- From: Kazuyuki Ashimura <ashimura@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2019 23:45:47 +0900
- To: public-wot-ig@w3.org, public-wot-wg@w3.org
available at: https://www.w3.org/2019/12/04-wot-minutes.html also as text below. Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Michael Lagally! Kazuyuki --- [1]W3C [1] http://www.w3.org/ - DRAFT - WoT-IG/WG 04 Dec 2019 Attendees Present Dave_Raggett, Michael_Lagally, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Christian_Block(eCl@ss), Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Markus_Reigl(Siemens), Taki_Kamiya, Daniel_Peintner, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima, David_Ezell, Michael_Koster, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Takahisa_Suzuki, Tetsushi_Matsuda Regrets Chair Sebastian Scribe mlagally Contents * [2]Topics 1. [3]Agenda 2. [4]Quick updates 3. [5]Date/time for the joint call with MEIG 4. [6]Joint call with eClass 5. [7]WG Charter 6. [8]PR resolution 7. [9]Future F2F 8. [10]Marketing TF reports 9. [11]WG Charter (revisited) 10. [12]Marketing call slot? 11. [13]Architecture call * [14]Summary of Action Items * [15]Summary of Resolutions __________________________________________________________ <kaz> scribenick: mlagally Agenda Ege: additional agenda point: Marketing TF resolution to operate independently Sebastian: independent from WG? Ege: independently from main call to reach decisions McCool: additional point: logistics of call timing Kaz: this week and the next there will be important Project Reviews (one on the Repository Manager, another on the W3C Process). So cannot join the Marketing calls. Quick updates <ege> Happy Birthday Sebastian! :D Sebastian: Markus Reigl (Siemens) and Christian Block (eclass) are on the call ... they work on alignment with the TD ... <walks through agenda> <kaz> [16]Agenda [16] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#4_Dec_2019 Date/time for the joint call with MEIG <kaz> [17]doodle results [17] https://doodle.com/poll/724dnmwr38rga8e7 Kaz: based on the doodle results above, the joint discussion with the Media&Entertainment IG will be held on 4 February 2020 during the MEIG call ... I'll send a reminder with the concrete WebEx coordinate to you all. Joint call with eClass Markus: most of us met before, I'm heading the Siemens standards and regulation business ... Siemens is involved in other SDOs ... we are also member of eClass EV. ... This is a non-profit organisation to define an XML based standard to describe assets ... The standard exists already since 20 years ... primarily used for B2B and B2C, logistic applications, supply chain on purchase side to classify and describe a product in electronic catalogs ... representing a taxonomy based, tree based system for provisioning of dictionaries in more than 30 industrial domains, e.g. medical, production, food and beverage ... frequently used to structure catalogue data to be widely used ... exchanged between value / trade partners ... The classification part has 4 layers ... <shows an example of a web shop for fashion items> ... <another example: screws, bolts and nuts, which may have additional properties, e.g. sizes, head shape, ...> ... another example: a motor that has different classification data. This data can be retieved from a vendor-provided database that follows the eClass standard. ... we call that almost a "digital twin", it has hundreds of properties ... another example: DC power supply, that is classified using the 4 layers. In addition it contains the engineering data. ... Let me explain the eClass orginsation ... Primarily an european outreach, used in France, Netherlands, Spain, ... ... currently only little use in Japan and PR China ... Head office has around 6 people, there's a CRM and CRD for management and design of requirements for the next release ... releases typically once a year ... there are 45 expert groups, e.g. medical, electric goods, electric controls, sensors ... 140 member companies, 3000 applications, even in the US we observe some downloads Lagally: what does an application mean? Markus: usage of the specification by a company ... properties describe all relevant aspects of a device, this goes down to almost a digital twin ... segments - main group - group - subgroup ... under the subgroup you see the properties ... eClass is very advanced in terms of classes and properties - German and France have contributed heavily ... define semantcs for Industry 4.0 use cases ... This is why eClass has approached the W3C ... eClass standard can rovide a very rich classification and property repository that can be used for thing descriptions McCool: we have to see how to use eClass vocabulary Markus: Christian has been working with other W3C members Christian: LEt me summarize technical aspects of eClass ... >40000 classes are managed in a online catalog ... we intend to bring this catalog with rich semantics to the thing description ... application classes and proerties can have synonyms as keywords ... advanced concepts: we have a bundling of properties ... e.g. bundle all properties of one manufacturer ... we offer object oriented concepts such as cardinality and polymorphism ... all is encoded in XML and linked ... at the moment it is a rich dictionary which describes also semantics ... we had a kick-off meeting in Munich in June ... since June we had 8 meetings ... we analyzed how to incorporate eClass in thing description ... JSON-LD linkage to eClass dictionary ... as a step further we may need an RDF/OWL representation ... data model is based on an ISO norm, 3 companies have tried to do a model transformation ... transformation of advanced concepts causes some issues ... we are working on transformation to RDF/OWL ... we plan for a F2F for 2020 Kaz: this work includes 3 pieces, not only TD but also data schema and data catalog, and I think we should think about all those 3 pieces. ... in addition, recently W3C started decentralized identifier work, and that may also be