[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 4 March 2020

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Michael McCool!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -


04 Mar 2020


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#11_Mar_2020


          Kaz_Ashimura, Dave_Raggett, Johannes_Soega,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster,
          Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Taki_Kamiya,
          Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Daniel_Peintner,


          Sebastian, McCool

          McCool, kaz


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Guests
         2. [5]Minutes from last meeting
         3. [6]Quick updates
         4. [7]Singapore Govtech PoC/Testbed
         5. [8]Connexus/EdgeX
         6. [9]REC transition
         7. [10]Press release
         8. [11]Architecture summary (Lagally may have to leave)
         9. [12]Press release again
        10. [13]Virtual F2F
        11. [14]Helsinki F2F
        12. [15]TPAC
        13. [16]Scripting TF
        14. [17]Security TF
        15. [18]Discovery TF
        16. [19]Testing
        17. [20]Marketing
        18. [21]TD
        19. [22]Binding
        20. [23]AOB
     * [24]Summary of Action Items
     * [25]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribenick: McCool


   Sebastian: BSH; Johannes Soega

   Johannes: introduction
   ... I am working with BSH, strategy dept; for connected
   products and services
   ... have iot-enabled devices; more connected devices in future,
   need to look at standards
   ... looking into WoT after contacting Sebastian

   Sebastian: Welcome!

   Kaz: procedural note; BSH/Johannes needs to be aware of patent

   <kaz> [26]W3C Patent Policy

     [26] https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20170801/

   <kaz> [27]PP FAQ

     [27] https://www.w3.org/2003/12/22-pp-faq.html#non-participants

   Sebastian: yes; have reviewed; discussion is public; if becomes
   part of spec, will need to be royalty-free

   Kaz: although today's discussion should not be technical :)

Minutes from last meeting

   <kaz> [28]Feb-26 minutes

     [28] https://www.w3.org/2020/02/26-wot-minutes.html

   Sebastian: reviews minutes at
   ... any objections to making minutes public?
   ... no objections; will make public

     [29] https://www.w3.org/2020/02/26-wot-minutes.html

Quick updates

   Sebastian: building IoT conference; gave presentation on WoT
   ... shared slides in wot member list; see email
   ... also did a live survey about who had heard of WoT
   ... positive feedback on talk, several were considering joining
   ... will discuss further in marketing call, including numbers,

   next, singapore poc

Singaprore Govtech PoC/Testbed

   <inserted> scribenick: kaz

   McCool: discussion on security infrastructure
   ... there was some logistics issue as well
   ... US Daylight Saving Time will start next week
   ... but we'd like to stick with the current time in Singapore
   ... will allocate a new WebEx for that
   ... also had discussion how to update node-wot for OAuth
   ... would make a PR for TD for that purpose
   ... wondering who could work on implementation
   ... different people with different rights

   Koster: do we need to have our own specification?

   McCool: we'll work on OAuth for TD

   Koster: TLS stuff is not really in scope

   McCool: we need to document node-wot for Proof-of-concept
   ... provisioning using node-wot

   Sebastian: we have OAuth in the spec but should clarify the
   process flow?

   McCool: yeah, need to clarify the code flow
   ... would have all the flow for OAuth2
   ... need documentation about node-wot as well
   ... related to the tutorial session during the online f2f next
   ... need help from the node-wot experts

   <inserted> scribenick: McCool

   McCool: had discussion with security architecture
   ... need to look at improving the security implementation in

   Lagally: what also came up was how to deal with streaming
   ... eg video streams and web sockets
   ... at one point we need to assess how much testability we can
   ... for example, for video codecs, consider all the different
   kinds of codecs
   ... it's unreasonable to have testing all those in scope

   Sebastian: I think we probably we should set up a separate call
   on that

   McCool: please join govtech call if possible

   Kaz: we should use govtech call to extract requirements; we
   should discuss the details in other calls

   Lagally: a discussion that should happen in architecture
   ... we have some use cases to discuss; these should be written
   up as well


   <inserted> scribenick: kaz

   McCool: working on retail use cases
   ... including IoT orchestration
   ... integrating WoT directory as well
   ... take the requirements first like the Singapore discussion

   Lagally: note that David and I have been working on some
   initial use case

   McCool: ok
   ... have to look into what is done so far

   <inserted> scribenick: McCool

   McCool: probably just the tip of the iceberg at this point;
   more to come

REC transition

   Sebastian: voting results are in the agenda; 17+1 for arch, 17
   for TD

   <inserted> scribenick: kaz

   McCool: suggest we add more clarifications for use case
   ... but we've been working on new use cases for v2
   ... should get back to them and explain the situation

   <inserted> scribenick: McCool

   McCool: can Lagally reach out to the commentor on the use case?

