[wot-architecture] minutes - 23 July 2020

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      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                            WoT Architecture

23 Jul 2020


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#Agenda


          Call 1: Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Ryuichi_Matsukura
          Call 2: Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool,





     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Call 1
              1. [5]Prev minutes
              2. [6]Schedule alternatives
              3. [7]Profiles
              4. [8]Issue 17
         2. [9]Call 2
              1. [10]Prev minutes
              2. [11]Profiles
     * [12]Summary of Action Items
     * [13]Summary of Resolutions

Call 1

Prev minutes


     [14] https://www.w3.org/2020/07/16-wot-arch-minutes.html

   Lagally: (goes through the minutes)
   ... can we approve the minutes?

   (no objections)

   Lagally: approved

Schedule alternatives

   [15]Doodle poll

     [15] https://doodle.com/poll/wtxn2wffxvd8fuvy

   Lagally: will send a reminder to the whole group

   Kaz: the results imply the current marketing slot would be the
   ... let's talk about that during the marketing call today

   Sebastian: yes, let's talk about that
   ... anyway, we need to search for a better slot for marketing

   Lagally: tx!
   ... Sebastian, we need your input as well esp. for the profile

   Sebastian: ok


   Lagally: let's look into the issues

   [16]wot-profile issues

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues

   [17]issue 7

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/7

   Lagally: McCool's proposal to reduce number of goals or
   ... the common understanding so far is creating a single
   profile as a starting point
   ... (adds a comment to issue 7)

   Sebastian: wondering if we could have more additional profiles
   ... the resolution made last week doesn't say "a single

   Lagally: right
   ... do we want to start with multiple ones?

   Sebastian: we should clarify our point
   ... this is a baseline with one profile which provides a
   ... and then how to extend it
   ... if people have some legacy mechanisms, don't have to follow
   ... we should clarify which kind of use cases to be addressed
   by the "core profile"
   ... we should discuss that

   Lagally: we should have more discussion about that during this
   Architecture call
   ... what the central points for interoperability
   ... starting with one core profile and think about extending it
   ... people can use the core profile as the basis

   Sebastian: definitely agree to the idea of profiles
   ... but a bit concerned about how to deal with it
   ... we should be careful how to communicate with implementers
   outside W3C
   ... who are working on IoT based on the market needs
   ... might need to work on various different technologies
   ... what kind of protocol could be used for what, etc.
   ... should consider the actual benefit of having profiles
   ... would be better to provide multiple solutions

   Lagally: completely agree
   ... we shouldn't exclude people working on MQTT, etc.
   ... if we support only one protocols, that would not be good
   ... we have to discuss the details and find a solution
   ... (shows the initial draft)

   [18]initial draft of wot-profile

     [18] https://w3c.github.io/wot-profile/

   Kaz: we can concentrate on the core profile for the FPWD
   ... and put the other possible profiles into "other expected
   profiles" section
   ... after getting consensus, we can move them one by one to the
   main body

   Lagally: agree
   ... regarding issue 7 itself, it's asking us to reduce the
   number of the profiles
   ... and we've already reduced the number
   ... we have a consolidated requirements for profiles as well


     [19] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/blob/master/REQUIREMENTS/requirements.md

   Lagally: (adds some more comments to issue 7)

   Sebastian: seems to be reasonable

   Kaz: Ben's last comment for issue 7 is kind of old (in 2019)
   ... so let's give this update and see his response

   Lagally: ok
   ... let's keep this issue 7 open and see his response

   [20]Lagally's comments based on the discussion today

     [20] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/7#issuecomment-662845278

Issue 17

   [21]issue 17 - vocabulary not in TD context

     [21] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/17

   Sebastian: Section list a number of vocabulary (e.g.,
   softwareRevision, loc_latitude,...) that are not mention in the
   TD specification yet.

   [22]section of wot-profile draft

     [22] https://w3c.github.io/wot-profile/#recommended-practice-

   Sebastian: this is listed for the core profile
   ... but no new term is clearly defined

   Lagally: we have practical knowledge based on our PlugFest
   ... but the knowledge requires some baseline for

   Kaz: regarding the terminology definition itself, we can start
   with listing undefined terms with "to be defined" :)
   ... e.g. softwareRevision: TBD

   Lagally: (adds comments to issue 17)
   ... our intention is not to divere from the TD spec or define
   duplicate entities

   Kaz: we can move the possible new terminology section to the
   Architecture draft or the TD draft later if needed
   ... but starting with listing necessary terms would make sense

   Lagally: ok

   [23]Lagally's comments to issue 17 based on the discussion

     [23] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/17#issuecomment-662848481

   Lagally: we have to look into the Architecture issues as well
   ... now we can quickly skim the initial draft wot-profile

   [24]initial draft wot-profile

     [24] https://w3c.github.io/wot-profile/

   Lagally: (and then create another issue)
   ... profile is not exclusive
   ... add text that explains that the TD can be used without
   restriction for all purposes

   Sebastian: we can discuss the detail for the issue next time

   [25]new issue 18

     [25] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/18

   Lagally: would it be OK to use this initial draft as the basis
   of further discussion?

   Sebastian: let's work on that so that we can publish the FPWD
   in September
   ... btw, I should be also part of the Editors to give updates

   Lagally: tx!
   ... aob for today?


   [call 1 adjourned]

Call 2

Prev minutes


     [26] https://www.w3.org/2020/07/16-wot-arch-minutes.html

   Lagally: (goes through the minutes)

   (no objections)


   <mlagally___> propsal: Use the current strawman document as the
   baseline for the Profile specification

   RESOLUTION: Use the current strawman document as the baseline
   for the Profile specification

   <mlagally___> proposal: Accepting the following requirements
   for the FPWD: Interoperability, Limit and reduce complexity,
   Eliminate ambiguities, Limit resource consumption, finite set
   of features and capabilities, follow security and privacy best
   practices subject to group feedback

   RESOLUTION: Accepting the following requirements for the FPWD:
   Interoperability, Limit and reduce complexity, Eliminate
   ambiguities, Limit resource consumption, finite set of features
   and capabilities, follow security and privacy best practices
   subject to group feedback

   <Mizushima> [27]wot-profile issue 16

     [27] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/16

   Lagally: adding co-Editors

   McCool: fine to be added

   Lagally: would merge PR16 as is right away
   ... we can add McCool and Sebastian later

   McCool: ok

   [28]Issue 17

     [28] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/17

   McCool: we should start with the main ontology
   ... the question is if we would limit extensions, e.g., do we
   want to let OneDM, etc., to be included in the profiles?

   Lagally: have been working vocabulary from our PlugFests

   McCool: we need to think more about testing side for the
   PlugFest work

   Kaz: as I proposed during the first call, regarding this issue
   17 from Sebastian itself, I'd like to suggest we clarify which
   term is defined and which is not
   ... and think about the concrete definition later

   McCool: yeah, we should respond to Sebastian
   ... note that we should not fragment because a profile TD is
   still a valid TD
   ... we might want to define a limited frozen set of extension

   [29]Lagally's comment

     [29] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/17#issuecomment-663085750

   [30]Issue 8

     [30] https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/8

   Lagally: (adds a label of "defer to 2.0"and removed the
   "requirement" label)


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [31]Use the current strawman document as the baseline for
       the Profile specification
    2. [32]Accepting the following requirements for the FPWD:
       Interoperability, Limit and reduce complexity, Eliminate
       ambiguities, Limit resource consumption, finite set of
       features and capabilities, follow security and privacy best
       practices subject to group feedback

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
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Received on Sunday, 2 August 2020 15:04:21 UTC