[wot-architecture] minutes - 2 April 2020

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Zoltan!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                            WoT Architecture

02 Apr 2020


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#Agenda


          Call 1: Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally,
          Taki_Kamiya, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis
          Call 2: Kaz_Ashimura, Elena_Reshetova, Michael_Lagally,
          Michael_McCool, Zoltan_Kis, Kunihiko_Toumura,
          Ryuichi_Matsukura, David_Ezell, Taki_Kamiya



          kaz, zkis


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Call 1
              1. [5]Review minutes
              2. [6]Use cases
              3. [7]Pullrequests
              4. [8]Terminology
              5. [9]Transportation use case
         2. [10]Call 2
              1. [11]Past minutes
              2. [12]lifecycle discussion
     * [13]Summary of Action Items
     * [14]Summary of Resolutions

Call 1

   scribenick: kaz

Review minutes

   <mlagally> If you have a few mins and want to have fun:

     [15] https://youtu.be/DYu_bGbZiiQ


     [16] https://www.w3.org/2020/03/26-wot-arch-minutes.html

   Lagally: (goes through the minutes)
   ... discussion with Chris as well
   ... any objections to approve the minutes?


   Lagally: approved

Use cases

   Lagally: split into 2 pieces
   ... call 1: agriculture and transportation
   ... call 2: lifecicle (including Zoltan and Elena) and health



     [17] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/475

   Lagally: (goes through the changes)

   [18]gitio draft

     [18] https://w3c.github.io/wot-architecture/

   Lagally: 8.2 WoT RUntime
   ... (go back to the changes within pullrequest 475)
   ... references to docs
   ... lifecycle diagram
   ... comparison
   ... bootstrapping
   ... would like to merge this

   [19]Elena's diagram

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/blob/master/proposals/WoT lifecycle diagram-WoT new lifecycle.svg

   [20]Lagally's diagram on unified device

     [20] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/blob/master/proposals/unified device lifecycle.svg

   Lagally: sequence diagrams are useful here
   ... bootstrap, onboard, activate, offboard, decommission,
   ... 2nd diagram: bootstrap, register, discover, onboard,
   activate, use, deactivate, offboard, deregister, decommission,
   ... don't want to go into the detail
   ... but just wanted to show the reource for call 2


   [21]Pullrequest 454

     [21] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/454

   Lagally: proposed term definition from the architecture call
   last week:



   A Thing Description Template (TDT) is a description for a class
   of Things that have the same capabilities.

   It describes the properties, actions, events and common
   metadata that are shared for an entire group of Things. A TDT
   does not contain enough information to identify or interact
   with a Thing instance.

   (potentially add the following: Note: A TD is an instance of
   one or more TDTs.)


   Zoltan: scripting-specific

   Lagally: we have a couple of proposed teminology definitions

   Zoltan: subest of TD?

   Lagally: yes
   ... should have discussion during the TD call as well

   Zoltan: TD fragments should be also valid TDs

   Lagally: right that's not arbitrary string
   ... going to write another proposal
   ... (proposal based on the discussion today, April 2)
   ... Partial TD = subset of TD that is valid JSON-LD. It uses

   Taki: what would be the whole set given a "subset"?
   ... not sure about the concept of "set" here

   Zoltan: a document is a set
   ... should have discussion during the TD call
   ... we should keep the use case descriptions here, though

   [22]SSML 1.1

     [22] https://www.w3.org/TR/speech-synthesis11/#S2.2.1

   Kaz: we might want to look at the definition of "fragment" from
   XML-based specs like SSML above
   ... that implies we might want to have some clear schema
   definition for "TD fragment" as well

   Zoltan: there is no concrete definition within the spec text,

   Lagally: how about "subse of a TD data model" which doesn't
   require all mandatory keywords

   Kaz: do you mean "all the mandatory keywords of the TD"?

   Lagally: right
   ... (adds clarification for that)
   ... and "a partil TD is used as a search pattern for discovery"

   Zoltan: maybe we should discuss this during the TD call
   ... but OK with this for now

   Lagally: ok
   ... (and save the defitnion as a comment

Transportation use case

   [23]Pullrequest 470

     [23] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/470

   <mlagally> Zoltan, we cannot hear you

   Zoltan: this is just a first draft
   ... not sure how to split this up
   ... a lot of concrete use cases are included here
   ... public transport by bus, flight cargo, etc.

   Lagally: this use case does include good points
   ... what would be the expected data model?

   Zoltan: this is just a use case
   ... needs reviewers to improve it
   ... help from you all would be helpful

   Kaz: we can consider this use case as a meta business-oriented
   use case which inspire us to generate several concrete use
   cases deribed from this

   Lagally: right
   ... this is a use case on some vertical

   Kaz: "vertical" could be a possible term for this purpose :)

   Lagally: (adds comments on the discussion so far to the

   Zoltan: would like to get a second round for this

   Lagally: cargo is ship, airroad, rail and last mile
   ... stakeholders are very different companies, however, hared
   identifiers for packages, source and target location are
   ... shipping options like dangerous goods, priority

   Zoltan: would somebody to review this use case once
   ... to get better understanding for this
   ... can mention that within the pullrequest itself

   Lagally: ok
   ... just wanted to capture our points during this call
   ... assign a reviewer?
   ... Benjamin for vehicle use case?

   Zoltan: sounds good

   Lagally: and people on this call?
   ... Singapore govtech guys are also expected
   ... (assigns people from the WoT WG to the pullrequest as

   Kaz: note that we're already at the end of the hour

   Lagally: ok
   ... let's talk about the agriculture use case next week

   Taki: would like to make contribution to another use case on

   Lagally: great
   ... aob?


