[PlugFest/Testing] minutes - 1 April 2020

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      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                          WoT PlugFest/Testing

01 Apr 2020


          Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan,
          Kuniihko_Touura, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura,





     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]Review minutes
         2. [4]node-wot
         3. [5]Virtual PlugFest
     * [6]Summary of Action Items
     * [7]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribenick: kaz

Review minutes

   [8]Mar-25 minutes

      [8] https://www.w3.org/2020/03/25-wot-pf-minutes.html

   McCool: look good
   ... any comments/objections?


   McCool: approved


   Ege: talking with Daniel

   McCool: discussion about supporting people
   ... maybe there are user grouups of node-wot outside W3C
   ... the question is what would be the right way?

   Daniel: not sure
   ... not so familiar with the whole Eclipse organization
   ... either way is fine

   McCool: precident of W3C is that W3C doesn't usually do user
   ... CGs are also for standardization
   ... so would be not usual to create a new CG for node-wot user
   ... some kind of user group within the Eclipse side?

   Daniel: not really sure
   ... withing the W3C, there are some activities for browser

   McCool: could justify "node-wot" as a test tool for WoT
   ... but might be out of W3C's scope
   ... even though node-wot is a reference implementation so far
   ... would make a room for other possible implementations
   ... developer outreach is important
   ... including Mozilla, EdgeX, etc.
   ... we could do a meeting for a CG forcused on node-wot for a
   ... make sense?

   Daniel: yes

   McCool: also we need someone to take the lead
   ... do you think you could do, Daniel?
   ... or could volunteer somebody else?

   Daniel: would talk with Ege

   McCool: having two people would make sense

   Kaz: in any case, we should clarify our need/requirements for
   this work

   McCool: yeah
   ... including better documentation

   Kaz: agree
   ... discussion about the liaison side during the marketing call
   ... and possible technical issues during this testing call

   Daniel: possibly a general developer slot during this testing

   McCool: think that's a different topic from the scope of this

   Ege: what about having regular tutorial session, e.g., for 10

   McCool: would suggest you (Ege and Daniel) create an issue in
   WoT marketing call
   ... to focus on developer outreach

   Ege: including Python engineers?

   McCool: possibly
   ... please create an issue

   Ege: about developer outreach?

   McCool: yeah, developig outreach for developers
   ... anything else about this?


Virtual PlugFest

   McCool: let's discuss date and time
   ... now the meeting in June will be definitely a virtual one
   ... how to organize it?
   ... we would not have sessions during the weekend
   ... make sense?
   ... should document that point?
   ... (goes to the Helsinki wiki)

   [9]Helsinki wiki

      [9] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_6-11_June_2020,_Helsinki

   McCool: (adds notes to the wiki)
   ... (also adds some more edits)
   ... then schedule topics
   ... netorking
   ... including software
   ... then documentation
   ... and scheule
   ... any other general points?

   Daniel: topics on semantics
   ... maybe part of use cases?

   McCool: the point here is which topics to be covered under some
   of the sections?
   ... (adds an additional general category for "use cases")
   ... any particular ideas here?

   Daniel: semantic extensions?

   Kaz: in that case, maybe it would be better to add sub
   categories to those three topics here
   ... e.g., "industry-viewpoint:" for media and streaming

   McCool: how about adding "business" to "media and streaming"
   ... and "research" to the others

   Kaz: that's fine :)

   McCool: however, would get initial ideas as the starting point

   Kaz: adding categorization later is also fine then

   McCool: proposed schedule for logitics setting
   ... 2-week VPN is up
   ... participants commit to having all devices online all week
   ... light meeting schedule: 1h everyay to resolve issues (from
   the plugfest effort)
   ... people work offline of have 1:1 meetings to test (smaller)
   pairs of devices
   ... end we gather all test data and create report
   ... regarding the dates
   ... we originally wantd to do the plugfest on 6-7 June
   ... but that wouldn't make sense for a virtual one
   ... so should change the dates
   ... proposal:
   ... May 27-June 8: VPN set up
   ... June 4-8: Virtual PlugFest
   ... June 11-15: VIrtual F2F

   Daniel: wonder about 4 days PlugFest

   McCool: have to worry about synching up for 1 hour

   Daniel: somehow spread up during the week

   Kaz: we should avoid weekend, shouldn't we?

   McCool: was looking at May instead of June...
   ... let me fix the proposal
   ... May 25-June 5: VPN is up
   ... btw, given the problems with the Coronavirus situation, who
   would have difficulty with visiting your labs/companies?

   Ege: not sure at the moment, but if we have VPN connection,
   maybe there will not be big issues

   McCool: kind of concerned about Japanese companies, etc.
   ... we should ask people's sitiation
   ... if we can just do small things, let's go for it
   ... don't have to includ fancy devices this time

   May 25 - June 5: plugfest Virtual LAN is up
   June 1-5: Virtual Plugfest
   June 8-12: Virtual F2F

   McCool: can we create a doodle to pick a good time?
   ... best overwrapping times for all

   Kaz: can create one if everybody is ok with this basic schedule

   McCool: let's do a doodle then

   Kaz: ok

   <scribe> ACTION: kaz to create a doodle to pick good times
   based on the basic weekly schedule on the Helsinki wiki

   McCool: let's discuss further points next week

   Ege: btw, I've just created an issue for wot-marketing

   <Ege> [10]https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/52

     [10] https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/52

   McCool: (adds that to today's agenda for record)


Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: kaz to create a doodle to pick good times based
   on the basic weekly schedule on the Helsinki wiki

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [11]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([12]CVS log)
    $Date: 2020/04/07 03:06:49 $

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Received on Thursday, 16 April 2020 14:00:08 UTC