Re: [wot-ig/wg] minutes - 10 July 2019

Dear WoT members,

I just uploaded the slides with the "WoT Core Profile" proposal I presented during the call. <>

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,


> On 14. Jul 2019, at 10:04, Kazuyuki Ashimura <> wrote:
> available at:
> also as text below.
> Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Ege!
> Kazuyuki
> ---
>   [1]W3C
>      [1] 
>                               - DRAFT -
>                               Wot-IG/WG
> 10 Jul 2019
> Attendees
>   Present
>          Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan,
>          Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Michael_Lagally,
>          Takahisa_Suzuki, Taki_Kamiya, Ryuichi_Matsukura,
>          Tomoaki_Mizushima, Michael_Koster, Zoltan_Kis,
>          Tetsushi_Matsuda
>   Regrets
>          Sebastian_Kaebisch
>   Chair
>          McCool
>   Scribe
>          ege
> Contents
>     * [2]Topics
>         1. [3]Reminder of TPAC registration/hotel reservation
>         2. [4]W3C Data Modesl for Transportation WS
>         3. [5]IETF 105 Montereal (Jly 20-27) and WISHI/OPC
>            meeting (July 19)
>         4. [6]Old documents
>         5. [7]WG Charter Extension
>         6. [8]IG Charter under review
>         7. [9]TPAC planning
>         8. [10]Core profile proposal
>         9. [11]TF reports
>        10. [12]PlugFest call
>     * [13]Summary of Action Items
>     * [14]Summary of Resolutions
>     __________________________________________________________
>   <kaz> scribenick: ege
> Reminder of TPAC registration/hotel reservation
>   <kaz> [15]TPAC registration
>     [15] 
>   <kaz> [16]Accommodation
>     [16] 
> W3C Data Modesl for Transportation WS
>   McCool: can taki attend the workshop for data models
>   <kaz> [17]workshop cfp page (12-13 Sep., Palo Alto, US)
>     [17] 
>   Taki: I haven't booked flights so I can attend this workshop
>   and fly from there
>   ... physically I am ok
>   McCool: a proposal together?
>   Kaz: like for our workshop, a statement
>   Taki: then I can submit today
>   <kaz> [18]application form
>     [18] 
>   McCool: summarizing what we have done
> IETF 105 Montereal (Jly 20-27) and WISHI/OPC meeting (July 19)
>   McCool: there is a wishi meeting and hackathon
>   ... michael koster is participating
>   ... any other conference that is relevant?
>   Koster: friday 19th we are having a meeting with OMA
>   <mjkoster> this is the agenda for the IETF T2TRG/OMA meeting on
>   Friday the 19th
>   <mjkoster> [19] 
>     [19] 
>   McCool: I kind of invited myself to that
> Old documents
>   Daniel: googling td on google shows up an old TD proposal that
>   is still marked with a recent date
>   Daniel: it is called JSON Web Thing Description
>   McCool: this shouldn't even be there, it looks like an official
>   document
>   Ege: it is not actually published at this date
>   Kaz: it's just a date respec generates, isn't it?
>   McCool: looks like it
>   Daniel: it is in our repo so we can simply remove it
>   Kaz: we have to tell the Authors/Editors of those old documents
>   gently before removing the documents to remove it
>   McCool: maybe we can put in an archive subdirectory
>   <kaz> [20]proposal directory
>     [20] 
>   McCool: there are a lot of documents in here
>   Kaz: maybe just change the "proposal" folder name to "archive"
>   <kaz> [21]old architecture directory
>     [21] 
>   (mm creates a directory called ARCHIVE under proposals)
>   Lagally: there is a folder called architecture that should not
>   be in the wot main repo
>   Koster: I think it is better to keep the folder names but
>   simply moving everything under archive
>   McCool: (works on cleaning up the main directory)
>   Kaz: if it is ok for Lagally, we can move the old
>   "architecture" directory under "proposals" first
>   ... and then ask all the editors of old documents about if it's
>   ok to change the name of "proposals" to "archive"
>   <Zakim> dape, you wanted to assign someone to check github for
>   outdated information (to put into ARCHIVE folder)
>   McCool: writing an email to the list
>   ... need to look at what is old, like 2 years
> WG Charter Extension
>   McCool: 6-month exension to WG has been approved (till Dec 31)
>   (Kaz is working on the AC announcement.)
> IG Charter under review
>   <kaz> [22]Wendy's comment
>     [22] 
>   McCool: giving a wiki site for exploration
>   ... maybe don't need for clarifications on all the bullet
>   points?
>   ... some things are intentionally vague?
>   <kaz> [23]Proposed IG Charter
>     [23] 
>   McCool: (looks at the PRs by wendy)
>   ... let's merge the charted PR
>   <kaz> (some minor conflict and McCool will look into it later)
>   Kaz: we'd like clarification from alan bird
>   <kaz> [24]Alan's comment for IG Charter (Member-only)