   Lagally: let's continue the discusion during call 2

   [24]call 2 time

     [24] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-wot-wg/2020Feb/0030.html

   [call 1 adjourned]

Call 2

   scribenick: zkis

Past minutes

   Lagally: past minutes presented in call 1, no objections

   [past minutes approved]

   <kaz> [25]Mar-26 minutes

     [25] https://www.w3.org/2020/03/26-wot-arch-minutes.html

   Lagally: presenting issues discussed during call 1

   Lagally: presenting PRs
   ... added links to

     [26] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/475

lifecycle discussion

   Elena: have done some fixes to the diagram
   ... there was a discussion of it in the Security call as well
   ... got input from Oliver, form OPC-UA provisioning angle
   ... tried to merge OPC-UA lifecycle into the diagram
   ... Anima focuses on the link between Manufacturing and
   Operational state
   ... Anima also defines the Destroyed state
   ... maintenance state is not really defined well

   Lagally: so it is bootstrapping and achieving operational state
   ... any other stakeholder?

   Elena: Anima defines bootstrapping via joint proxy, registrar,
   and MASA
   ... Manufactured state has the manufacturer key set
   ... botstrapping will set Site keys
   ... also, there are Application keys

   Lagally: so it solves the question how to provision the keys
   during bootstrapping

   Elena: it is zero-touch mechanism
   ... but you have to have some keys on the device

   McCool: not all devices have manufacturer keys

   Elena: will get there
   ... for OPC-UA, the picture is similar
   ... there is no zero-touch provisioning, the device needs
   connected to a network, credentials provisioned
   ... different requirements for pre-state

   Lagally: is there an OPC-UA device without any keys?

   Elena: Manufactured state can lack the keys
   ... should ask Oliver

   Lagally: should we have a security bootstrap state?

   Elena: going back to the WoT device lifecycle picture, we have
   a separate state for Bootstrapped/Onboarded
   ... which is optional
   ... it is possible some devices are already in bootstrapped
   state when leaving manufacturing

   McCool: when is the SW installed (behavior)? when application
   keys are installed?

   Elena: will go through the diagram
   ... some devices might have manufacturer keys, but no service
   provider key or application keys
   ... then we transition to Bootstrapped state
   ... configures the device with identity, keys and certs needed
   for that
   ... service provider key is set
   ... but no application keys at this point
   ... next, transition to Operational is when app keys are
   provisioned and configured
   ... Maintenance state can update the app keys, but not change
   identity etc

   McCool: Anima assumes the device is operational when it has the
   site keys
   ... first transition is for service provider bootstrapping,
   second transition for app bootstrapping

   Lagally: so they have a certain model for key management
   ... what is an app key

   Elena: from WoT pov, there is a set of credentials provisioned
   into the WoT runtime
   ... this is the application key

   Lagally: why ACL?

   Elena: the purpose is identification and authentication
   ... then ACLs can be set up

   McCool: we should separate device provisioning from service

   <kaz> regrets2: Koster

   Zoltan: setting up ACLs is needed in OCF for instance,
   otherwise won't be operational

   McCool: we could make a note about device vs service

   Lagally: is there a new state when a device is registered with
   a service?
   ... tried to do some sequence diagrams and had questions like

   McCool: registering to services is not a state of the device

   Zoltan: there are 2 levels of services: protocol native and WoT

   Kaz: we need to figure out which state is linked to which
   ... most states can be linked to specific devices

   McCool: it might be confusing to include all possible states
   ... we can deal with other systems in operational state
   ... we need to explain what configuration data we are including

   Lagally: that goes to the text, keep it abstract

   Kaz: we should think about service layer and device layer

   Zoltan: operational means the underlying protocol is fully
   operational, and in addition WoT also works

   Lagally: would present own work, then return to the diagram
   ... presenting sequence diagrams, 2 flows
   ... one for the security provider, the other for the consumer

   [link to diagram]


     [27] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/blob/master/proposals/unified device lifecycle.svg

   McCool: simple and clean diagrams, some details to be discussed
   ... single words should describe states, verbs describe
   ... some details like discovery need to be checked

   Zoltan: there is discovery for bootstrapping and during
   operational mode

   McCool: words like introduction and exploration could tell them

   Lagally: this diagram is deliberately not detailed

   McCool: we can add details as text

   Zoltan: what is the diff between Bootstrapped and Onboarded?

   Elena: if we forget about security, define the sequence from
   operational pov, then we can complete security details

   Zoltan: isn't the purpose of the lifecycle diagram to provide
   input to Security?

   Elena: it has its meaning even without security

   Lagally: I agree. Even if we have a secure environment, this
   diagram should work

   McCool: I like that each state represents a new relationship
   ... we could start there and look it from the actors point of
   ... we should define things from the perspective of

   Lagally: we could make a table with state and description and

   McCool: depends on what relationships we aim for

   Kaz: identify the actors explicitly and a group of states would
   be useful.
   ... we could use the colors to idetify them. also possibly
   assign soe of the states as a meta state linked to oprational
   ... anyway, thinking about the relationship (or mapping)
   between Michael Lagally's simpler diagram and Elena's detailed
   diagram would make sense

   Lagally: about next steps: will create a table, will update the
   diagram, Elena can take it from there

   Elena: would not like to take it from an empty table; for
   security need to have the states and relationships,
   capabilities etc defined
   ... everything that is not security related

   Lagally: OK, let's work on the table first

   McCool: in github, preferably, e.g. in an issue

   Lagally: created

     [28] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/476

   any other topic?

   <mlagally> Just a little bit of fun:

     [29] https://youtu.be/DYu_bGbZiiQ


   [call 2 adjourned]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [30]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([31]CVS log)
    $Date: 2020/04/10 09:32:31 $

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Received on Sunday, 12 April 2020 04:50:01 UTC