Re: [wot-ig/wg] Blog post on accessibility & the WoT

Sorry it took so long to get back to you.   I think this is a good article and highlights an important application of descriptive metadata.  The more I think about it the more I realize the huge impact on accessibility the right metadata for physical devices would have.

There is one point I wanted to comment on, though: the first sentence in your section on the Thing Description, "The TD is a semantic, machine understandable, formal vocabulary..." actually that makes a TD sound like an ontology rather than a description, which is not quite accurate.  I think a better way to describe a TD is as a specification: a document that describes something else.  A TD can *use* various (semantic) vocabularies in its description, though, and ties into the Semantic Web specifically, so that is worth mentioning.

You say you're interested in digging into and defining use cases.  I think this will be very helpful for us at this point.

Michael McCool, Principal Engineer, Intel
SSG/DPD/Technology Pathfinding and Innovation

On Feb 8, 2018, at 21:12, Graeme Coleman <<>> wrote:

Dear all,

I was asked by my colleagues if I could write a public blog post on accessibility and the web of things. I thought I would share it here also, in case anyone would like to take a look:

Please let me know if I have misinterpreted anything in the Background section, and I will change it where necessary.

Best wishes,

Graeme Coleman
Senior Accessibility Engineer
The Paciello Group

A VFO™ Company

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