[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 14 August 2019

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Dave!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -


14 Aug 2019


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#14_Aug_2019


          Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima,
          Dave_Raggett, Michael_Lagally, Taki_Kamiya,
          Tetsushi_Matsuda, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Kunihiko_Toumura,





     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Agenda
         2. [5]Conexxus Strategy Conference
         3. [6]Online PlugFest
         4. [7]Report from TAG meeting
         5. [8]TPAC Agenda
         6. [9]IG Charter
         7. [10]Proposal to have following F2F at the Singapore
         8. [11]PlugFest call?

     * [12]Summary of Action Items
     * [13]Summary of Resolutions

   scribenick: dsr


   McCool: Any additions to the agenda [no]

Conexxus Strategy Conference

   McCool: McCool is in Canada for the Conexxus conference
   ... Gave a presentation to them yesterday. This has given us 3
   new members!

Online PlugFest

   McCool: Mozilla can’t come ot TPAC in person, but will instead
   ship hardware to McCool for their demo

   Lagally: are Mozilla fully compliant to the TD spec?

   McCool: not yet, but let’s not focus on that

   <sebastian> here is the issue

     [14] https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/850

   Sebastian: only a small change would be needed for Mozilla to
   become compliant


     [15] https://hub.packtpub.com/mozilla-releases-webthings-gateway-0-9-experimental-builds-targeting-turris-omnia-and-raspberry-pi-4/

   Kaz: let’s talk about the details in the PlugFest call after
   this call given the agenda is full for this main call today

   Sebastian: a new software release of the Mozilla’s gateway,
   which promotes the W3C Web of Things

Report from TAG meeting

   McCool: we met with the TAG last week, the outcome is that they
   won’t block us, but see their feedback as helping us to improve
   our specs going forward
   ... They missed more user oriented use cases, i.e. what is WoT
   good for
   ... their main recommendation was to improve the explainer for

   <kaz> (TAG also will update their comments on GitHub)

   McCool: In respect to the PING feedback, Sam gave us the most,
   we can proceed, and we should expect more detailed feedback as
   we make further progess, it isn’t a blocking issue right now

   <kaz> (regarding the TAG's comment, we've already got update to
   Issue 371)


     [16] https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/371

   Lagally: interoperability is a big issue (Dave Baron).

   McCool: a lot of that may be addressed by profiles
   ... we have a framework, but need profiles to guarantee
   interoperability in certain contexts
   ... we need multiple profiles for the long run
   ... we got an agreement from the TAG, not to block us, and
   indeed, we are kind of breaking new ground in WoT
   ... Privacy remains a challenging area for us to make progress
   on as we proceed

   Kaz: we should have longer joint discussion to promote a fuller

TPAC Agenda

   <inserted> [17]TPAC f2f agenda

     [17] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_16-20_September_2019,_Fukuoka,_Japan

   McCool: we can take input from the people here today, and
   hopefully expand this next week<> ... any major items to put on
   the input list? [n]

   Kaz: Japanese broadcaster, NHK, is interested in WoT as well as
   media discussion
   ... had some discussion with the MEIG Chair about possible
   joint discussion on Monday

   McCool: I will only be arriving on Monday, so I won’t be able
   to participate

   Sebastian: what is the idea?

   Kaz: the conclusion from the discussion is
   ... we don't have to have a dedicated joint session but can
   listen to NHK's presentation during the MEIG f2f and see their
   ... in any case, NHK will participate in the PlugFest demo on
   ... also we can talk about the details on further
   collaboration/intefration of TV sets during our f2f on Thu/Fri

   Sebastian: I will be there on Monday morning and can

   Kaz: Thanks!

   <inserted> [18]MEIG f2f agenda

     [18] https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/Face_to_face_meeting_during_TPAC_2019

   McCool: anyone able to reach out to the JSONLD 1.1 folks to
   sync up?
   ... a joint meeting would be helpful.

