[wot-security] minutes - 23 June 2017

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Michael McCool!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                           WoT IG - Security

23 Jun 2017


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_Security_WebConf#Agenda

   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/06/23-wot-sec-irc


          Kaz_Ashimura, Dave_Raggett, Elena_Reshetova,
          Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Oliver_Pfaff,




     * [4]Topics
     * [5]Summary of Action Items
     * [6]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribenick: McCool

   privacy questionnaire - placeholder document, Elena tried to
   fill out, ran into problems

   for instance: unique identifiers?

   however, let's also talk about our agenda

   threat model: not in its end state

   how do we get others to review, get closure on it?

   mccool suggestion: get a representative subset to review it

   <kaz> [ kaz wonders if the resource on RFC6973 is:

      [7] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6973

   get internal reviewers through it first, then look at external

   there is a w3c security group as well: and they are required to
   review anyway

   we should plan to have some kind of report out at TPAC in
   November (our fall F2F)

   <kaz> [8]TPAC page

      [8] https://www.w3.org/2017/11/TPAC/schedule.html

   what are our deliverables?

   threat model; security architecture (high level description of
   main concepts; levels; requirements; measures)

   at f2f, let's discuss whether we should have an official white

   but, normally don't do that in W3C; from W3C process viewpoint,
   our deliverables are "grope Note", "WD", "Recommendation", etc.
   we should discuss in chair and main call

   dsr: it would be a "note", since it is informative

   McCool: my opinion is that an official document will get more
   serious reviews

   <inserted> kaz: question on the resource for RFC6973. is the
   following link the right one?

   <kaz> [9]https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6973

      [9] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6973

   elena: section 7: guidelines

   is the "questionnaire"

   McCool: another major deliverable: recommendations to each TF

   but... before that, need to study each of the protocols we are
   supporting, and understand all the related work

   need an organized study

   McCool: suggest we think about and make our own "questionnaire"
   for ourselves before we look at each protocol

   then we know what to look for

   for example, for each protocol, we want to know how data is
   protected, how authorization and identification is handled, how
   each of the threats we identified is mitigated

   if no more questions... let's go through the privacy

   privacy: unique identifier?

   TD for F2F is released... we should go through it now. Should
   see how these questions.

   Koster: the TD group is willing to look at whether the TD
   should be a flat file or can be broken up

   mccool: breaking it up would have advantages for privacy, you
   would only have to expose a subset
   ... think this can fit into existing structure

   Koster: we may HAVE to break it up for protocol bindings
   depending on the serialization

   eg an XML format using a JSON template or vice-versa

   <kaz> +1 to Koster's view

   mcCool: three categoires: TD metadata; list of interactions;
   data returned by interactions

   Elena: mostly td; maybe also discovery protocol

   Dave: relates to metadata and semantics discussion in TD
   ... rather than focusing on protocol, think about the data
   ... simple JSON model; more sophisticated RDF models, etc.
   ... will be hard to do location in our group, for instance;
   need to depend on outside standards

   McCool: we need to discuss in depth, many issues

   Dave: access control was discussed in IG
   ... for discovery task force

   Elena: was there documentation for that?

   Kaz: Discovery TF was stalled... maybe should rebuild

   McCool: maybe should consider putting basic access controls for
   TD in scope

   Dave: we need to look at requirements, consider modularity
   issue again

   Koster: need to consider different contexts: local T2T; cloud
   services, distributed services (edge/fog),

   McCool: also person-to-thing, person-to-person

   Koster: want to control what information gets exposed to who,
   i.e. energy usage to electrictiy company, but not other

   Elena: it would be good to get some use cases written down

   Koster: look at functional relationships rather than
   surveillance opportunities

   McCool: (checks the speaker queue)

   <Zakim> kaz, you wanted to mention the discussion on the
   structure of TD is related to Kajimoto-san's @include idea

   scribenick: kaz

   Kaz: the discussion on the structure of TD (e.g., monolithic vs
   modularized) is related to Kajimoto-san's @include idea, so we
   should think about that as well.

   scribenick: McCool

   looking at questionnaire... quick survey, we will have to go
   into more depth later

   retention: relates to lifecycle, mechanisms to "clear" devices

   Koster: user control, control over sharing: granularity matters
   ... again the modularity and the ability to hide information;
   probably important to manage safe interactions
   ... can we compartmentalize information?

   Elena: security section is similar to the threats we have
   looked at already
   ... stored data is new: privacy implications for what data is

   McCool: an example is that certificates might reveal what
   companies you have a relationship with


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Friday, 23 June 2017 13:29:35 UTC