- From: Kazuyuki Ashimura <ashimura@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 17:42:31 +0900
- To: public-wot-wg@w3.org
available at: https://www.w3.org/2020/04/20-wot-discovery-minutes.html also as text below. Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Zoltan! Kazuyuki --- [1]W3C [1] http://www.w3.org/ - DRAFT - WoT Discovery 20 Apr 2020 [2]Agenda [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Discovery_WebConf#20_Apr_2020 Attendees Present Kaz_Ashimura, Andrea_Cimmino, Christian_Glomb, Eve_Schooler, Farshid_Tavakolizadeh, Kevin_Olotu, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Shreekantha_Devasya, Takahisa_Suzuki, Zoltan_Kis, Tomoaki_Mizushima Regrets Chair McCool Scribe Zoltan Contents * [3]Topics 1. [4]Guests 2. [5]Previous minutes 3. [6]LinkSmart Thing Directory 4. [7]Metadata supported in searches * [8]Summary of Action Items * [9]Summary of Resolutions __________________________________________________________ <kaz> scribenick: zkis_ Guests McCool: We have guests who are not members. ... we also have new members, Farshid from Fraunhofer Previous minutes <kaz> [10]Apr-6 minutes [10] https://www.w3.org/2020/04/06-wot-discovery-minutes.html Christian: question, discovery should return TDs; is it possible to return TD Templates? McCool: could be a reasonable extension, we need to discuss it ... for instance we might want to omit certain information for privacy reasons ... any objections against accepting the minutes? no objections, minutes approved LinkSmart Thing Directory McCool: last week Fraunhofer joined the main call and gave a presentation about a WoT Thing Directory implementation [11]Apr-15 WoT main call minutes [11] https://www.w3.org/2020/04/15-wot-minutes.html#item03 [12]Fraunhofer's slides on LinkSmart Thing Directory [12] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/linksmart/thing-directory/presentations/thing-directory-wot-call-2020-4-15.pdf McCool: there was not much time for questions Farshid: we could go through questions one by one and discuss McCool: use case on energy efficiency -> pointing to WoT Architecture use cases <McCool_> [13]https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/tree/master/USE-CAS ES [13] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/tree/master/USE-CASES <zkis> scribenick: zkis McCool: we should create an issue to capture the use case ... looking for possibly related issues Farshid: the use case is related to energy efficiency of smart buildings McCool: will create a new issue <FarshidT> [14]https://github.com/linksmart [14] https://github.com/linksmart [15]new issue on energy efficiency [15] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/481 <McCool_> summary of comments: use case, meta-data, edgeX, ttl, validation with semantic extensions, notification of TD updates, search/filtering mechanism, partial TDs, dids, links for metadata McCool: any other questions to discuss? ... prioritizing this, search and filtering should be discussed Farshid: we evaluate different approaches for searching ... one candidate is JSON path ... it's on the slides [16]Fraunhofer's slides on LinkSmart Thing Directory [16] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/linksmart/thing-directory/presentations/thing-directory-wot-call-2020-4-15.pdf Farshid: for instance, fetching hrefs of all TD's ... or search for TDs that have a certain title and fetch only a few properties ... or search using a regexp ... we could also use comparison operators McCool: who defines JSON path? Farshid: it's not a standard <McCool_> [17]https://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/ [17] https://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/ <McCool_> [18]https://github.com/oliveagle/jsonpath [18] https://github.com/oliveagle/jsonpath Christian: did you consider others, like SPARQL or JSON queries which are standards? Farshid: we did a comparison and this was easier for users McCool: it's been a problem in a past when we don't rely on standards, as we need to define how we use it ... we discussed SPARQL and concluded it's too powerful and too complex ... we used partial TDs for matching ... we could do that with JSON path as well ... would that work? Farshid: yes it's possible ... also, GraphQL would be possible [19]https://graphql.org/ [19] https://graphql.org/ Koster: We used searches where we wanted to know what type annotations there are in the TD ... and this would work great for that ... semantic queries, dissecting TDs from semantic point of view McCool: we should define standards for Thing Directories, and should come up with recommendation for query language ... we need a set of candidates ... we need to document pros and cons ... at first sight this is appropriate ... we should also check out others Koster: JSON path is a query language, JSON pointer is different McCool: anyone knows if there are standardization plans for JSON path? ... first we need to capture this in an issue Farshid: do we include protocols in this? Koster: we need to be able to talk to standard HTTP server using these JSON path or other queries McCool: yes we should be able to pack it in a URL ... capturing SPARQL, GraphQL, TD templates, simple keyword search, JSON path Koster: SPQRQL and keywork search don't need to know much about the content you're searching in McCool: we could do keyword search with JSON path Shreekantha: let's also include XML path [20]XML Path spec [20] https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-31/ Koster: who are using XPath? examples? Shreekantha: maybe later McCool: WoT Scripting supports are few discovery search options, they are not set in stone ... we need to track how can we support these searches in Scripting <McCool_> [21]https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/17 [21] https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/17 McCool: OK, moving to other topics. ... let's postpone the partial TD discussion Metadata supported in searches McCool: this should be discussed in the TD call Farshid: OK McCool: what about optional time to live? Farshid: we checked this out and optionality was justified McCool: creating an issue about TTL use cases Farshid: we expect that a registration created by a human will be managed and removed when it is no longer valid. McCool: will create the issue and follow up there. [22]https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/18 [22] https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/18 <McCool_> [23]https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/18 [23] https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/issues/18 McCool: time is up, a lot more things to discuss, e.g. does Vorto support partial TDs etc ... we will discuss next week AOB? [adjourned] Summary of Action Items Summary of Resolutions [End of minutes] __________________________________________________________ Minutes formatted by David Booth's [24]scribe.perl version 1.152 ([25]CVS log) $Date: 2020/04/27 14:11:05 $ [24] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm [25] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/
Received on Wednesday, 29 April 2020 08:42:16 UTC