   Sebastian: I can ask Victor to reach out to arrange that

   Kaz: please CC me when you and Victor contact the JSON-LD group
   so that I can help you, e.g. by talking with Ivan Herman as the
   staff contact for JSON-LD

   Sebastian: we should talk about need for TD features …

IG Charter

   McCool: mlagally isn’t able to be a chair, Matthias has limited
   availability, does anyone have any concerns with Sebastian and
   I being the IG chairs? [no]

   <McCool> proposal: Submit current IG charter draft to W3M with
   the change to specify Michael McCool and Sebastian Kaebisch as

   Sebastian: (mentions several possible additions for liaison)

   <kaz> [19]PR 846

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/846

   McCool: anyone have any objections to doing this merge? [no]
   ... merged

   <McCool> proposal: Submit current IG charter draft to W3M

   <McCool> proposal: Submit current IG charter draft at
   .html to W3M

     [20] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/charters/wot-ig-2019.html

   Kaz: what about Wendy’s comment? We need to get back to her
   again and close the issue?

   <kaz> [21]Wendy's comment

     [21] https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/835

   McCool: I believe we did that already - we merged her changes
   and got her approval

   Kaz: you mentioned a possible updated explainer document. we
   can work on that later and let her know about that idea.

   McCool: ok

   <kaz> (McCool adds a comment to issue 835: Closing issue as we
   believe the issues you raised have been addressed. We will take
   the action to add additional "explainer" information later.)

   McCool: any other comments on the proposal? [no]

   RESOLUTION: Submit current IG charter draft at
   .html to W3M

     [22] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/charters/wot-ig-2019.html

Proposal to have following F2F at the Singapore IETF

   McCool: I’ve been chatting with Mozilla on this
   ... Our f2f on Nov 13-14, and IRTF workshop afterwards
   ... Normally we have the plugfest before the WoT F2F, but this
   would conflict with the IETF
   ... We still need to sort a venue ...

   Kaz: I think IETF hackathon is on Nov 16-17. what would happen
   on 15th? WISHI?

   <inserted> McCool: 15 will be WISHI

   McCool: we would benefit from a joint workshop e.g. to discuss
   data schemas for CBOR

   <McCool> proposal: to proceed with organizing the next WoT F2F
   at IETF106, including a joint plugfest/hackathon and T2TRG

   Lagally: do we have any idea of what we would do at the

   McCool: I think we should focus on the thing directory and
   ... we could also work with Mozilla on smart home profiles

   <inserted> kaz: would clarification on the concrete date and

   <McCool> proposal: to proceed with organizing the next WoT F2F
   at IETF106, including a joint plugfest/hackathon on Nov 16-17
   and a T2TRG workshop on Nov 15 and two days of F2F meetings Nov

   <kaz> (implies 5-day meeting: 13-14 wot-f2f, 15 WISHI, 16-17
   IETF Hackathon/WoT PlugFest)

   McCool: anyone feel strongly that we should add an open day?

   <McCool> proposal: to proceed with organizing the next WoT F2F
   at IETF106, including a joint plugfest/hackathon on Nov 16-17
   and a T2TRG workshop on Nov 15 and two days of F2F meetings Nov
   13-14, with a possible open day on Nov 12

   Kaz: I am not really sure we need an open day this time

   McCool: I agree that 5 days of meetings is long enough, but it
   depends on who we could meet with
   ... any objections [no]

   RESOLUTION: to proceed with organizing the next WoT F2F at
   IETF106, including a joint plugfest/hackathon on Nov 16-17 and
   a T2TRG workshop on Nov 15 and two days of F2F meetings Nov
   13-14,, with a possible open day on Nov 12

PlugFest call?

   scribenick: kaz

   Kaz: will we have a PlugFest call today?

   Lagally: let's have a short one
   ... stay on this WebEx
   ... in 5-min break


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [23]Submit current IG charter draft at
       .html to W3M
    2. [24]to proceed with organizing the next WoT F2F at IETF106,
       including a joint plugfest/hackathon on Nov 16-17 and a
       T2TRG workshop on Nov 15 and two days of F2F meetings Nov
       13-14,, with a possible open day on Nov 12

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Thursday, 15 August 2019 06:50:34 UTC