   Lagally: yes, I can do that; via email

Press release

   Sebastian: PR from mm
   ... will ask marcomm to review; others should look at too
   ... discuss marketing call

   <kaz> McCool: two things remaining within the proposed press
   release draft

   McCool: need quote; need to update figure

   Lagally: working on figure

   Sebastian: testimonials?

   Lagally: working on it

   McCool: working on it

   Sebastian: deadline is tomorrow
   ... ... well, not really, but sooner is better

Architecture summary (Lagally may have to leave)

   Lagally: looked at use cases, now have govtech and connexus on
   the table

Press release again

   Sebastian: will discuss in marketing call tomorrow, hopefully
   can get someone from marcomm

Virtual F2F

   Sebastian: so... cancellation of march f2f was probably a good
   thing in the end...
   ... but we need to finalize the virtual f2f plans
   ... but we were requested to give a node-wot tutorial
   ... should allocate a session to give a tutorial on node-wot
   ... (reviews the current schedule)

   <kaz> [30]Virtual F2F draft agenda

     [30] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_16-19_March_2020,_Online

   Sebastian: good to have tutorial... when
   ... is anyone going to IETF?
   ... it looks like T2TRG workshop will be cancelled, so

   Koster: I'm cancelling my IETF trip as well
   ... this week is also a virtual F2F for OCF
   ... it's virtual all over the place now

   Sebastian: suggest that chairs come up with a concrete plan

   McCool: also task forces need to fill in some details

Helsinki F2F

   McCool: plan is still to have it at that point
   ... please do update your registrations as necessary, though


   <kaz> [31]message on the Chairs list (Member-only)

     [31] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2020JanMar/0049.html

   McCool: want to know if we have support from the members to
   open the plenary day to developers
   ... any objections?
   ... hearing none... I'll say we support this

Scripting TF

   Zoltan: looked at error handling
   ... want to factor out the algorithm in the protocol binding
   ... there are also some small inconsistencies to fix

   Sebastian: so what is the plan?

   Zoltan: a lot of errors are exposed in different ways
   ... need to worry about mapping to JS errors, controlling
   detail for security, etc
   ... ongoing work, small changes right now
   ... new issue about discovery; current scope is larger
   ... but that will mainly be discussed in the discovery call

Security TF

   McCool: discussed reorg, end-to-end security

Discovery TF

   <inserted> thing-directory Sebastian mentions Fraunhofer's
   project on Thing directory

   <sebastian> [32]https://github.com/linksmart/thing-directory

     [32] https://github.com/linksmart/thing-directory

   McCool: repo reorg, semantic discovery, directorys like DID and
   CoRE RD
   ... need to index and reach out to authors of related projects


   McCool: reorg... still pending


   McCool: worked on press release
   ... then github crashed...
   ... but recreated PR


   Taki: PR 880 coap-content format approved; got a number, need
   to merge for REC
   ... issue 851 closed
   ... proposed REC points to a particular URI for implementation
   report; for next version will use a different URI
   ... related, we need to discuss who we should credit in the
   implementation report
   ... new issue, 882
   ... will discuss in this week's TD call
   ... 848, and 842
   ... read multiple properties; discussion is still ongoing
   ... 842, there is a bug in javascript of document
   ... we fixed it in the REC, but need to fix in the master


   Sebastian: no discussion last week


   Kaz: one note, the presentation sent around by sebastian was
   too big to be distributed
   ... so I'll archive it and send around a link

   Sebastian: ok

   <kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [33]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([34]CVS log)
    $Date: 2020/03/12 15:36:51 $

     [33] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [34] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Thursday, 12 March 2020 15:40:27 UTC