[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 28 August 2019

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Michael Lagally!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -


28 Aug 2019


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#28_Aug_2019


          Michael_McCool, Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner,
          Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster,
          Michael_Lagally, Takahisa_Suzuki, Toru_Kawaguchi,
          Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis,
          Taki_Kamiya, Tetsushi_Matsuda



          mlagally, kaz


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]TPAC
         2. [5]IG charter draft
         3. [6]WG charter draft
         4. [7]Profiles
         5. [8]PlugFest call
     * [9]Summary of Action Items
     * [10]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribenick: mlagally


   McCool: Panasonic needs higer resolution logo for TPAC demo
   table title plate, ideally SVG file

   Daniel: I will try to dig up and send to McCool

   Kaz: I can also try to help

   McCool: walks through agenda

IG charter draft

   McCool: There are 3 PRs, got some feedback from TAG and PING
   ... these changes are adding references to i18n group and
   ... another PR for accessibility
   ... I implemented the things requested by APA
   ... walks through the changes>
   ... suggest to merge these PRs
   ... we could do a resolution today to submit to W3M
   ... any objection to merge PR # 854
   ... none, merged
   ... no objection to merge #855, merged


     [11] https://cdn.statically.io/gh/w3c/wot/master/charters/wot-ig-2019.html

   McCool: This is the rendered version, we add explicitly APA,
   PNG and other groups

   Lagally: do we need the strikethrough in the "Rechartered"

   McCool: we can make it two rows, we can approve today and Kaz
   can make this minor change

   <McCool> proposal: submit the IG proposed charter at
   -2019.html, after some minor edits by Ashimura to clean up the
   changes table, to W3M

     [12] https://cdn.statically.io/gh/w3c/wot/master/charters/wot-ig-2019.html,

   RESOLUTION: submit the IG proposed charter at
   -2019.html, after some minor edits by Ashimura to clean up the
   changes table, to W3M

     [13] https://cdn.statically.io/gh/w3c/wot/master/charters/wot-ig-2019.html,

WG charter draft

   McCool: We had a meeting last weeks with chairs and editors
   ... I spent a few hours to create a draft
   ... no change history yet, also some dates not yet available
   ... I added an extended scope section
   ... ... there's several constructive comments by lagally

   <inserted> [14]PR 856

     [14] https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/856

   Lagally: let me comment on profiles: we should not constrain to
   "smart home profile"

   McCool: industrial profile may be more difficult to define,
   smart home is a low hanging fruit
   ... I will uplevel the profile to a more general form

   Lagally: these are only initial comments, did not have much
   time for review

   McCool: <walks through document and deliverables>

   <kaz> [15]rendered version

     [15] https://cdn.statically.io/gh/mmccool/wot/wg-charter-draft/charters/wot-wg-charter-draft-2019.html?env=dev

   McCool: we want to have a document defining a profile, could be
   single document or a document per profile
   ... discovery - we had directories and P2P in our Powerpoint
   deck, not sure what we will do
   ... we have other deliverables for security and privacy
   guidelines and protocol bindings

   Daniel: we need first a mechanism to define a profile, not sure
   if we actually need to define one

   McCool: we have identified interop requirements from a class of
   users, e.g. Mozilla
   ... we need to have a profile at least in one domain, e.g. a
   smart home
   ... defining a profile would be a separate normative document


   <kaz> scribenick: kaz

   Lagally: (shares his screen)
   ... resource on Lgally's repo


     [16] https://cdn.statically.io/gh/mlagally/wot-profile/master/index.html?env=dev

   Lagally: rendered version above
   ... details to be discussed tomorrow (during the WG Charter
   ... would make sense to have a dedicated call for details
   ... [1. Introduction]
   ... interoperability concerns
   ... [1.1 Deployment Scenarios]
   ... [1.2 Why a Core Profile?]
   ... subset of TD spec and binding
   ... (using Fig 1: WoT Core Profile)
   ... goals
   ... guarantee interoperability among all implementations of the
   ... imit the implementation complexity for resource constrained
   ... ensure a TD is also useful for a human reader
   ... good document on behavior
   ... don't have time to dive into the details today but...
   ... (goes through the following sections)
   ... [2. Terminology]
   ... keywords and fields
   ... [3. Profile Mechanism]
   ... put constraints on vocabulary to make specific terms
   mandatory and remove others
   ... limited cardinality, e.g., only one form per operation per
   interaction affordance
   ... limit the length of characters per string
   ... other constraints are also described in the table
   ... no arbitrary nested objects or arrays of arrays
   ... limited protocols and protocol features
   ... two areas where constraints are applicable
   ... data model and protocol binding
   ... those are orthogonal
   ... if somebody want to extend the core profile...
   ... profiles can be built on the top of each other or overlap
   ... example of profile stack
   ... (Figure 2: WoT Core Profile)
   ... WoT Core Profile, WoT Enhanced Profile, WoT Template
   Profile, WoT Digital Twin Profile
   ... additional things here are not described yet
   ... [4. WoT COre Profile]
   ... general constraints
   ... and then another chapter on [4.2 Protocol Binding]
   ... first we should look into the core data model part
   ... [4.1.1 General]
   ... (quickly skim the sections)
   ... [ Mandatory fields]
   ... [ Recommended practice]
   ... recommended to use "undefined" for strings
   ... [4.1.3 Data Schemas]
   ... [Data Schema Constraints]
   ... [4.1.4 Property Affordance]

   McCool: we should discuss the procedure about how to proceed
   ... where is the best place to handle the issues?
   ... your repo? or the public one?

   Lagally: possibly a separate wot-profile repo?

   McCool: can we create a new repo?

   Kaz: yes
   ... and we should use "index.html" as the file name so that we
   can use the pr-preview capability

   McCool: agree
   ... please create a repo for that purpose

   Kaz: will do

   <scribe> ACTION: kaz to create a new repo for profile
   discussion, wot-profile

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-179 - Create a new repo for profile
   discussion, wot-profile [on Kazuyuki Ashimura - due

   Lagally: we can continue the discussion during the architecture
   call tomorrow

   McCool: architecture call at 15-17 JST; Charter call at 20 JST
   ... f2f logistics to be discussed next week
   ... anything urgent about TF report?


   McCool: just wanted to mention the security call's time change
   ... please respond to the doodle if you're interested

   Lagally: should respond to comments on security on GitHub too

   McCool: will look at them

PlugFest call

   <mlagally> let'S stay on this webex

   <mlagally> use wot-pf IRC channel


Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: kaz to create a new repo for profile discussion,

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [17]submit the IG proposed charter at
       -2019.html, after some minor edits by Ashimura to clean up
       the changes table, to W3M

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [18]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([19]CVS log)
    $Date: 2019/08/30 04:38:33 $

     [18] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [19] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Friday, 30 August 2019 04:43:06 UTC