>     [24] 
>   McCool: we have proposed a clear sentence for this comment to
>   be added
>   ... I will ping him and ask him
> TPAC planning
>   Kaz: any joint meeting ideas?
>   McCool: JSON-LD and accesibility would be good
>   ... for Monday, Sep 16 (18:30-22:30)
>   ... I can go to dev meetup
>   ... other attendees can write their names here but you have to
>   register first
> Core profile proposal
>   Lagally: reviews from companies and individuals show some
>   issues
>   ... you have now a formal way of describing devices
>   ... each time a new class of device comes, we can get
>   un-interoperability
>   ... so we need profiles that can guarantee usability of the
>   device
>   ... so we need some constraints
>   ... having only one form
>   ... having string or array of strings, causes an overhead
>   ... constraint on objects, not nested
>   ... not permitting security on lower levels, only one at the
>   top level
>   ... constraints on protocol, having only http
>   McCool: what reduces complexity and what reduces
>   interoperability
>   ... so we should have two categories
>   Lagally: so that constrained devices will be easier to support
>   ... we can have multiple profiles
>   McCool: we can look at the test results and focus on features
>   that are implemented by 3+ implementations
>   Lagally: but what is there as an example to validate the spec
>   and what is an actual product?
>   McCool: we can also add to check what uses HTTP or other
>   profiles
>   Ege: mozilla also talked about having action semantics (a queue
>   for running actions etc.) so maybe we should look into specific
>   behavior of interactions
>   Lagally: interesting point to look into
>   ... where would a new implementer find a guide to do a first
>   implementation
>   ... high level constaints
>   ... (talks about the bullet points of the last slide)
>   ... I was thinking of specifying a default profile
>   ... the proposal is to have a very easy to implement profile
>   ... I am working on a list of constraints
>   McCool: I would keep it simple
>   Lagally: the difficult part would be to define the simple one,
>   a complex one is easier to define but something that can
>   satisfy 80% use cases
>   <Zakim> dape, you wanted to think about ways to identify
>   capabablities.. profile handshake?
>   Daniel: handshake definition
>   McCool: Lagally is proposing the simplest possible
>   ... there will be very probably multiple profiles, smart home
>   and industrial for example
>   Lagally: you can do anything, just that if you stick to the
>   core profile you have a guarantee of wider usability
>   McCool: we need to clarify what are the allowed extensions
>   Lagally: I expect to have a draft within a week
> TF reports
>   [Thing Description]
>   <kaz> [25]Jul-5 TD minutes (member-only)
>     [25] 
>   Ege: protocol bindings will be with TD calls and I will be
>   co-editor of the spec
>   [Archtiecture]
>   <kaz> [26]Jul-4 Arch minutes (member-only)
>     [26] 
>   Lagally: architecture - we read the comments of David Baron
>   ... device management is out of scope
>   ... we had some useful comments
>   ... like missing links for the external links
>   ... they also didn't understand what will happen if you parse
>   <inserted> kaz: note that I sent another reminder to TAG and
>   mentioned it might be going to make sense to have a joint call
>   with them to clarify their questions.
>   McCool: IETF is happening in two weeks
>   Lagally: I would organize the call next week then
>   ... saying that this would be a deadline for us since the week
>   after there will be the IETF meeting
>   Kaz: Daniel Applequist, Yves Lafon and David Baron should be
>   involved
>   ... we should clarify their viewpoints as TAG as a whole
>   [Scripting API]
>   <kaz> (no call on July 8 but updates from Zoltan)
>   scribenick: egekorkan
>   Zoltan: so there are some projects that are already using web
>   of things
>   ... and they need some help
>   <zkis> [27] 
>     [27] 
>   McCool: we have extensions
>   ... but how do you do in the scripting api
>   Zoltan: scripting is orthogonal
>   [Security]
>   McCool: security is handled out of hand
>   Zoltan: in payments it is transparent, it is happening in the
>   backend
> PlugFest call
>   McCool: 5 mins break before the plugfest
>   Lagally: let's stay on this call
>   <kaz> [adjourned]
> Summary of Action Items
> Summary of Resolutions
>   [End of minutes]
>     __________________________________________________________
>    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
>    David Booth's [28]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([29]CVS log)
>    $Date: 2019/07/14 07:45:02 $
>     [28] 
>     [29] 

Received on Monday, 15 July 2019 09:04:13 UTC