[scripting] minutes - 20 February 2017

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      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                       WoT IG/WG - Scripting Call

20 Feb 2017



   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/02/20-wot-irc


          Kaz_Ashimura, Johannes_Hund, Kazuaki_Nimura,
          Yingying_Chen, Zoltan_Kis




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Agenda
         2. [6]GitHub repo
         3. [7]New editor's draft
         4. [8]Time for the scripting call
     * [9]Summary of Action Items
     * [10]Summary of Resolutions


   jh: checks the agenda points

GitHub repo

   zk: mentions his updates on GitHub pullrequests

   jh: will check that
   ... one question on rationale doc
   ... how to handle it?
   ... any more comments?

   ka: has just create a dedicated list for Editors

   zk: would suggest we associate GitHub messages to the list

   jh: will check GitHub repo and check the configuration
   ... for the scripting repo
   ... any other questions on GitHub?

   zk: we should wait for the editors briefing?

   ka: will send a reminder of that briefing meeting to the
   Editors list

   kn: focus on scripting api and current practice?

   jh: focus on normative documents
   ... but we need a rationale document
   ... in current practice maybe?

   zk: yes, we need a document on why we chose the current setting

   ka: if you want, we can create a separate repo

   kn: developers want to read WG deliverables, so having the
   rationale description as a part of the current document is fine

   jh: ok with me
   ... I have 2 more points
   ... we made some conclusions from the f2f meeting
   ... Results from F2F: resulting actions of consented points,
   volunteers to take on actions
   ... copying the current document to the new repos

   zk: IG documents belong to the IG

   jh: so should we create new Editor's draft?

   zk: would do the new work at a new place
   ... the IG contents have history

   jh: we should have one specific repo for maintenance

   ka: we can copy/import the old IG content to the new repo
   ... and after that, we can add a note saying "this content is
   moved to the new repo, and not maintained any more"

   jh: new edit should be added to the new repo
   ... I'm open with any proposals, though

   kn: should we keep the old content within the IG repo?

   jh: IG repo is for keeping the history
   ... and the new work should be done on the WG repo (separate
   repo) side

New editor's draft

   zk: we need to create an Editor's draft first. right?

   jh: yes

   zk: will do the first version this week

   jh: tx
   ... we can start with some skeleton and put content later

   zk: yes
   ... and we can decide who to work for which part

   jh: yes, we can glow the document gradually

Time for the scripting call

   jh: another topic is the time for this Scripting call
   ... do you prefer some other time?
   ... is the current slot acceptable?

   kn: fine by me

   jh: ok
   ... let's continue this slot for a while
   ... btw, I have actions from the f2f
   ... any other points for today?


   jh: is the new webex coordinate for this call weekly?

   ka: yes
   ... and the wiki page
   ebEx) has been also updated with the new coordinate

     [11] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WoT_Scripting_API_WebConf#WebEx

   jh: ok

   [ adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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    $Date: 2017/02/20 13:20:43 $

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Received on Monday, 20 February 2017 13:23:43 UTC