[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 4 August 2021

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Cristiano!



      [1] https://www.w3.org/


04 August 2021

   [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#4_August_2021
      [3] https://www.w3.org/2021/08/04-wot-irc


          Chinn_Hwa_Lim, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner,
          Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima





    1. [4]Minutes
    2. [5]Quick updates
         1. [6]Meeting cancellations
         2. [7]DIoT Workshop
         3. [8]TPAC
         4. [9]IG Charter
         5. [10]WG charter
         6. [11]New tweet for DIoT Workshop
         7. [12]Smart City Workshop
         8. [13]Testing before CR transition
    3. [14]Publication planning
    4. [15]Liaisons
         1. [16]ITU-T
         2. [17]ECHONET
         3. [18]ISO TC 184/SC4
         4. [19]ECLASS
         5. [20]OPC UA
    5. [21]IG Charter - revisited
    6. [22]TF Reports
         1. [23]Scripting
         2. [24]Security/Discovery
         3. [25]Marketing
         4. [26]Use cases
         5. [27]Thing Description
         6. [28]Architecture
    7. [29]Summary of resolutions

Meeting minutes


   <kaz> [30]July-28

     [30] https://www.w3.org/2021/07/28-wot-minutes.html

   Sebastian: we discussed meeting schedules and announcements of
   … tpac
   … changes in the IG charter
   … status of W3C smart cities workshop
   … publication planning, keep our eyes on the deadline
   … as usual TF reports
   … any comments about the minutes?
   … minutes approved

  Quick updates

    Meeting cancellations

   <kaz> [31]Cancellations

     [31] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Cancellations

   Sebastian: please refer to the wiki about meeting cancellations
   … they are valid only for August
   … there's some exceptions like Scripting API and Use Case
   … this call and the TD call
   … TD call will also happen next week
   … mostly about binding topics
   … after 30 August we'll start again with the regular schedule
   … any comments?

    DIoT Workshop

   Sebastian: Discovery IoT workshop is calling for papers
   … deadline is the first of September
   … please share on your social media

   Cristiano: thank you for mentioning it
   … there was a tweet proposal, is it live?

   Sebastian: it seems not

   Ege: it should be on mccool

   <sebastian> At the International Workshop on the Discovery on
   the Internet of Things ([32]https://bit.ly/DIoTWS) on Nov 8-12,
   Michael McCool will be giving a keynote on the WoT Discovery
   process and API.

     [32] https://bit.ly/DIoTWS)

   <dape> [33]McCool's last comments

     [33] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-wot-ig/2021Jul/0016.html

   Sebastian: it would be better to have a tweet specifically
   about the call for paper

   Cristiano: it would be even better

   Daniel: the tweet below is supposed to be extended

   Sebastian: yes but it focused on the keynote rather than the
   conference itself or cfp

   Ege: if we do two tweets it might be problematic to ping in the
   top feed in the website
   … I suggest to merge them in one

   Sebastian: I little bit too long

   Ege: anyhow I'll send it in the mailing list asap


   Sebastian: we have already a wiki for that

   <sebastian> [34]https://doodle.com/poll/c48w8m4naxfnzw5n

     [34] https://doodle.com/poll/c48w8m4naxfnzw5n

   Sebastian: please submit your preference for the Test fest in
   the doodle pool above
   … once we have it we can plan other meetings
   … currently there's just a copied content from the previous
   … we should focus on meeting about open topics critical to our
   … like with the json-ld group
   … about the TD round-tripping

   Kaz: given the deadline is September 10, please put your
   preference as soon as possible
   … then I'll create another one to pick the actual time

   Sebastian: by September 8 we'll have our final decision

    IG Charter

   Sebastian: it is important since it is expiring
   … mccool did small updates
   … I am asking the round to merge it
   … he added sustainability topic

   Sebastian: no templates already addressed in the current
   … new security topics

   Sebastian: and implementation guides, very important to
   increase technology adherence
   … we already agreed on this PR
   … any objections?

   Kaz: The diagram image is a little bit too big, I'll try to fix
   … other comments?

   <sebastian> proposal: group agrees on the new draft of the IG
   charter which will be submitted to the W3M

   Resolution: group agrees on the new draft of the IG charter
   which will be submitted to the W3M [35]https://w3c.github.io/

     [35] https://w3c.github.io/wot/charters/wot-ig-2021-proposed.html

   Kaz: please just note before bring up to the W3M we have to
   finish the process on Github

   <kaz> [36]strategy funnel issue 274

     [36] https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/274

    WG charter

   Sebastian: it should be renewed too
   … do we need TD 2.0 or Discovery 1.1?
   … there's an issue open for proposals / ideas

    New tweet for DIoT Workshop

   <sebastian> At the International Workshop on the Discovery on
   the Internet of Things ([37]https://bit.ly/DIoTWS) on Nov 8-12,
   Michael McCool will be giving a keynote on the WoT Discovery
   process and API. The Call for Papers is also online with a
   deadline of 01.09.2021. @DIoT82564518 #IoT

     [37] https://bit.ly/DIoTWS)

   <sebastian> +1

   Daniel: just a small comment about the date, is it right?

