a long discussion about how to deal with profiles
   ... architecture TF will work on requirements for profiles and
   collaborate with TD TF

   <McCool> [33]https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/25

     [33] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/25

   McCool: we need to think more carefully on the purpose and the
   definition of profiles
   ... feel free to comment on the issue posted here.
   ... any other topics?
   ... ok, take a break now and then we'll have Testing call
   ... thanks for attening

   <kaz> [main call adjourned; plugfest/testing call 5mins past
   the hour on the same webex and on the #wot-pf IRC channel]

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: kaz to allocate a webex for marketing at 11UTC on

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [34]confirm schedule for plugfest (Sept 28-Oct 2 at
       9am-10am ET) and face to face (Oct 5, 7, 20, 21, 22 at
       8am-11am ET)

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [35]scribe.perl version ([36]CVS log)
    $Date: 2020/08/19 01:14:24 $

     [35] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [36] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Friday, 21 August 2020 09:01:59 UTC