Re: [wot-marketing] minutes - 31 October 2019

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your comments.

I think your points are inline with what I mentioned during the
WoT Marketing call and we should continue to clarify our needs
and requirements using the wot-marketing GitHub repository
(and the WoT Marketing calls) ;)



On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 6:55 PM Dave Raggett <> wrote:

> Hi Kaz,
> My regrets for missing the last marketing TF call. Some comments.
> 1. We have some flexibility with redesigning the /WoT/ landing page, and
> should take advantage of that. It is current an HTML file in W3C’s CVS
> space. The redesign of the W3C site overall is still at the stage of a call
> for proposals, and is likely to take a while, so I wouldn’t let let get in
> the way of changes we need to make now, even if we will have to make
> further changes later when the site redesign comes through.
> 2. The WoT IG page is currently implemented with WordPress, and is
> cumbersome to change. We’ve failed to make regular use of the blog post
> facility that WordPress supports, so I don’t see much point in persevering
> with WordPress for the IG page, as we can and should use the regular W3C
> blog instead when we need to.
> 3. PLH’s autogenerated status pages should be seen as complementary to the
> IG and WG pages.
> 4. We need to consider the target audiences we should be aiming at, e.g.
>         - Decision makers & journalists interested in the IoT and
> potential role of the WoT
>         - Engineers and software developers curious about the WoT
>         - People who are considering joining or have just joined the IG or
> WG
>         - Regular active participants in the IG/WG
> We should exploit social media channels when we have something timely to
> say, e.g. rechartering, major updates to specs, advancement to CR,
> appearances at conferences, workshops, etc.
> We should have introductory materials and tutorials accessible via the
> landing page.  This should include a clear exposition of what problems the
> WoT specs addresses and why this is important to businesses.
> Ideally the tutorials would include online running examples, but this
> requires a WoT server.  Can anyone commit to running a public WoT server
> for the next couple of years?  I could ask the W3C systems team if we could
> run one here, but this would depend on what the IG/WG would want.
> Dave Raggett <>
> W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things

Received on Monday, 4 November 2019 13:42:43 UTC