applicable ... further collaboration would be useful <inserted> (Koster mentions "very interesting and would like to follow up on intersections with iotschema and OneDM definitions. Unfortunately I need to drop ff now for another meeting".) Lagally: did you find any gaps / new requirements for TD or WoT architecture Sebastian: I'm positive we can address the use cases Lagally: how do you describe semantics / digital twin? Markus: digital twin has different interpretations, you may need several hundred properties, eClass defines a structured way to describe properties Lagally: are you also targeting other geos? Markus: in manufacturers in China and Japan, Alibaba, Granger and Amazon in the US Lagally: thanks! Ege: linking of a TD to an eClass would be very beneficial, is this already possible? Christian: references to the dictionary via an IRDI is already possible Ege: in a deployment scenario, I may be able to generate a TD automatically ... are there any plans to host eClass descriptions on the device? Christian: the device can provide the class identifiers and then can be looked up McCool: we are running out of time, continue in the next TD call? Sebastian: we may have a separate group that writes a guideline document McCool: suggest to start in the TD call ... we need to talk about PR resolution <Christian-Block> the current eCl@ss metamodel as mentioned: [18]http://wiki.eclass.eu/wiki/ISO_13584-32_ontoML [18] http://wiki.eclass.eu/wiki/ISO_13584-32_ontoML WG Charter Sebastian: deadline is in two weeks - we have 11 supporters, Adobe suggested some small changes ... let's revisit in next week's call ... if your company has not yet voted, please ping your AC rep PR resolution (Lagally has a problem weith WebEx and Kaz takes over the scribe) scribenick: kaz McCool: agree that it would be confusing to have both readOnly and writeOnly Lagally: as Ege pointed out, we're inconsistent with TD and Architecture Sebastian: where the specs mention them? Ege: the property is subset of data schema <kaz> [19] DataSchema from TD spec [19] https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/CR-wot-thing-description-20191106/#dataschema McCool: we can't change the spec given it's already a CR ... can we live with the current spec? (no objections) McCool: the CR2 period for TD is over now ... and the question is if we're ready for a resolution for PR transition? McCool: should we have the resolution today, otherwise we may run into timing issues scribenick: mlagally Taki: in the TD spec there's still CoAP content part defined as t.b.d. - we should fix this before going to PR scribenick: kaz Kaz: we need to clarify that all the Issues and PRs are resolved (or marked as "v.next"). also we need to display all the features are implementable using the Implementation Report. scribenick: mlagally Sebastian: we could have the PR resolution on Friday McCool: we may need to do updates to remove the at risk items Kaz: based on the updates, we need to talk with Ralph and PLH prior to the transition. Future F2F <McCool> mccool: I will have to drop at half-past, regrets in advance Sebastian: Mozilla offers to host at different locations ... We should go for an option that allows for many people ... Mountain View can host most people, let's decide next week ... June/July potentially hosted by Intel in Helsinki Marketing TF reports <McCool> mccool: sorry, i have to drop; re marketing resolution, I vote "yes" <discussion about whether marketing is empowered to make resolutions about communication to the outside world by themselves Lagally: prefer to present significant material to the main group and ask for approval. Minor changes, blog posts, Wikipedia etc. are fine. Taki: I suggest to post to the mailing list, so everybody can review beforehand <sebastian> proposal: are there significant changes that should be shared to the public (e.g., white papers, slides) there shall be a vote during the main call (a notification to the group should be shared beforehand), minor changes like blog posts, wikipedia etc can be changed directly by the marketing TF team RESOLUTION: are there significant changes that should be shared to the public (e.g., white papers, slides) there shall be a vote during the main call (a notification to the group should be shared beforehand), minor changes like blog posts, wikipedia etc can be changed directly by the marketing TF team WG Charter (revisited) <Zakim> kaz, you wanted to mention PR910/910 for the wg charter draft Kaz: Sorry but we didn't explicitly confirm the recent changes to the WG Charter draft, so please let me rivisit that quickly. ... I have created PRs to update the WG Charter draft using the text from the new Charter template based on our agreement during the previous call [20]PR910 and [21]PR911 for the update [20] https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/910 [21] https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/911 Kaz: got approval from assigned reviewers, so will merge them Marketing call slot? scribenick: kaz Kaz: regarding the proposal to change the date/time for the marketing call to avoid the overlaps with the Project Reviews, I'll send a message to the group list Architecture call Lagally: there will be an Architecture call tomorrow on Dec. 5 [adjourned] Summary of Action Items Summary of Resolutions 1. [22]are there significant changes that should be shared to the public (e.g., white papers, slides) there shall be a vote during the main call (a notification to the group should be shared beforehand), minor changes like blog posts, wikipedia etc can be changed directly by the marketing TF team [End of minutes] __________________________________________________________ Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's [23]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([24]CVS log) $Date: 2019/12/05 14:38:17 $ [23] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm [24] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/
Received on Thursday, 5 December 2019 14:46:00 UTC