[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 29 November 2017

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Sebastian and Matthias!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                               WoT IG/WG

29 Nov 2017


          Michael_McCool, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura,
          Michael_Lagally, Takuki_Kamiya, Toru_Kawagucyi,
          Uday_Davuluru, Grame_Coleman, Michael_Koster,
          Tomoaki_Mizushima, Daniel_Peintner, Matthias_Kovatsch,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Barry_Leiba, Keiichi_Tokuyama,
          DarkoAnicic, Darko_Anicic, Yongjing_Zhang


          Matthias, McCool, Yongjing

          sebastian, mkovatsc


     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]Agenda
         2. [4]Next F2F co-located with IETF
         3. [5]TF reports and publication schedule
         4. [6]Security TF
         5. [7]Protocol Binding TF
         6. [8]Sebastian on TD TF
         7. [9]Daniel on Scripting
         8. [10]More input?
     * [11]Summary of Action Items
     * [12]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribenick: sebastian


   Matthias: more or less sync update telco today

   McCool: Did we review the TPAC minutes?

   <kaz> [13]TPAC minutes

     [13] https://www.w3.org/2017/11/04-08-wot-minutes.html

   Matthias: Have the TFs already reviewed and agreed on the

   Security has not

   TD TF did a recap via slides, not via minutes


     [14] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Agenda

   Kaz: We should agree on the official minutes

   TD TF will do it during the next TD call

   Decision: TF Modelrators to review the TPAC minutes and approve
   the minutes during the main call next Wednesday

Next F2F co-located with IETF

   <kaz> [15]F2F/publication plan

     [15] https://www.w3.org/2017/11/04-08-wot-minutes.html#plan

   will be in March, 24th-28th in Prague

   <mkovatsc> Next F2F: Prague, March 23 + 24--29

   McCool: We should also coordinate with IETF T2TRG

   <kaz> [16]IETF event calendar

     [16] https://www.ietf.org/meeting/upcoming.html

   <kaz> [17]OCF event calendar

     [17] https://openconnectivity.org/events

   Matthias: We should have the T2TRG and OCF meeting on 23rd

   <kaz> [23 March 2018 is Friday]

   McCool: Try to get feedback from OCF about this joint meeting

   Koster: We should demonstrate OCF what we are doing at WoT

   Matthias: Other group can stay until Saturday to see demos

   Koster: We should invite people to join WoT PlugFests

   McCool: We need funding

   Matthias: We check if Siemens will do it

TF reports and publication schedule

   <kaz> [18]publication plan discussed during TPAC f2f

     [18] https://www.w3.org/2017/11/04-08-wot-minutes.html#plan

Security TF

   [19]Security TF call minutes - 13 Nov 2017

     [19] https://www.w3.org/2017/11/13-wot-sec-minutes.html

   [20]Security TF call minutes - 20 Nov 2017

     [20] https://www.w3.org/2017/11/20-wot-sec-minutes.html

   <mkovatsc> [21]https://github.com/mmccool/ndss-wot-sec

     [21] https://github.com/mmccool/ndss-wot-sec

   McCool: still need more work on the draft
   ... everything is there, however, still too rough
   ... provide updates every 2 months
   ... industry use cases needs still some investigations.
   ... call for volunteers

   <kaz> [22]Security&Privacy considerations draft

     [22] https://rawgit.com/w3c/wot-security/master/index.html

   McCool: W3C Note will be released in 2 weeks and updated every
   2 month

   Kaz: have sent out the transition request for the Note
   publication. working with McCool and Elena for editorial tweaks
   for the publication. The first Note should be going to be
   published next week.

Protocol Binding TF

   Protocol Binding TF

   Koster: Have some inputs for TD TF
   ... there is a PR. Need to be accepted

   <kaz> [23]Binding minutes (Member-only)

     [23] https://www.w3.org/2017/11/28-wot-minutes.html

   Koster: presents new inputs on Friday in TD TF telco

   Matthias: Proposal change 'link' to 'form' etc.

   <mkovatsc> scribeNick:mkovatsc

Sebastian on TD TF

   Sebastian: Need to face Mozilla TD proposal and prepare
   simplified versions of our JSON-LD serialization
   ... Defaults could click into place, e.g., HTTP and JSON to
   have less explicit entries in the TD
   ... Need to evaluate the Mozilla+Evrythng proposal and answer
   open questions (e.g., how it behaves for more complex scenarios
   with Action with input and output)
   ... Need the inputs from Binding Templates
   ... Decide on the new release: what shall be integrted
   ... Will be beginning of next year

   Koster: Can start discussion (with Binding Templates) in two
   ... Might want form part more dynamically updatable

   Sebastian: Doodle for new TD call time

   <sebastian> [24]https://doodle.com/poll/tgf9r2fettk8yf57

     [24] https://doodle.com/poll/tgf9r2fettk8yf57

   Sebastian: ends tomorrow to make decision on Friday
   ... Question about the length: We extended from 1h to 1.5h
   ... Kaz recommended to go back to 1h
   ... Should we although 1h was usually not enough and we
   virtually always had overtime
   ... For 1h, SK has to restrict the number of topics per call
   ... Please think about this and comment on Friday in the TD

   Kaz: I assumed no TD call this Friday, but apparently you
   planned to

   Sebastian: Planned to have it this Friday and it will be the
   last one on Friday
   ... New time slot from next week onward
   ... Time this Friday will be as usual
   ... 8:30 CET

   Kaz: I have a conflict this Friday
   ... 1h earlier possible?

   Sebastian: Want to avoid because participation is already low
   ... Can have shorter call

   Taki: I will arrive late this Friday, so later is good for me

   Kaz: Later also good for me

   Sebastian: How long? 1h or 30 min only?
   ... Impact on my topic planning

   Decision: TD call this Friday starts 30 min late at 9:00 CET

Daniel on Scripting

   <kaz> [25]Scripting minutes (Member-only)

     [25] https://www.w3.org/2017/11/27-wot-minutes.html

   Daniel: Inlcuded feedback from PlugFest/TPAC
   ... Will start implementation
   ... Need to align Linked Data Type System with Scripting Type

   Matthias: Type System should still be JSON Schema in practice.
   Am I missing something?

   Daniel: Alignment is about what is passed in the Init objects
   for addProperty() etc.
   ... We want to align the passed arguments with TD syntax

   Koster: There was also an idea about range and units etc.

   Daniel: Yes, JSON Schema already includes min/max and is also
   in the LD system

More input?



Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [26]scribe.perl version
    1.152 ([27]CVS log)
    $Date: 2017/11/29 16:17:05 $

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     [27] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Wednesday, 29 November 2017 16:24:40 UTC