[online-plugfest] minutes - 27 September 2018 - slot B

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      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                        Online PlugFest - slot B

27 Sep 2018


          Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Toru_Kawaguchi,
          Takeshi_Yamada, Kunihiko_Toumura, Matthias_Kovatsch,
          Michael_Lagally, Tekeshi_Sano, Michael_Koster,
          Itaru_Nakawaga, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Benjamin_Klotz





     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]Prev call minutes
         2. [4]Plans for today
         3. [5]Siemens
         4. [6]Intel
         5. [7]Hitachi
         6. [8]SmartThings
         7. [9]Panasonic
         8. [10]Oracle
         9. [11]Fujitsu
     * [12]Summary of Action Items
     * [13]Summary of Resolutions

Prev call minutes

   Kaz: available at the table within the README.md


     [14] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/plugfest/2018-sept-online/README.md

Plans for today

   McCool: checks the spreadsheet


   Matthias: one update on Thing directory
   ... running
   ... on 8081 port

   <mkovatsc> TD Dir [15]http://plugfest.thingweb.io:8081/

     [15] http://plugfest.thingweb.io:8081/

   Matthias: Victor has set it up, and I've checked it

   McCool: updates the status on README.md

   Nakagawa: tested this directory but get method didn't work
   ... discover worked, though
   ... rejected when used curl

   Matthias: I also got 500 error
   ... will put the issue to the todo list


     [16] http://plugfest.thingweb.io:8081/

   Nakagawa: how to get things id?

   Matthias: let me test it
   ... need to talk with Victor again

   McCool: ok

   Matthias: want to talk about the plan for today
   ... a lot of fixes for node-wot
   ... would connect with Panasonic
   ... also OCF device test?

   McCool: my update is my things are available
   ... HTTP should work
   ... but not sure about CoAP yet
   ... need to clean up the TDs



     [17] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/plugfest/2018-sept-online/preparation-intel.md

   McCool: all now running
   ... but CoAP just available on VLAN


     [18] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/testing/online/intel.md

   McCool: light and motion sensor
   ... bubble head moving and motion sensor detect that
   ... Japan portal doesn't work yet
   ... will fix it
   ... microphone as well
   ... and OCF Smart Home Demo
   ... HTTPS Proxy and Basic Auth
   ... HTTPS Proxy and Digest Auth do work
   ... CoAP on the physical devices
   ... go back to the diagram
   ... figure out what the device names are
   ... that's it
   ... cleaning a bunch of stuff now
   ... fixing various things
   ... trying to fix them this afternoon


   Toumura: today updated the application for those connected to
   Oracle simulator and Panasonic devices
   ... continue to make integration
   ... including Intel's device
   ... after this call, will try to introduce them

   McCool: will fix the bugs


   Koster: still working on stuff
   ... working on OCF devices
   ... motion sensor stuff already have
   ... also want to work on VPN
   ... VPN instruction some where?

   McCool: here on the README.md


     [19] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/plugfest/2018-sept-online/preparation-intel.md

   Koster: great

   McCool: goes through the description
   ... pretty straight forward
   ... using digital ocean tutorial

   Koster: ok

   McCool: Koster, can you join the next connection in 2 hours?
   ... another session for observable as well
   ... would propose we meet in one hour
   ... using google hangout

   Koster: can join it

   McCool: also one hour later than the slot C today

   Kaz: should be able to extend the WebEx for slot C if somebody

   Koster: have conflict with OCF session
   ... maybe we can keep the slot C today

   McCool: can continue one more day

   Kaz: so you want to do the OCF session in one hour of this

   McCool: can stay after this call
   ... also we can continue the work at B+2 as well

   Kaz: please put "Thu B+1/2" to B94 cell then

   McCool: done
   ... we'll meet again at C+2 to see actual read/write/invoke
   ... CoAP observe at "Fri A+1"

   Matthias: CoAP observe on eclipse
   ... also Fujitsu
   ... would check real products

   McCool: ok
   ... need to look at updated version of iotivity
   ... as a basic starting point

   Koster: setting up raspberry pi

   McCool: sticking with VLAN


     [20] https://github.com/openconnectivity/Sample-Raspberry-Pi-Code/blob/master/One
Page Complete Setup Instructions.md

   Koster: resource above

   McCool: recent version of iotivity


   Toru: trying to connect Oracle simulator
   ... seems to be working
   ... would modify some of the TDs
   ... looking for people connected to Internet directly


     [21] https://openconnectivity.github.io/IOTivity-setup/

   McCool: if any problem, please ping me on the IRC

   Yamada: would like to test home integration scenario
   ... have some questions about apis
   ... sent an email
   ... please reply to that

   McCool: to whom you sent the message?

   Yamada: McCool and Sebastian


   Lagally: let me share the screen
   ... oracle cloud site
   ... succeeded to connect with Panasonic
   ... going to integrate node-wot today
   ... and Siemens plant
   ... can't trigger any action though could get water level, etc.
   ... will work with Matthias
   ... would show the simulator quickly
   ... you can use it with usual credentials
   ... list of simulators
   ... HVACs at various locations
   ... simulation of heating system
   ... something get out of bound
   ... set highest level, etc.
   ... industrial scenario to be tested
   ... digital twin simulator
   ... switch on the pump
   ... open valve, etc.
   ... added some modification yesterday
   ... (the graph moves)

   McCool: getting screenshot using google hangout
   ... also physical picture
   ... would be useful for marketing purposes

   Lagally: good idea
   ... goes back to digital twin simulator
   ... devices connected and can generate some industrial scenario
   ... e.g., blue pump (Michael's pump)
   ... one thing with connect car
   ... some trouble as Toru mentioned
   ... just 2-3 sensors read
   ... will investigate the issue Panasonic pointed out
   ... and work with Siemens
   ... also connect with Panasonic devices

   McCool: intel devices having issues
   ... need to fix them
   ... also upload TDs
   ... should be going to be stable tomorrow


   Sano: fixed bugs
   ... will upload TDs to GH
   ... we'll provide rotary light and proxy
   ... also we're planning to connect with OCF devices using
   ... also via our proxy

   McCool: need to use this urn?

   Sano: should register with the proxy

   TD Directory running on Fujitsu's Remote Proxy Servient

   An application servient can retreive a TD with

     [22] http://wot.f-ncs.ad.jp/Things/

   A device servient can register a TD to
   [23] (local to vlan2)


   If a device does not have authentication capability, remote
   proxy provides basic authentication to the application and
   rewrites the security metadata in TD for adding a term "basic".


   McCool: if I register my TD and then update it
   ... need to replace the ID?
   ... if use the same ID, the new one will override the old one

   Sano: yes

   Nakagawa: TD registered to the local proxy, you mean?

   McCool: need to work with the authentication first
   ... and then go to portal.mmccool.net
   ... (shows TD)


     [24] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/plugfest/2018-sept-online/TDs/Intel/OCF-TDs.json

   McCool: anything else?


   Kaz: btw, we're encouraged to get connected to IRC, and ping
   people if needed

   Koster: also can stay on webex for keepalive :)

   McCool: also can stay

   [slot B adjourned; but some of us stay here for additional

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [25]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([26]CVS log)
    $Date: 2018/09/27 09:35:32 $

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Received on Thursday, 27 September 2018 09:39:05 UTC