   <sebastian> Sep 1, 2021

   Cristiano: can you use also the hashtag above?

   Ege: it seems that it fits

   <Ege> At the International Workshop on the Discovery on the
   Internet of Things ([38]https://bit.ly/DIoTWS) on Nov 8-12,
   Michael McCool will be giving a keynote on the WoT Discovery
   process and API. The Call for Papers is also online with a
   deadline of Sep 1. @DIoT82564518 #IoT #DIoT2021

     [38] https://bit.ly/DIoTWS)

   Sebastian: is it ok to publish this tweet?

   <sebastian> any objections?

   <sebastian> no

   Sebastian: approved

   Ege: published

   <Ege> [39]https://twitter.com/W3C_WoT/status/

     [39] https://twitter.com/W3C_WoT/status/1422899943212265481

    Smart City Workshop

   Sebastian: official report to be published

   Kaz: I actually updated the report based on the feedback that I
   … it is ready to be published

   <Ege> by the way, I think that [40]https://twitter.com/
   lmy441900 has a bot liking and retweeting every tweet of us :D

     [40] https://twitter.com/lmy441900

   Sebastian: how is the process for the chair selection?

   Kaz: I'll send the request to workshop committee
   … it is quite an hard role

    Testing before CR transition

   Sebastian: no updates, I just know that mccool is working on

   Ege: form what I remember he updated the tool chain to use the
   playground outputs
   … we added new assertion tests
   … also we are waiting for the TD spec to be frozen

   Sebastian: ok let's wait then

  Publication planning

   Sebastian: we should define the milestones for the extensions
   … please use the calculator tool to obtain the different dates
   for transitions



   Sebastian: any news from ITU-T?

   Kaz: after the vacation season we can continue the discussion
   about possible collaboration for plugfests and testing
   … still ongoing


   Sebastian: echonet?

   Kaz: we received the use case proposal.
   … we can continue to review it

    ISO TC 184/SC4

   Sebastian: ISO TC184/SC4

   Kaz: ongoing

   Sebastian: related to ECLASS


   Sebastian: eclass have submitted an use case
   … se below

   <sebastian> [41]https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/140

     [41] https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/140

   Sebastian: interesting because is a retail use case

   Ege: are they using sematic just by referencing a document?
   … is not the first time I am seeing this
   … do we need to introduce such mechanism

   Sebastian: is not really a document
   … is the real vocabulary term
   … they will the RDF document

   Cristiano: I've seen this in the json schema core spec

   Sebastian: maybe we can bring this up again with Christian
   … only 5 minutes left

    OPC UA

   Sebastian: OPC UA we had a guest from OPC UA
   … but we'll continue the discussion after the vacations

  IG Charter - revisited

   <kaz> [42]draft IG Charter

     [42] https://w3c.github.io/wot/charters/wot-ig-2021-proposed.html

   Kaz: updated the picture size for the draft IG Charter

  TF Reports


   Daniel: we'll have a meeting next week
   … an issue that keep us busy is if the writeproperty should
   return a value
   … it touches also other TF
   … I suggest to move the discussion on TD


   Sebastian: no security call
   … no discovery call


   Sebastian: marketing cancelled

    Use cases

   Ege: we had two presentations, one from connexus and another
   from echonet.
   … connexus presentation was a recap of 2021
   … there will be a followup where they are going present
   concrete use-cases based on end users stories
   … then echonet
   … how well can we present a set of affordances from different
   … how to represent this with a TD
   … we need to work on if we want full compatibility
   … not sure when the discussion will continue

   Kaz: the conclusion was to merge the PR and continue further
   discussion based on that

    Thing Description

   Sebastian: small typo fixes
   … topics regarding actions and async actions
   … how to query action state
   … finding a way to initialize the connection
   … form is mandatory and is problematic
   … we decided to make it optional for ws
   … it could led to backward compatibility problems
   … but it would be nice to solve
   … we'll continue the discussion today


   Sebastian: I joined late
   … async actions

   Kaz: yes
   … and events
   … and which version of SSE should we use

   Cristiano: Ben proposed a new process for approval of PRs
   … did you have the chance to review it?

   Kaz: we need more participants to decide such thing

   Sebastian: yeah, I'll put it on the backlog

   <kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of resolutions

    1. [43]group agrees on the new draft of the IG charter which
       will be submitted to the W3M https://w3c.github.io/wot/

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [44]scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).

     [44] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Received on Monday, 27 September 2021 19:43:01 UTC